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20-01-2021, 09:06 PM

Re: Trump supporters stormed Capital Hill

There’s a new President in town

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20-01-2021, 10:11 PM

Re: Trump supporters stormed Capital Hill

I can't believe that they took 'The Chase' off TV so they could televise Biden's inauguration.....It's had more coverage than when Boris took over......
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27-01-2021, 01:08 PM

Re: Trump supporters stormed Capital Hill

Originally Posted by Dextrous63 ->
So, some people are prepared to kill or be killed over this?

Just how bonkers are some of Trump's supporters?
Good question...I´d say absolutely barmy.

Even now they still proclaim the orange man has won.

They seem to ignore that the storming of the Capitol is a direct attack on democracy.

As long as Trump was riding high, conservative media were often happy to excuse the violence by his followers.

"Christina Bobb, an anchor on pro-Trump cable news channel OANN, depicted the riot as presenting an opportunity for Mike Pence, the vice-president, to overturn the election."

To overturn the results of an election is a coup.

On far-right media, there was an effort to transform a woman who was shot dead by Capitol police, into a political martyr.
Would she have been supported this much if she had been a, lets say, muslima?

And since we are at it, how ould these rightwingers have reacted if it had been the Black Lives Matter Movement?

So far they only point fingers, under the childish motto:"...but the BLM did riot too!"
Yes, after the horrible killing of George Floyd people started demonstrating. And some people took this oppurtunity to start a riot. one even came near the Capitol! The building that stands for the US democracy.

That building and all it stands for was desecrated by rightwing extremists.

The ones who think they are ´patriots´.

The ones who are first to condemn any other coutry when the outcome of elections are denied and some (wannabee-)dictator does not want to give up his power...
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27-01-2021, 01:20 PM

Re: Trump supporters stormed Capital Hill

Originally Posted by Annette ->
Good question...I´d say absolutely barmy.

Even now they still proclaim the orange man has won.

They seem to ignore that the storming of the Capitol is a direct attack on democracy.

As long as Trump was riding high, conservative media were often happy to excuse the violence by his followers.

"Christina Bobb, an anchor on pro-Trump cable news channel OANN, depicted the riot as presenting an opportunity for Mike Pence, the vice-president, to overturn the election."

To overturn the results of an election is a coup.

On far-right media, there was an effort to transform a woman who was shot dead by Capitol police, into a political martyr.
Would she have been supported this much if she had been a, lets say, muslima?

And since we are at it, how ould these rightwingers have reacted if it had been the Black Lives Matter Movement?

So far they only point fingers, under the childish motto:"...but the BLM did riot too!"
Yes, after the horrible killing of George Floyd people started demonstrating. And some people took this oppurtunity to start a riot. one even came near the Capitol! The building that stands for the US democracy.

That building and all it stands for was desecrated by rightwing extremists.

The ones who think they are ´patriots´.

The ones who are first to condemn any other coutry when the outcome of elections are denied and some (wannabee-)dictator does not want to give up his power...
And who were probably rent-a-mob sent there to stir things up by the democrats or some other trouble causing group like BLM....Were you there Annette? Or are you reacting to the tripe that the media is spewing out. They don't like Trump because he stood up to them, so now they've got it in for him...
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27-01-2021, 01:30 PM

Re: Trump supporters stormed Capital Hill


We have a democracy.

We might not agree with the outcome from time to time, but that is life.

We have to defend that principle, we cannot have mob rule or the survival of the fittest.

We are all entitled to our vote and it should be equal.

It is not that long ago that we did not give women a vote.

How stupid is that?

Having a Penis does not make you you superoor to those who do not.

Hence the phrase, Dickheads.
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27-01-2021, 08:27 PM

Re: Trump supporters stormed Capital Hill

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
And who were probably rent-a-mob sent there to stir things up by the democrats or some other trouble causing group like BLM....Were you there Annette? Or are you reacting to the tripe that the media is spewing out. They don't like Trump because he stood up to them, so now they've got it in for him...

Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the Proud Boys extremist group, has a past as an informer for federal and local law enforcement, repeatedly working undercover for investigators after he was arrested in 2012, according to a former prosecutor and a transcript of a 2014 federal court proceeding obtained by Reuters.

The records uncovered by Reuters are startling because they show that a leader of a far-right group now under intense scrutiny by law enforcement was previously an active collaborator with criminal investigators.
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28-01-2021, 03:03 PM

Re: Trump supporters stormed Capital Hill

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
And who were probably rent-a-mob sent there to stir things up by the democrats or some other trouble causing group like BLM....Were you there Annette? Or are you reacting to the tripe that the media is spewing out. They don't like Trump because he stood up to them, so now they've got it in for him...
No, I most certainly was not there. Were you?

"U.S. faces higher risk of domestic extremist violence after Capitol assault

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States could face a heightened threat of domestic extremist violence for weeks from people angry at Donald Trump’s election defeat and inspired by the deadly storming of the U.S. Capitol, the Department of Homeland Security warned on Wednesday.

“Information suggests that some ideologically motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives, could continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence,” the department said in a national terrorism advisory.

Biden’s inauguration last week occurred under heavy security, with more than 20,000 National Guard troops on duty. Officials have said about 5,000 troops will remain in Washington for the next few weeks, when Trump will face his second impeachment trial in the Senate on a charge of inciting insurrection.

Trump spent two months peddling the false narrative that his defeat in November’s presidential election was the result of widespread voter fraud. He urged a crowd of thousands of his followers to “fight” in a fiery speech before the Jan. 6 violence.

