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18-02-2017, 01:37 PM

Re: What does Brexit mean to you?

Originally Posted by zuludog ->
There were plenty of examples of Remainers changing their minds or reluctantly accepting the result, but they had not been a single example of anyone who voted Leave wanting to change their decision.
I think 99% of people are now accepting this as inevitable and just want the Government to get on with it and make some sensible decisions so we can all go back to business as usual.
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18-02-2017, 01:42 PM

Re: What does Brexit mean to you?

Originally Posted by Purwell ->
Exactly but I'm afraid the gullible have swallowed the lies from the rabble rousers and we shall all have to suffer the consequences.

We have made our bed.... we now have to make the best of it.
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18-02-2017, 01:45 PM

Re: What does Brexit mean to you?

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
I think 99% of people are now accepting this as inevitable and just want the Government to get on with it and make some sensible decisions so we can all go back to business as usual.
Three assertions, three examples of extremely wishful thinking.
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18-02-2017, 01:53 PM

Re: What does Brexit mean to you?

Originally Posted by Devo ->
Brexit to me means the biggest mistake this country has made in my lifetime possibly ever.
In a lot of cases it is a massive confidence trick. In others a means to an end, an end that has not been clearly expressed. Plus it has woken deeply unpleasant forces in this country that has empowered to lowest of the low.
I fear who the scapegoat will be when we have completed our leaving and the land of milk and honey proves to be yet another lie that the gullible have swallowed.
It's not the end of the World. Maybe some who have driven this will profit. But I think it will lead to positive changes in the long term.

This will force to UK to address problems we have been complacent about for years and to implement systems we should have had in place for years. For example immigration controls and restricted access to NHS services by foreigners. These are all in place in other EU countries and we are not in Schengen so we should have been a bit more fussy about letting people in. There has been unchecked migration and Brexit forces the government to face facts.

As for people being nasty, it's better that the underlying feeling is out in the open so people have a say about what's been frustrating them for years. People just need to address those frustrations to those in power and not to foreigners living in their communities.
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18-02-2017, 01:53 PM

Re: What does Brexit mean to you?

We are not going back to "business as usual" we are going down the Swanee.
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18-02-2017, 01:54 PM

Re: What does Brexit mean to you?

Originally Posted by Devo ->
Three assertions, three examples of extremely wishful thinking.
Optimism & hope that common sense will prevail maybe.
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18-02-2017, 01:54 PM

Re: What does Brexit mean to you?

Originally Posted by Purwell ->
We are not going back to "business as usual" we are going down the Swanee.
from chaos there is order.
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18-02-2017, 02:00 PM

Re: What does Brexit mean to you?

What does Brexit mean to you?

Bugger all. Couldn't give a a rat's rectum.
Can't see that it will change my lifestyle one iota.

But it is fascinating to watch all the Poms go into apoplexy.
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18-02-2017, 05:41 PM

Re: What does Brexit mean to you?


EU Immigration has been falling, Non EU Immigration is still rising.

We are losing Nurses at an alarming rate.

The following is an extract from The Express

NHS will need to recruit more British nurses
The NHS cannot be reliant on EU migrants, with more incentives needed to employ British workers as nurses, Janet Davies, the chief executive and general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing has said.

The NHS is on the brink and is struggling to fill the 24,000 nursing vacancies.

And it has seen a huge drop off in foreign workers applying for work since Britain voted to leave the European Union (EU).

Official figures reveal 204 nurses registered in 2016, which was down from 820 in 2015 and 707 the year earlier.
Foreign nurses make up a huge number of NHS staff
Obviously we have to get far more people trained in the UK
Chief executive Royal College of Nursing, Janet Davies
The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) revealed that 101 nurses and midwives from European countries joined the UK register in January compared to 1,304 in July 2016.

Ms Davies, said: “We are very reliant on EU nurses in the NHS, obviously we have to get far more people trained in the UK. We have recruitment drives going on.

“Some places are affected more than others. London will be heavily affected, London has has a very high proportion of EU nurses.”

But Ms Davies said filling the gap with British workers would not happen quickly and the country’s ageing population is simply adding to the problem.

She said: “It is going to be incredibly difficult and in the short term almost impossible. It will take time. We need to make sure that EU nurses who still want to be in the UK can stay.
“We can’t just get people from nowhere.”

Statistics also show a surge in the number of EU nurses who have decided to stop working in the UK, with 318 people leaving the NMC’s register, which is almost twice as many as the number in June, when the referendum took place.

With low wages and high university fees often turning off young Britons from training to become nurses, better incentives are needed to encourage homegrown talent to take up courses.

There were 43,800 applicants in England in January 2016 and 33,810 in January 2017 with the blame pointed at the government’s decision to abolish NHS bursaries and replace them with loans.

Head of the employment relations at the RCN, Josie Irwin, said: ”With recent figures from the NMC revealing a drop in registrations from EU nurses and UCAS reporting a 23% fall in applicants for nursing degree courses the outlook is bleaker than ever for the nursing workforce.”

Stupid Cameron and Osborne abolished free training for our Nurses, now they have to pay.

It is a disgrace that we are not training our own youngsters.
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18-02-2017, 06:16 PM

Re: What does Brexit mean to you?

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
And an over populated one Purwell, where population has outsripped resources. And previous governments have sold off the best bits.....
Oh how much I agree with you OGF - the facts are simple, we are grossly overcrowded so everything suffers, roads, housing, hospitals, and much more.

It's so obvious but no one is looking at a cure for the basic problem, all they are doing is moaning about the need to throw more money at the problems.

No one can deny that a sustainable, liveable, comfortable population for this tiny island that is England, Scotland, and Wales is about 30 million, we are now about double that
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