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11-12-2016, 01:50 PM

Re: Airlines weighing people

24 years as a helicopter crewman I assure you weight is critical and I imagine certainly on long haul ( were endurance is the factor ) then AUW matters
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11-12-2016, 09:21 PM

Re: Airlines weighing people

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
Well I'm pleased about that. It annoys me no end when the person in front's head is under my chin. It's unnecessary to recline seats even on long flights because it is no more comfortable than in the upright position.

Unfortunately, I always get behind the one person on the plane that insists on it. Lots of kicking is the answer.
Good job you are not behind me then else you would get a cold cold drink over your head .
Only small children kick the back of seats and it is more comfortable to recline the seat on a long flight .
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11-12-2016, 10:18 PM

Re: Airlines weighing people

If weight is unimportant, and consequently we should not be weighed prior to flying, why is it that they are particularly concerned about the weight of our baggage? Could it be simply a means of extracting as much money from us as possible.

I am of the opinion that weight is important and that customers should be weighed along with their bags. I'm not saying that their should be severely punitive consequences of being fat, but perhaps a small charge could be made along the lines of that imposed if bags are over a certain weight.

Perhaps more importantly, I believe that people with enormous arses should be charged for two seats if they impose on people in adjacent seats. That can be more than inconvenient for such people who should have as comfortable flight as everyone else. An additional benefit would be to encourage fat lumps to lose weight for the good of their own health.
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12-12-2016, 01:24 AM

Re: Airlines weighing people

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
Well I'm pleased about that. It annoys me no end when the person in front's head is under my chin. It's unnecessary to recline seats even on long flights because it is no more comfortable than in the upright position.

Unfortunately, I always get behind the one person on the plane that insists on it. Lots of kicking is the answer.
Nonsense, I always recline the seat on a long flight you can kick the seat as much as you like. I have a bad back and sitting bolt upright is murder especially if you are try to sleep on a night flight to say, KL.
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12-12-2016, 10:08 AM

Re: Airlines weighing people

This has nothing to do with safety its about money.

If safety was the main issue then it'd be standard practice by ALL carriers and EVERY passenger that looked overweight would be weighed and then they'd be rejected if over a prescribed weight.

Has anyone heard of a passenger (s) being told they cant fly because their weight is detriment al to the aircraft's safety?

Passenger flights never fly to the aircrafts maximum payload.
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12-12-2016, 10:39 AM

Re: Airlines weighing people


Just about to depart.

Eastern European Joke.

What is the difference between an Englishman, an English Woman, and a Polish or Ukrainian Couple?

About 40 kilos.
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23-12-2016, 08:20 AM

Re: Airlines weighing people

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
Only small children kick the back of seats and it is more comfortable to recline the seat on a long flight .
I do long flights 3/ 4 times a year all over 10 hours.

Its never children who kick you seat I find Its 20/30 year old EU females who do that.

Also if you are on an outside seat and trying to sleep they wake you up and need to go had have a piss at least 3 times.

Last flight was on Reclined my seat and it was pushed back very violenty this was not by a small child but by a long haired Moron.
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23-12-2016, 08:26 AM

Re: Airlines weighing people

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

Just about to depart.

Eastern European Joke.

What is the difference between an Englishman, an English Woman, and a Polish or Ukrainian Couple?

About 40 kilos.
Every Polish person I have ever met is well over weight don't know any thing about Ukrainian.
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23-12-2016, 08:40 AM

Re: Airlines weighing people

Do remember 2 years ago was on a 10 hour flight this Old skinny person behind me had to go to the bog.

Every time he went he grabbed the back of my seat to pull himself up.. in the last 3 hours of the flight he had to go every 15 minutes...when we landed and waiting to to leave the plane he asked if he could use the bog again and stated he had a problem
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23-12-2016, 12:12 PM

Re: Airlines weighing people

Originally Posted by galty ->
I do long flights 3/ 4 times a year all over 10 hours.

Its never children who kick you seat I find Its 20/30 year old EU females who do that.

Also if you are on an outside seat and trying to sleep they wake you up and need to go had have a piss at least 3 times.

Last flight was on Reclined my seat and it was pushed back very violenty this was not by a small child but by a long haired Moron.
It beats me why so many people are incapable of behaving in an adult manner on airliners.

And then, of course, we have the ubiquitous drunks on flights to Malaga. Strangely, we never saw any such problems on our flights on Saudia.
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