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06-12-2018, 11:47 AM

Re: The EU and Freemasonry

Realist said...….. "I was told at that time that I would make a good mason, but I simply took that as typical (and TBH rather lame) flattery approach to recruitment"...….

That's a bit different from what you originally said Realist. I really don't need a lesson on freemasonry either - believe me.
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06-12-2018, 12:21 PM

Re: The EU and Freemasonry

Originally Posted by Realist ->
For brevity, it was not my intention whatsoever to suggest that the photo in the earlier post was an EU related meeting. It was just a suitable picture of Freemasons.

Who are you trying to kid???? of course it was your intention to relate the photo to the EU. And it worked for some of the bigots on here.
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06-12-2018, 12:25 PM

Re: The EU and Freemasonry

Originally Posted by Aerolor ->
That's a bit different from what you originally said Realist. I really don't need a lesson on freemasonry either - believe me.
Brother Aerolor I don't really understand your point in the posts you have made. Is it your assertion that I have lied about being approached by masons and was encouraged to join/consider the Craft? If so I don't understand why you would hold such a view. Twice, separated by quite a number of years, have I been encouraged to join/consider the Freemasons. The first simply by work colleagues who I have no doubt were just doing what was expected of them. They had at no time shown any genuine interest in me as a person and frankly they were not the kind of charitable characters I would have expected to find in the Craft. The main one was a dog track "Arthur Daley" style bookie, very much NOT on the square so to speak. Someone who knew how to fix dog races and so on. Also a rather average computer developer who had gotten promoted over much more effective and gifted developers. Club privilege.
That was 20+ years ago though.

Many years later I bumped into the WM on that cruise and struck up a friendship thereby. As I had studied Freemasonry in all its facets (as far as one may from the outside) for many years the WM was quite interested to understand what I knew, possibly a little taken aback even.

Nevertheless he had no answers for my more searching questions about the craft and the real secrets within. Those I had already found out he neither confirmed nor denied as was his obligation to his oaths.

Hence my position was unchanged. I could not contemplate offering myself such severe oaths for a society for which I could not properly investigate and understand prior to joining.

I believe my WM friend has since left the Freemasons, in the last few years.

Either way Aerolor please understand, I bear the Craft no ill will as such though I utterly deplore the unfair advantage and privilege it displays in modern society businesses where it repeatedly promotes its own above others regardless of business specific ability.

I remain concerned about the much much wider actions and missions of the Craft in governments and huge corporations and in the police and judiciary and of course in the EU.

If they truly seek to shape society and progress human evolution then it behoves them to come clean about that and stand up open and honestly like any collective group and allow the public to either vote for them or reject them as per any other contenders. The subversion from within approach is unhealthy and undemocratic and should imho be tackled and abolished.
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06-12-2018, 12:36 PM

Re: The EU and Freemasonry

Another old but relevant article here from what appears to be an Italian journalistic site Zenit :

Freemasonry’s Influence in Europe

"says that “the secularist current promoted by the government headed by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero shares more than enough Masonry’s rank anti-clericalism.”

The author explains that the Freemasons have an enormous role in the European Union and, by way of example, says that “the project of the European Constitution has been driven by a Freemason,” Valéry Giscard D’Estaing, “who has excluded mention of the continent’s Christian roots and, in addition, has insisted on the inclusion of an article that subjects the churches of the different nations but frees ‘philosophical organizations’ from that obligation.”"

"Q: Can it be said that Masonry is behind the secularist current that is being witnessed in Spain?

Vidal: What can be said without danger of exaggeration is that the secularist current promoted by the government that José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero heads shares, more than enough, Masonry’s rank anti-clericalism"

"Q: What role does it have and might have in the European Union?

Vidal: Enormous if one takes into account that the project of the European Constitution has been promoted by a Freemason who has excluded mention of the continent’s Christian roots and, in addition, has insisted on the inclusion of an article that subjects the Churches to the different nations but frees “philosophical organizations” from that obligation"
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06-12-2018, 12:46 PM

Re: The EU and Freemasonry


So many conspiracies around.

I am feeling unwanted not being part of any of them.
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06-12-2018, 12:56 PM

Re: The EU and Freemasonry

Originally Posted by Solasch ->
Be careful realist, sounds like you are on the brink of falling in the claws of the brotherhood. Once in, you never get out. They don't have an article 50 procedure. I have been in the same position, but the writings of Erich von Däniken showed me a complete other worldvision. Read them and stay away of any brotherhood.
You're kidding! I love your humour.
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06-12-2018, 01:33 PM

Re: The EU and Freemasonry

Originally Posted by itsme ->
Same thing n'est-ce pas?
No - it is not.
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06-12-2018, 01:51 PM

Re: The EU and Freemasonry

Note to Realist

I wish to point out that I am not your brother. A delusion perhaps????
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06-12-2018, 03:24 PM

Re: The EU and Freemasonry

Originally Posted by Aerolor ->
Note to Realist

I wish to point out that I am not your brother. A delusion perhaps????
No delusion Aerolor. As a fellow human you are my brother, the same as me, my equal, in the same boat, on the same life journey.

That this concept may not be reciprocated by you towards me is understood but nonetheless saddening.
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06-12-2018, 03:38 PM

Re: The EU and Freemasonry

Originally Posted by Realist ->
No delusion Aerolor. As a fellow human you are my brother, the same as me, my equal, in the same boat, on the same life journey.

That this concept may not be reciprocated by you towards me is understood but nonetheless saddening.
Oh well if you are thinking along those lines Realist, refer to me as a fellow human being then - sister if you like, but not brother - I am female.
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