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21-01-2015, 07:46 PM

Re: Why not make drugs legal

Originally Posted by Diamond Lady ->
I have to disagree Azz, it seems that cannabis is not any less harmful than alcohol. Yes, I agree there are many many people addicted to alcohol , with all the problems it brings to their health and the strain put on the family - they are a drain to live with. However with cannabis it can affect the mind in a terrible way, with just having a few joints on a daily basis.

Let's be honest if we'd known the effects of alcohol all those year's ago, it would probably have been banned too. Both can cause terrible heartache to so many people.
I agree with your post Diamond Lady.

And many play down the harmful effects of cannabis.
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21-01-2015, 07:51 PM

Re: Why not make drugs legal

Originally Posted by littlebob ->
I was in a hospital 30 miles from where I live and waiting for a blood test. There was a very nicely dressed lady sitting next to me, I started chatting to her and I told her I was waiting for a blood test, I then asked if she was waiting for a blood test to. She said "O no I am not a patient I am a counselor, a drugs counselor " I had to ask as many questions before I went in to the Phlebotomist. My main question was " what is the worst drug you can be on " she replied, " O that is an easy one. The worst drug which I would not want to be a counselor for is alcohol " These people can be waiting behind the door to bash you over the head and take your handbag for money to buy alcohol " I was very shocked, I expected her to say " crack " or " heroin " but I was wrong.
I have been told by people who use marijuana all the time, that eating the stuff makes it twice as powerful than smoking it. The reason they smoke it is they want the hit from it right away not in half an hours time. The affect from eating it will last very much longer. Don't have the soup from Thailand bars or you might find the whole evening takes on a different feel. My wifes nephew was a diver out there for a while.
Sorry but I have to disagree with her too. What about the drug addicts that break into your house and hit you over the head for money to buy them and the money they steal from the family - they stop at nothing to get their fix. Isn't it true that a great majority of burglary is drug related?

Let's face it, it's all bad for the addict and family, whatever the addiction is
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21-01-2015, 08:04 PM

Re: Why not make drugs legal

Originally Posted by Diamond Lady ->
Sorry but I have to disagree with her too. What about the drug addicts that break into your house and hit you over the head for money to buy them and the money they steal from the family - they stop at nothing to get their fix. Isn't it true that a great majority of burglary is drug related?

Let's face it, it's all bad for the addict and family, whatever the addiction is
You are of course right. I think the drugs counselor was looking at it from her own personnel safety point of view.
For some reason alchoholics can be very violent people.
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