The DHS advisory said domestic violent extremists were motivated by issues including anger over COVID-19 restrictions, the 2020 election results, and police use of force.

It also cited “long-standing racial and ethnic tension -including opposition to immigration” as drivers of domestic violence attacks.

White supremacist groups have posed “the most persistent and lethal threat” of violent extremism in the United States in recent years, Trump’s acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf told a congressional hearing in September.

Fact check: No evidence to support QAnon claims of mass arrests, military takeover, illegitimacy of Biden’s presidency or Trump’s return to power
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28-01-2021, 04:26 PM

Re: Trump supporters stormed Capital Hill

Originally Posted by Annette ->
No, I most certainly was not there. Were you?

"U.S. faces higher risk of domestic extremist violence after Capitol assault

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States could face a heightened threat of domestic extremist violence for weeks from people angry at Donald Trump’s election defeat and inspired by the deadly storming of the U.S. Capitol, the Department of Homeland Security warned on Wednesday.

“Information suggests that some ideologically motivated violent extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition, as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives, could continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence,” the department said in a national terrorism advisory.

Biden’s inauguration last week occurred under heavy security, with more than 20,000 National Guard troops on duty. Officials have said about 5,000 troops will remain in Washington for the next few weeks, when Trump will face his second impeachment trial in the Senate on a charge of inciting insurrection.

Trump spent two months peddling the false narrative that his defeat in November’s presidential election was the result of widespread voter fraud. He urged a crowd of thousands of his followers to “fight” in a fiery speech before the Jan. 6 violence.

The DHS advisory said domestic violent extremists were motivated by issues including anger over COVID-19 restrictions, the 2020 election results, and police use of force.

It also cited “long-standing racial and ethnic tension -including opposition to immigration” as drivers of domestic violence attacks.

White supremacist groups have posed “the most persistent and lethal threat” of violent extremism in the United States in recent years, Trump’s acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf told a congressional hearing in September.

Fact check: No evidence to support QAnon claims of mass arrests, military takeover, illegitimacy of Biden’s presidency or Trump’s return to power

Violence has been boiling away for some time now, Annette. Most of it comes from Antifa and BLM who have repeatedly vandalised cities and towns, destroyed peoples property and defaced public monuments, burned cars etc etc.

After January the 6th it was actually Antifa rioting again because they wanted "revenge".

Most Americans are getting more and more outraged because the kangaroo court for Trumps 2nd impeachment is taking precedence over the covid relief.

The democrats only have one priority, to convict Trump and make sure he can't run against them again. This is not in the interest of the people.
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29-01-2021, 11:56 AM

Re: Trump supporters stormed Capital Hill

Originally Posted by Bread ->

After January the 6th it was actually Antifa rioting again because they wanted "revenge".
"FBI investigation of Capitol riot focuses on far-right groups"

"Men who stormed Capitol identified by Reuters are not undercover Antifa as posts claim

Social media users have been sharing content online that suggests those who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 were Antifa, not Trump supporters.

Many have been using compilations of pictures as purported evidence, but examination of these images shows they do not support this claim.

Meanwhile, the FBI has said there is “no indication at this time” that Antifa had played a role in the mob that stormed the Capitol.

Hundreds of President Donald Trump’s supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday in a stunning bid to overturn his election defeat, battling police in the hallways and delaying the certification of Democratic President-elect Joe Biden’s victory for hours

The chaos unfolded after Trump - who before the election refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he lost - addressed thousands of supporters near the White House and told them to march on the Capitol to express their anger at the voting process.

He told his supporters to pressure their elected officials to reject the results, urging them “to fight.”

"Viral social media posts and a Republican House member have amplified claims wrongly identifying some right-wing figures at the U.S. Capitol riot as part of “antifa.” The claims feed into an unfounded conspiracy theory that anti-fascist activists in disguise orchestrated the event."

More facts:
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29-01-2021, 12:15 PM

Re: Trump supporters stormed Capital Hill

Originally Posted by Annette ->
"FBI investigation of Capitol riot focuses on far-right groups"

"Men who stormed Capitol identified by Reuters are not undercover Antifa as posts claim

Social media users have been sharing content online that suggests those who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 were Antifa, not Trump supporters.

Many have been using compilations of pictures as purported evidence, but examination of these images shows they do not support this claim.

Meanwhile, the FBI has said there is “no indication at this time” that Antifa had played a role in the mob that stormed the Capitol.

Hundreds of President Donald Trump’s supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday in a stunning bid to overturn his election defeat, battling police in the hallways and delaying the certification of Democratic President-elect Joe Biden’s victory for hours

The chaos unfolded after Trump - who before the election refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power if he lost - addressed thousands of supporters near the White House and told them to march on the Capitol to express their anger at the voting process.

He told his supporters to pressure their elected officials to reject the results, urging them “to fight.”

"Viral social media posts and a Republican House member have amplified claims wrongly identifying some right-wing figures at the U.S. Capitol riot as part of “antifa.” The claims feed into an unfounded conspiracy theory that anti-fascist activists in disguise orchestrated the event."

More facts:
There are lots of reports of the people "storming" the Capitol Building that had Antifa tattoos etc.

The videos are all over the place on Twitter etc.

Have a look here and just because the press only go looking for MAGA at the Capitol Building it doesn't mean that the left were not there.

How's that impeachment going by the way ? Going well is it ?
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