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17-05-2015, 10:39 AM

Re: Angry & Confused!

Tinnitus is aggravating it's a shame they seem unable to do much about it.
I wonder if meditation might help you Steve, I find it calms me and the noises seem less after a session for several hours.
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18-05-2015, 05:23 PM

Re: Angry & Confused!

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Tinnitus is aggravating it's a shame they seem unable to do much about it.
I wonder if meditation might help you Steve, I find it calms me and the noises seem less after a session for several hours.
Dunno Julie.

The problem is though I can't sit quietly contemplating or meditating because "quiet" is something I just don't know these days.

I have a wide range of noises, some of which never, EVER stop.

If someone says "Have a quiet read" I'd laugh because I can't have a quiet anything!

A long time ago, when I worked for the BBC one of the sound engineers said that if I played the exact noise I hear on a cassette tape for a while, then turned it off I could possibly fool my brain into stopping when I stopped the tape.

One of the electronics guys adapted my old Walkman and the Sound guys got the exact pitch of the noise I heard all the time back then and recorded it onto a loop cassette for me.

When I tried it briefly nothing much happened but at home that night I tried it while watching TV and actually nodded-off!

When I woke up I turned the cassette off and my tinnutis stopped too.

It lasted for about two hours all told but over the following days it became less effective because there's no way you can fool your own brain for long.

I met a bloke once years ago who had tinnutis that was audible to others!

How he lived with that I shall never know - mine was bad enough then but now it's unbelievable.

I never get any peace at all now. stevmk2
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18-05-2015, 09:40 PM

Re: Angry & Confused!

That's interesting they offered me a white noise cassette when I initially had tinnitus had the opposite effect to what they said and the white noise became part of my tinnitus for hours after I turned off the tape
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19-05-2015, 09:29 PM

Re: Angry & Confused!

My tinnitus is quite loud as I type this. I agree...a quiet read? Chance'll be a fine thing, as they say!

Sometimes when in bed both ears are extremely loud.

Interesting about the white noise therapy.
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20-05-2015, 02:57 PM

Re: Angry & Confused!

Latest update: - The "popping" sensation with 50% reduction in hearing capability off and on is still driving me nuts BUT it's gradually getting less.

Consequently the tinnitus has gone down a teeny bit, not that it makes a lot of difference!

As I am out trying to get on with gardening and cutting the grass in between rainshowers I've been taking both aids out for most of the time.

If they ever need to speak to me here it'll help my lip reading! stevmk2
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26-05-2015, 04:32 PM

Re: Angry & Confused!

I awoke yesterday to find I'd lost all hearing in my left ear again.

Over four hours it gradually came back and I'd lost the "popping" sensation but it was muffled again.

This morning it was well-down again and did the same thing but still muffled at this moment.

No popping but occasionally a get a millisecond-or-two break in the muffled hearing and everything's quite clear in my left again but it doesn't last!

To be honest this is so hard to deal with, especially at work yet the Doctor has virtually washed her hands of me and I am waiting for an ENT appointment.

The question now is how long can I put up with this?!

I've noticed the tinnitus on the left has gone down recently but the right's just as bad as ever, possibly worse! stevmk2
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26-05-2015, 05:46 PM

Re: Angry & Confused!

Oh dear Steve. Sorry to hear that. My boss had a terrible problem with her ear last week and popped down to the ent ward and got her ear syringed. She said it was uncomfortable but the difference was tremendous. I looked at it with an otoscope and it was bleeding inside with the trauma , but she's symptom free now. I wish it was as easy for you . You're having a helluva time of it.
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28-05-2015, 08:27 PM

Re: Angry & Confused!

I am beyond my tether.

I didn't even see where I reached the end of it.

I could quite easily kill in the mood I am in now.

How I got through today at work without tearing someone's head off and shoving it up their arse I do not know - I'm obviously stronger than I thought.

My Weekend now but we have to go down to see MIM who was rushed into Hospital the other day after a fall - she is nearly 93, the silly old thing but we both still love her - Gawd knows what she was doing!

I've got a strained wrist that's driving me bonkers - I'm a gardener so I've strapped it up all week but it is killing me now because I just have to do what I want to do!
Ride-on Lawn Mower has no power-assisted steering!!

What with that, the tinnitus, the arthritis, the cramps I'm now getting, the hiatus problem, the diminished hearing and a pain in my flippin' knee now too I've bloody had it!

On me fourth can of bitter now - don't care any more.

Off to Hospital to discuss Implants next week - should be fun - can hardly hear now - tee-hee. stevmk2
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28-05-2015, 08:57 PM

Re: Angry & Confused!

Originally Posted by stevmk2 ->
I am beyond my tether.

I didn't even see where I reached the end of it.

I could quite easily kill in the mood I am in now.

How I got through today at work without tearing someone's head off and shoving it up their arse I do not know - I'm obviously stronger than I thought.

My Weekend now but we have to go down to see MIM who was rushed into Hospital the other day after a fall - she is nearly 93, the silly old thing but we both still love her - Gawd knows what she was doing!

I've got a strained wrist that's driving me bonkers - I'm a gardener so I've strapped it up all week but it is killing me now because I just have to do what I want to do!
Ride-on Lawn Mower has no power-assisted steering!!

What with that, the tinnitus, the arthritis, the cramps I'm now getting, the hiatus problem, the diminished hearing and a pain in my flippin' knee now too I've bloody had it!

On me fourth can of bitter now - don't care any more.

Off to Hospital to discuss Implants next week - should be fun - can hardly hear now - tee-hee. stevmk2
Steve, sorry, I know you're in the thick of it, but the shoving the head up the arse thing did make me laugh!

Enjoy your bitter. Gawd, you deserve it. Hope your appointment at the hospital goes well. Hope your MIL is on the mend. Life's a bitch sometime and don't we all know it!
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28-05-2015, 09:54 PM

Re: Angry & Confused!

I hear ya mate! the Third Age is not for wusses that's for sure, there's always some bit or other of yer bod going wrong Enjoy your beer! I'll have one with you xx
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