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10-11-2014, 03:59 PM

Re: Anyone else have (or had) side-effects from statin use?

My husband was on statins for a few month after heart surgery, even though his cholesterol wasn't high. He got to a state where he couldn't even lift his arm to comb his hair and suffered general muscle pain and cramps. He no longer takes them and would never take them again.

If your cholesterol reading is high, see about getting advice about controlling tit hrough diet. Some doctors are prescribing them as a matter of course and do get a bonus payment for doing so.
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10-11-2014, 05:27 PM

Re: Anyone else have (or had) side-effects from statin use?

Originally Posted by AlbertaS ->
My husband was on statins for a few month after heart surgery, even though his cholesterol wasn't high. He got to a state where he couldn't even lift his arm to comb his hair and suffered general muscle pain and cramps. He no longer takes them and would never take them again.

If your cholesterol reading is high, see about getting advice about controlling tit hrough diet. Some doctors are prescribing them as a matter of course and do get a bonus payment for doing so.
Yes, that's how it was starting to feel for me. Just brushing my hair wore me out and I had to put my arms down to rest them and my legs always felt weak and heavy in the mornings. It's been better since I stopped taking them.

I already do what I can to watch my bad fats and I take fish oil. Maybe I need to up my dose on that and start eating more fiber. Fiber is pretty much absent in my diet, except for the occasional vegetable. I used to love vegetables and ate tons of them, but I burned myself out on them eating so many.
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10-11-2014, 07:55 PM

Re: Anyone else have (or had) side-effects from statin use?

If you find certain side effects particularly troublesome, you should talk to the doctor in charge of your care, the dose may need to be adjusted or you may need a different type of statin.

This applies to any prescribed medication....instead of doing many people just stop taking them?
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10-11-2014, 11:06 PM

Re: Anyone else have (or had) side-effects from statin use?

Originally Posted by Pats ->
If you find certain side effects particularly troublesome, you should talk to the doctor in charge of your care, the dose may need to be adjusted or you may need a different type of statin.

This applies to any prescribed medication....instead of doing many people just stop taking them?
Well, I have a lot of trouble with medications anyway. I can't count how many medications I've had to stop in the past because of side effects. I'm trying to stick to my blood pressure med, even though it causes loss of appetite and bad dry heaves. I'm surprised I can take basic aspirin without problems.

That and I don't particularly like the idea of taking statins anyway.
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11-11-2014, 09:07 AM

Re: Anyone else have (or had) side-effects from statin use?

Originally Posted by Pats ->
If you find certain side effects particularly troublesome, you should talk to the doctor in charge of your care, the dose may need to be adjusted or you may need a different type of statin.

This applies to any prescribed medication....instead of doing many people just stop taking them?
People might consult the GP if they felt safer, I know many people have not been taken seriously about statins and also feel pushed and bullied onto them. Why would you go back to the person who seems to have poisoned you or who is not taking your care seriously ?
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11-11-2014, 10:24 AM

Re: Anyone else have (or had) side-effects from statin use?

GPs can get financial inducements for pushing certain treatments, i believe there are currently around 120 such inducements they can claim. This makes for interesting reading, and goes some way to explaining why my practice still tries to get me back on them.
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11-11-2014, 12:58 PM

Re: Anyone else have (or had) side-effects from statin use?

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
People might consult the GP if they felt safer, I know many people have not been taken seriously about statins and also feel pushed and bullied onto them. Why would you go back to the person who seems to have poisoned you or who is not taking your care seriously ?
My doctor had been trying for a few years now to get me on cholesterol meds. Yes, my cholesterol is high. My triglyceride levels are so high they can't even calculate my LDL. And the older I get, the higher it goes. Every year it goes higher and higher. So I probably SHOULD be on the medication. My mother had a lot of mini strokes that eventually led up to one big massive one that landed her in a nursing home. She had 85-90% blockage of her carotid arteries. And with one big stroke, her whole life changed. In one night she lost her home, her dog and her independence. The nursing home is where she stayed until she died, 2 years later.

I don't want to end up like that. But I'm terrified of statins and the problems I had recently whilst taking them only exacerbated those fears.
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11-11-2014, 09:18 PM

Re: Anyone else have (or had) side-effects from statin use?

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Why would you go back to the person who seems to have poisoned you or who is not taking your care seriously ?
Then change your GP.....and make a complaint of malpractice to the GMC.
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11-11-2014, 10:19 PM

Re: Anyone else have (or had) side-effects from statin use?

Originally Posted by Pats ->
Then change your GP.....and make a complaint of malpractice to the GMC.
How about just be sensible and realise not everyone has those choices, we have spoken many times about how here it's impossible to change GP surgery and still you suggest it every time ! I can also guarantee it would not be seen as malpractice it would be encouraged as they want everyone on statins.
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12-11-2014, 03:31 PM

Re: Anyone else have (or had) side-effects from statin use?

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
......I can also guarantee it would not be seen as malpractice it would be encouraged as they want everyone on statins.
Be one is 'forced' to take any medication that they don't want to take.
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