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21-04-2020, 10:31 PM

Re: Should Boxing and other risky sports be banned.

Mind I don't agree, with the idea of doing away with competition .
School races, sport and such.... where every one is a winner and no one comes last.

I know some people believe doing away with competition is the way forward especially in schools.. I can't see it myself, but that doesn't mean I'm right.
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22-04-2020, 01:56 PM

Re: Should Boxing and other risky sports be banned.

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
I'm going to go out on a limb here ..... no, boxing shouldn't be banned.
Neither should rugby, even though, as has been pointed out and quite correctly, the objective of the sport is to knock nine bells out of your opponent. At least with boxing it is.

I think it requires a particular psyche to want to engage in such a brutal pastime ... but take it away and you're got some highly aggressive young men denied an outlet for their competitiveness.

I imagine more people are bothered by that 'wilful desire to inflict hurt' aspect and the brutality when they say it should be banned because many other sports are equally dangerous and pose a risk.. Skiing, rally driving, F1, ..... yet no one seems to call for their demise.
Blood and guts strewn across a race track perhaps don't offend the sensibilities and sense of civility as a chap with a bloodied smashed face can do.
You are not out on a limb Morty. I agree with your post. I also think if someone wants to get clobbered around the head for a living, it is entirely up to them.
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22-04-2020, 01:58 PM

Re: Should Boxing and other risky sports be banned.

Originally Posted by Baz46 ->
Surely anyone who takes part in any of these sports knows the risks but gets enough out of it to warrant taking those risks or they wouldn't be doing it?

What about kick-boxing, far more heavy and potentially dangerous and damaging blows to the head.

Martial arts, another contact sport and again one where those who take part are well aware of the dangers. Also like boxing they are very seldom violent individuals. Martial arts, unlike boxing, is a sport where those who compete can often be well aware of how to kill someone, just with one blow but how often does that happen?

From someone I know who took part in martial arts, the risks are assessed and by being taught correctly they are able to control any damage happening. To watch though it seems far more violent than boxing.
I agree Baz. Anyway, the most dangerous activity at the moment is getting closer than two metres.
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22-04-2020, 02:22 PM

Re: Should Boxing and other risky sports be banned.

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
I agree Baz. Anyway, the most dangerous activity at the moment is getting closer than two metres.
Yes, true enough that is very dangerous at present. That also reminds me of the time I was talking to my GP after I had a heart attack, some 12 years' ago now. I was saying to her that I couldn't understand why that had happened – I don't drink, smoke, take drugs or lead a riotous lifestyle. I do though look after myself by having a good diet, plenty of sleep and keep myself healthy. Her reply, and she is one of those GPs who say it like it is, was – yes, but you overlooked one thing, which is you are a human being and therefore fallible.

That one comment she made puts a lot of life into perspective I reckon and something we should perhaps all remember.
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22-04-2020, 03:16 PM

Re: Should Boxing and other risky sports be banned.

Originally Posted by Baz46 ->
Yes, true enough that is very dangerous at present. That also reminds me of the time I was talking to my GP after I had a heart attack, some 12 years' ago now. I was saying to her that I couldn't understand why that had happened – I don't drink, smoke, take drugs or lead a riotous lifestyle. I do though look after myself by having a good diet, plenty of sleep and keep myself healthy. Her reply, and she is one of those GPs who say it like it is, was – yes, but you overlooked one thing, which is you are a human being and therefore fallible.

That one comment she made puts a lot of life into perspective I reckon and something we should perhaps all remember.

Yes, a good point Baz. As I get older and things start to go a bit wrong, I get very annoyed.
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23-04-2020, 11:45 AM

Re: Should Boxing and other risky sports be banned.

I wonder if opinions would differ if say, your 9 yr old grand son or daughter wanted to take up Boxing.

Would there be encouragement ? I was glad my son never had an interest in the sport...... but he received no encouragement either.
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23-04-2020, 12:13 PM

Re: Should Boxing and other risky sports be banned.

Originally Posted by marciniak ->
I wonder if opinions would differ if say, your 9 yr old grand son or daughter wanted to take up Boxing.

Would there be encouragement ? I was glad my son never had an interest in the sport...... but he received no encouragement either.
I certainly wouldn't encourage it but if that's what he really wanted to do, he would end up doing it anyway. A bit like smoking or taking drugs.
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23-04-2020, 12:23 PM

Re: Should Boxing and other risky sports be banned.

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
I certainly wouldn't encourage it but if that's what he really wanted to do, he would end up doing it anyway. A bit like smoking or taking drugs.

Yes, I have to agree with that.
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