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23-02-2015, 12:17 PM

Re: Anyone for Mars ?

What about the normal every day things, after all they are not talking about a week, a month or even a year or two? Daily bodily functions, bathing/showering, dental care, health care, baby care (presumably the idea is to have them), or will it be a matter of going back to the real basics, i.e. the fittest survive? No, I donīt think I want to go, I get bored easily and living on Mars is beginning to sound extremely boring to me.
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23-02-2015, 06:57 PM

Re: Anyone for Mars ?

And it's not as if they could leave the home and go sight seeing.

I spy, with my little eye, something beginning with...RD.

Red dust.

Correct. Your turn.

I spy, with my little eye, something beginning with...RD.

How on earth they could reproduce up there beats me, but the woman was saying the kids would have space to run around in! Huh??? What the heck could they do to occupy themselves?

No, I too think it is all baloney and though I complain bitterly about life on earth I couldn't imagine a life on Mars! Good luck to em.
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24-02-2015, 08:12 PM

Re: Anyone for Mars ?

Could we get Over50s up there?
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11-03-2015, 12:40 AM

Re: Anyone for Mars ?

Originally Posted by OP
" number of people selected to go to Mars in 2024 to live - never come back ...... How is that possible and why would anyone agree to it "
Because what you're being told about the state of our technology and what's out there is baloney. The elite have super technology already. They don't need solar energy, wind turbines, etc. They keep us using fossil fuels and inefficient energy sources because it can be charged for and thus keep us enslaved.

Mars was very patently mankind's dwelling place before Earth. There are pyramids on Mars in the area known as Cydonia and doubtless, lots of space missions have been sent there to find the remains and uncover the technologies they had. Earth, as I have mentioned on another thread has a MASSIVE and IMMEDIATE problem which is population growth. It's the number one threat. The world will be "reset" in the near future and the population reduced back to something like 500m rather than billions. If it isn't we are going to have a massive shortfall of food and everything will get very ugly.

Moving to Mars is obviously one avenue for the elite to escape that apocalyptic scenario.

By way of further background I will mention that there are countless landmarks all across the world that have been laid out in the shape of the star cluster Pleidaes (or The Seven Sisters). Big landmarks in many many different countries across the world. The Vatican in Rome, ruins in Libya, Tibet, Africa, obviously the pyramids at Giza in Egypt. In fact ALL the pyramids that exist all along the river Nile (and there are many), ALL are built and positioned to exactly mirror the constellations of the Milky Way. They are a star map. But the constellation Pleiades has HUGE significance and has clearly been revered for centuries past.

What has this all to do with going to Mars?

Well the pyramid structures on Mars just happen to be positions to exactly mirror the constellation Pleiades and surrounding stars as well.

I encourage you to watch this You Tube clip :

where someone takes a clear transparency and marks on it all of the Mars pyramids and then overlays it on a computer screen showing the constellations (using a piece of freely available astronomical software, either Celestia or Stellarium)

The resulting match between the Mars pyramids and buildings to the stars is astonishing. This all has something to do with our real origins.

The manned trips to Mars are undoubtedly about making life habitable there and establishing early supremacy in our Solar System.
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11-03-2015, 11:15 AM

Re: Anyone for Mars ?

Very interesting Arthur,
Wasn't there a chap called 'Eric Von Daniken' who subscribed to a similar theory?
There has always been some doubt as to the theory of evolution, did we indeed evolve from the apes? It seems odd that we have been around for several million years and yet there has been more progress in the last two hundred years than the preceding millions: and it's getting faster by the year. I doubt whether this is sustainable.
Population; as you rightly point out, will be our downfall; we are victims of our own success. I imagine breaking point will occur long after my passing, although with all the wars springing up, and people migrating to safer regions to escape the destruction, the population will become so concentrated in certain areas, the house of cards may come crashing down sooner than expected.
For years now it has been fascinating to discover the ingenuity of the human race in previous constructional projects; how could they have built so accurately without today's technology? and how could they have mapped the universe with their limited, or non-existent equipment? Have you sometimes wondered at the pointed spire of a church and thought how close it resembles that of a spacecraft?
Could it be that the knowledge has been there all the time, and it's only now we have the infrastructure in place to produce materials and technology necessary to return home...
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11-03-2015, 03:59 PM

Re: Anyone for Mars ?

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
Wasn't there a chap called 'Eric Von Daniken' who subscribed to a similar theory?
Not quite the same thing I'm afraid. Von Daniken was interpreting lines and symbols in the Nazca desert as being something (runways for UFOs).

What I am highlighting here are the plethora of large landmarks, buildings, castles, ruins etc that have been DELIBERATELY built and positioned so as to mimic the constellation Pleiades. The sun-like stars in the vicinity of Pleiades are of immense importance and have likely been a closely guarded secret of the Freemasons who refer to all of this in the teachings of their tracing boards.

For a great deal more info that will likely change your entire perspective of who we are, where we came from and who is keeping all the knowledge from us, have a browse through this website:

There is simply too much evidence out there for these truths to remain secrets much longer.
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11-03-2015, 04:32 PM

Re: Anyone for Mars ?

Well I'm on your planet Arthur - its not in the realms of fantasy at all
Too much info kept from us ......
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11-03-2015, 10:24 PM

Re: Anyone for Mars ?

Apologies, the URL I posted in previous post is incorrect. Should have been:

I can't see any option to edit the prev post
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11-03-2015, 10:56 PM

Re: Anyone for Mars ?

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Earth, as I have mentioned on another thread has a MASSIVE and IMMEDIATE problem which is population growth. It's the number one threat. The world will be "reset" in the near future and the population reduced back to something like 500m rather than billions. If it isn't we are going to have a massive shortfall of food and everything will get very ugly.
Not quite sure how you imagine this 'reset' thing will happen but I do agree with you (and have made the same point in one or two posts as well)

Personally I'm convinced it won't happen in the next 30 years so I'll be long gone by then and don't really care.

What I find irksome is that we are forever hearing about housing shortage, road traffic congestion, hospitals unable to cope, etc. etc. in every case the answer is not throw more money at the problem but start to control population, but no one is even thinking about that
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11-03-2015, 11:06 PM

Re: Anyone for Mars ?

I would like to buy three tickets please, as presents for ...
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