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16-03-2021, 12:36 PM

Re: Astra zeneca and EU ??

Originally Posted by Dextrous63 ->
If I were a gambling man, I'd put money on it being a short term political reaction to allay the fears of each country's population. The last thing anyone needs is a prolonged delay in the vaccination program and members of the public need reassurance that it's safe ASAP.

Would imagine that every country who has postponed its usage will have the evidence it needs within a few days and things will return to normal early next week.
Could be Dex, except that the actions of Merkel and Macron seem
designed to create fears in the populations , not to allay them ??
I haven't worked out what their motives could be for this yet but as
you say ,it should be resolved at the upcoming EU meeting ?
We shall see??

Donkeyman! 🤔🤔🤔
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16-03-2021, 12:38 PM

Re: Astra zeneca and EU ??

Originally Posted by Pixie Knuckles ->
Well, I heard that the blood clotting was an issue.....I must admit, if I was offered the AZ vaccine, I would refuse it, based on what I have read.
Then you loss will be someone else's gain
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16-03-2021, 12:39 PM

Re: Astra zeneca and EU ??

Originally Posted by Tedc ->
I read, somewhere, OGF, that blood thinners are benefiial with those who get the virus. It said they lower the chances of clots.

With your heart history, I'm surprised you're not on them.

I'm no longer on the old warfarin, with it's regular blood tests, having been moved over to the much easier Eliquis Apixaban (twice daily).

Maybe your doc would give you some to get past this, even though the risks are small ?
Thanks Ted, I'm on a low dose aspirin everyday, and a low dose of Ramipril, just recently (against my better judgement) I have started taking Allopurinol for my gout, should the results of the Allopurinol fail to stop the attacks of gout after twelve months, I will stop taking them. I watched my Dad deteriorate over the years after taking around 16 tablets daily, some tablets were to offset the effects from other tablets. As you probably know, I live a very active life, and when medication, including vaccines, gets in the way of that I will stop taking them.
It may seem a selfish approach Ted, but you will never find me in a wheelchair or nursing home anytime soon....Although the jury is still out on the wheelchair....
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16-03-2021, 12:48 PM

Re: Astra zeneca and EU ??

Originally Posted by Tedc ->
It's a no brainer, unless you are in the EU and desperate for anything which can be used as an excuse!
Precisely this. Not only is it a damned sight cheaper than the other makes, we (UK) have produced it faster and vaccinated more of our citizens in the process. It's pure political posturing on the EU's part with no substance in fact.
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16-03-2021, 12:50 PM

Re: Astra zeneca and EU ??
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16-03-2021, 01:03 PM

Re: Astra zeneca and EU ??

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
Thanks Ted, I'm on a low dose aspirin everyday, and a low dose of Ramipril, just recently (against my better judgement) I have started taking Allopurinol for my gout, should the results of the Allopurinol fail to stop the attacks of gout after twelve months, I will stop taking them. I watched my Dad deteriorate over the years after taking around 16 tablets daily, some tablets were to offset the effects from other tablets. As you probably know, I live a very active life, and when medication, including vaccines, gets in the way of that I will stop taking them.
It may seem a selfish approach Ted, but you will never find me in a wheelchair or nursing home anytime soon....Although the jury is still out on the wheelchair....
I will 84 this year and have been on 5 different medications for the past 30 years. One is for high cholesterol and two are for high blood pressure. My brother died at 63 and my father at 70, both from massive heart attacks. I will keep on taking the tablets if they keep me going.
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16-03-2021, 01:07 PM

Re: Astra zeneca and EU ??

Originally Posted by PooBear ->
It's all a question of balance OGF.

I have survived ten heart attacks and my subsequent general health dictates that if I caught Covid 19 I would die - period.

Now 40 cases of clotting out of 17million vaccinations, mostly of the elderly, seems good odds to me. If I do get a clot and die, then so be it.
Blimey PooBear!.... Respect Mate....

Although I love meeting people and socialising, I am somewhat of a loner, and apart from regular early morning runs (before anyone is awake) and frequent visits to the wild places (moors & Mountains) I hardly ever go out, especially since lockdown, which in my case has been since last March. I also live out in the sticks where the incidence of covid has been almost nil. So, like the 64 million souls who have not caught covid yet, I consider my odds of catching the virus exceedingly low.

Add to that, if I do catch covid, I consider my chances of survival to be very good. There have been many surprises since the start of the covid pandemic, and one of them is the amount of people who considered covid as being a death sentence and were surprised to have recovered without the need for hospital intervention, in fact some cases reported it as not being as bad as a bad cold. Obviously, you only hear about the poor unfortunate ones who did not survive or ended up with long covid. For those people, and their family members I feel very sad and my heart goes out to them, and I understand the reasons why it has been reported thus, better to be safe than sorry, and to make people realise how serious the situation is and we all must play our part and observe the restrictions placed on us.

I've spent a lifetime taking risks, far too many to post in this reply, and I must admit, there have been times when I have been stupid and reckless, but lucky....So risking catching covid and experiencing the results by not taking a vaccine is just another risk at the bottom of a very large and ever growing list of risks....Good luck PooBear, and stay safe.....
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16-03-2021, 01:18 PM

Re: Astra zeneca and EU ??

Originally Posted by scot37 ->
I will 84 this year and have been on 5 different medications for the past 30 years. One is for high cholesterol and two are for high blood pressure. My brother died at 63 and my father at 70, both from massive heart attacks. I will keep on taking the tablets if they keep me going.
And the very best of health Scot, long may you continue...

My blood pressure has always been on the low side, and because my resting heart rate is in the mid forties, beta blockers made me very ill so I was taken off them. I refused to take statins after several friends and family members had their mobility much reduced after muscle and joint pains.
So I now approach any medication with extreme caution, and if I can survive without it and continue with a very active life I will. But having said that, things change and I would not refuse medication in the future.
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16-03-2021, 01:24 PM

Re: Astra zeneca and EU ??

Originally Posted by Mups ->
Same here, Summer.

In fact I am thinking of decling the second one.
Did you report your reaction to the jab Mups??
Maybe your GP can change the type of vaccine you get, for you??
BTW, A friend of ours contracted covid back in march and was hospitalised for 3 weeks, and is now recovering slowly from
multiple blood clots in her lungs, apparently this is due to the
Virus in in 1 in 3 of symptomatic covid cases ??
This compares with 40 in 17 million cases that EU claims are
caused by the AZ vaccine ?? Our friend has never had a vaccine !!

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16-03-2021, 01:30 PM

Re: Astra zeneca and EU ??

Originally Posted by Judd ->
Nothing whatever to do with the EU trying to foster mistrust for the British/Swiss product in the UK and the countries of the EU because of their absolutely abysmal response to the pandemic of course.
That was my first thought too Judd. They are such whineing babies.
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