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06-02-2021, 02:54 PM

Re: Covid-19 Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Jane10 ->
Just received the invitation for a jab. Next Thursday. Sooner than I expected but it's at an army run centre so I expect its very efficient.
I'm hoping not to have the side effects some of you have had. They sound really nasty.
I hope all goes well with your jab, Jane....
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06-02-2021, 03:06 PM

Re: Covid-19 Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Mags ->
Goodness me Pesta, you had a rough time! did you take some paracetemol tablets as was advised?

It must have been quite worrying for you at the time.

Hope you’ll feel back to normal soon. x
Thanks Mags, I'm just about back to normal now.
I just had two paracetamols on the first night (erm, gosh I have to work out what day that was now - Thurs! - I've lost Friday somewhere along the way).
I'm not one for medicines, but figured they might help.

I was more p*ssed off than worried TBH. I'm so anti medication and it went against the grain to have the jab, as I know my body can be iffy with medicines and things.
.... one has to do these things for Queen and country eh?

Not sure what to do about the 2nd one though. Jab and be poorly or no jab and......
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06-02-2021, 03:14 PM

Re: Covid-19 Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Pesta ->
Thanks Mags, I'm just about back to normal now.
I just had two paracetamols on the first night (erm, gosh I have to work out what day that was now - Thurs! - I've lost Friday somewhere along the way).
I'm not one for medicines, but figured they might help.

I was more p*ssed off than worried TBH. I'm so anti medication and it went against the grain to have the jab, as I know my body can be iffy with medicines and things.
.... one has to do these things for Queen and country eh?

Not sure what to do about the 2nd one though. Jab and be poorly or no jab and......
You are a very brave lass, Pesta!
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06-02-2021, 03:21 PM

Re: Covid-19 Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Mags ->
You are a very brave lass, Pesta!

Thank you Mags, but I'd rather say stupid more like
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06-02-2021, 03:23 PM

Re: Covid-19 Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Pesta ->
Thank you Mags, but I'd rather say stupid more like
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06-02-2021, 03:30 PM

Re: Covid-19 Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Pesta ->
Thanks Mags, I'm just about back to normal now.
I just had two paracetamols on the first night (erm, gosh I have to work out what day that was now - Thurs! - I've lost Friday somewhere along the way).
I'm not one for medicines, but figured they might help.

I was more p*ssed off than worried TBH. I'm so anti medication and it went against the grain to have the jab, as I know my body can be iffy with medicines and things.
.... one has to do these things for Queen and country eh?

Not sure what to do about the 2nd one though. Jab and be poorly or no jab and......
Only 2 paracetamol for all that “ allover” pain for all those hours ?
Why didn’t you phone 111 and ask them if this was a normal reaction ?
Which one were you given.
What did the leaflet you were given say ?
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06-02-2021, 03:48 PM

Re: Covid-19 Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Zuleika ->
Only 2 paracetamol for all that “ allover” pain for all those hours ?
Why didn’t you phone 111 and ask them if this was a normal reaction ?
Which one were you given.
What did the leaflet you were given say ?
Zuleika, I'm never one to make a fuss and I take pride in that.
Yes only two paracetamols. Do you have a problem with that?

Why should I be phoning an already stretched out 111 when nothing was serious?
My leaflet, I would imagine, would say the same as anyone elses'?

Some people are in this life to do as they think fit and some don't think, just take. I think before I act and I'm not one for hysterics.

I didn't need to call 111. Common reactions are noted in the leaflet. They can't cover them all anyway, people are different in their reactions. Most of mine I put down to 'common' and as I say, I don't do hysterics.
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06-02-2021, 03:57 PM

Re: Covid-19 Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Pesta ->
Just had to quote my own post re the itchy nose and sneezing. That turned out to be the precursor for what lay ahead.

About an hour or so after the job, I started with a painful neck and shoulders which I thought was connected to having my shoulders up worrying about having something I was against. it wasn't.

Through the course of the afternoon my whole body ached - neck, shoulders, back, hips, thighs, calves, hands, my nose was chock a block and I looked like Andrew Lloyd Webber around the eyes, my face felt full up. My chest felt like a sledge hammer had been at it. I was either too hot or shivering. Also had a productive cough, felt totally banjaxed and was in bed asleep by 8.30pm.

Yesterday I spent the whole day flat out on the settee, mostly asleep (which isn't like me even when I'm ill). Another go to bed at 8.30pm. Slept until 9.00am today and feel almost back to normal. My eyes still look gross but I feel a zillion times better within myself.

So as usual my itchy nose and sneezing I had after the jab was telling my body of something it didn't like for me

My sister had her jab yesterday (the Oxford one, same as myself) and she had a 'wave of tiredness' that lasted about an hour and a half and her arm was/is sore. At least my arm is fine, which is a positive!

What irritates is that one is supposed to log reactions with the 'yellow card' scheme. But on looking into it, it's an App or go online to do it. No way am I going online giving my personal details out and I've a dumb phone.

I remember reading somewhere recently that 20,000 people have reported reactions and it's believed there's many more who haven't reported them. Makes me wonder how many like myself, don't do online stuff - therefore making the figures wrong.


BTW re querying about being notified of the 2nd appt - I wasn't given one after my jab (not that it bothers me).
I was called to arrange my jab via letter and phone call from GP surgery.
After the jab I was told it would be between 4weeks and whatever it was after that (I've forgotten basically)

My sister arranged her appt online and she was given her 2nd appt then too.

Just wondered if that has any bearing.
Pesta that sounds awful I hope you have recovered.

Starting with the itchy nose, sneezing, swelling that sounds more like an allergic reaction than the kind of 'reaction ' listed in the leaflet which I have already read in preparation..
See below...

In your position I would have rang 111 and asked if this was normal and should I take an antihistamine.
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06-02-2021, 04:09 PM

Re: Covid-19 Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Meg ->
Pesta that sounds awful I hope you have recovered.

Starting with the itchy nose, sneezing, swelling that sounds more like an allergic reaction than the kind of 'reaction ' listed in the leaflet which I have already read in preparation..
See below...

In your position I would have rang 111 and asked if this was normal and should I take an antihistamine.

Yes thanks Meg, apart from my eyes everything else is back to normal. It's now (checks time) just after 3pm and my body has rid itself further throughout today of any residual aches that were vaguely hanging around.

Re taking antihistamine, I don't have any anyway.

I'm still here to tell the tale, I'm more concerned about not logging my reactions re the 'yellow card' scheme as I don't do personal details online.
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06-02-2021, 04:20 PM

Re: Covid-19 Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Mags ->
I had my jab at the beginning of January, was told they would get in touch in 12 weeks.
We were told our doc would be in touch to make a 12th week appointment for our 2nd jab in around 10 weeks time.

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
Are you sure you haven't had viagra instead?.
A friend of a friend died of a heart attack after taking 1 of those little blue diamonds. They play havoc with your heart rate and blood pressure apparently.

Our arms are a little sore at the puncture site but, that aside, no problems for us.
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