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01-01-2012, 05:26 PM

Re: varifocals

I've worn varifocals for over two years now and have been very pleased with them. Before I got them I had reading glasses which i was forever taking on and off! It took me a few days to get used to them and I did fall down some steps whilst wearing them in the first few days! The hardest thing I found was getting the right angle for watching tv I got mine from Specsavers, 2 for the price of 1 and they were fairly cheap.
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01-01-2012, 11:40 PM

Re: varifocals

They are much more convenient instead of finding your glasses but i was walking up hill all the time and loosing my balance, so had to go back to two pairs and spend most of the day walking round looking for the once i had just taken off.
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02-01-2012, 08:55 AM

Re: varifocals

I have been wearing a varifocal lens since the inventors first brought them on the scene, they were called Varilux lens and they still make them today.
Trouble came when you got these cut throat prices coming in from the big companies who started making 3 or more price ranges.
I had one holy row with spec savers many years ago, they advertised a price of varifocals at £135, I had my eyes tested and chose my frames, £248 they said, wait a minute it says £135 in the window, that is for the cheaper ones.
I asked what were the cheaper ones, because my eyes need them right not cheap.
You will find that most companies do that now to the detriment of your eyes.
When I first had them many moons ago, my optician at the time told me that, you should be able to see in focus no matter where you looked through varilux lens, but he also added that your brain has to get used to them, but it should take no longer than a week.
If you are not prepared to pay top price for them don't have them I say, your eyesight is precious.
Link :--- Varilux
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17-01-2012, 10:47 PM

Re: varifocals

Hi folks ...I have just got varifocals after years of putting it off after reports they were impossible to get used to....well i got mine 2 days ago from specsavers ...being out of work i got a voucher and could have got them free but after a bit of research i decided to get the middle range ...well 2 days in i have brushed into lamp posts and stumbled on uneven eyes were far from perfect to start as i have a condition (aion) which is non correctable.....watching TV is ok but for close work yuk i feel sick my eyes hurt and i dont seem able to find the focus point after looking up ..the actual centre corridor seems so narrow that i can only focus on a central vertical strip about 3 inches wide i even have to move my head to focus the individual keys on my keyboard ...driving is horrible its like wearing blinkers and i physically cannot turn my head far enough to bring things into focus on sharp angles this normal or will i get used to this as i am very disillusioned at this moment ...
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17-01-2012, 11:03 PM

Re: varifocals

I chucked mine in a drawer within a few days of getting them from Specsavers. I couldn't focus on the peripheral vision at all with them on.

I'm myopic so really only needed glasses for distance, yet they made these flipping varifocal things which I couldn't get along with.

I'm going to be going for another eye test soon, but I won't be returning to Specsavers.
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17-01-2012, 11:20 PM

Re: varifocals

Hello Steve I have worn varifocals for years and wouldn't choose anything else. My very first pair took me about a week to feel comfortable with them. You can get what is called Freeform varifocals now and they are very different to glasses fitted with normal varifocal lenses and eliminate the corridor vision effect.

I had these lens last year and they are a huge improvement and easier to adapt to. The only drawback is that they are a lot more expensive than standard varifocals.

Here's a link to Freeform Varifocals .....
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17-01-2012, 11:47 PM

Re: varifocals

Are people aware that you need different glasses for the computer to your reading ones.
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17-01-2012, 11:53 PM

Re: varifocals

Hello Steve and welcome.
Take a look at my earlier posting, and read the Varilux link, you must persevere with them.
Remember they will change them if you are not happy, I think you have 14 days to do this.
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17-01-2012, 11:58 PM

Re: varifocals

the reason i chose VF was that i was getting to the stage of needing 2 pairs of bi focals one pair good for reading and intermediate to middle distance the other pair for computer and distance ....I thought varifocals would eliminate the need to keep swapping over ..unfortunately i have a existing eye problem aion (anterior ischemic optic neuropaphy) basically means strokes to the optic nerve due to reduced blood flow in my case both eyes are affected, this leads to vision loss to varying degrees probs with visual contrast and depth perception i probably got more getting used to than other people
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18-01-2012, 12:01 AM

Re: varifocals

My problem is that at the moment i am un-employed ...i did pay a bit extra £55 to get the middle range lens (the basic glasses were free) .....if i could have afforded it i would have got the expensive ones...
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