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Sweetie pie
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05-02-2018, 11:03 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by Robert Jnr. ->
Gumbud, i seem to have lost touch
Jem, I envy your trips to the pub & social life
Spitty carry on carryng on
Pugsy, nice wallpaper.

sorry if i've missed out someone
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05-02-2018, 11:21 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by Robert Jnr. ->
Gumbud, i seem to have lost touch
Jem, I envy your trips to the pub & social life
Spitty carry on carryng on
Pugsy, nice wallpaper.

sorry if i've missed out someone
lost touch with WHAt - terra firma - the brakes on ya chair - nurse gladys????

do you want me to email you - it's not painful these days just a quick click on the dipstick!!
Sweetie pie
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05-02-2018, 11:23 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

I think young Robert is ignoring ME!!!!
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06-02-2018, 05:41 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by Sweetie pie ->
I think young Robert is ignoring ME!!!!
don't worry SP he ignores himself a lot too!
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06-02-2018, 06:21 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

been watchin a lot of youtube lately with Dick Cavell a celebrities host in USA chatting to celebrities. In particular of our era I suppose. Dick is a very skilled purveyor of the human personality and has a great way of getting most to talk well:

groucho Marx - well he couldn't stop him really once he was switched on he couldn't stop. A modern version of groucho that comes to mind is Robin Williams.

Robert Mitchum - claimed he really didn't like being a star - he sort of just fell into acting as many did and because of his good looks and size stayed there. but when asked why he stayed if he didn't like it - said it was just for the money. when shown clips of his best films just commented "what was the point - not interested" He came over as a very negative person who thought everyone was out to get him and trusted no one - couldn't imagine ever having a laugh of any sorts with HIM!

Greta Garbo - a stunning actress with strong charisma - immaculately dressed and intelligent lady - you'd need to be on fine fettle to take her on - positive but aware of how not to be manipulated.

Paul Newman - a self-protective character but not negative - and always had a quick wit and quip - he good mate was robert redford who wanted him to play in the film " a walk in the woods" but paul was too ill by then and dying of cancer - very sad

betty davies - a very intelligent woman who explained how the moguls of hollywood manipulated the stars and tied them to unreasonable contracts.

kirk douglas - a very entertaining and very positive personality who was very forthcoming and showed his skills on horse riding - he never did explain how he shaved that little dimple on his chin - but his eyes twinkled all the time with humor and laughter

katherine hepburn - a hard person to entice on the show - a very hard working and precision actress but also an utter bore IMO - she was obviously nervous about being interviewed and believed in protecting her privacy at all costs

jerry lewis - a very intelligent man who had come out of acting and comedy to go into film production etc - he was positive ; funny and amusing and did show some of the old goofing about Jerry and explained he felt no ill will against deano!

richard burton - a three hr show - never seen burton better - sober by that time staying off the booze completely and gave a very forthcoming interview about his welsh roots and times as a kid - speaks fluent gaelic welsh and was a joy to watch - the total opposite to his inflammatory drunken images - told tales about his great mate of " well here's seeing ya kid" and his wife Lorraine Becall" and all their partying - I'd recommend watching that one if nothing else - almost like Hamlet self played!

I've only scratched the surface and many would say "that's enough" but if you ever pined for the hollywood era and all your heros and heroines then check out youtube and dick cavell - you won't be disappointed and Jem you can post some on here!!!

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06-02-2018, 12:18 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

I'm not normally interested in chat shows, but just occasionally I catch sight of an interview that holds my interest.

One such was a chap called George Takai of the original Star Trek series. He was talking about his early life growing up during WW2 in a US internment camp, lest at the age of about three he be an agent of the Japanese Imperial Army.
I was not so interested in his later life as an actor, but he did mention that the star of Star Trek, one William Shatner esq, was rather bullish about his status on the show.
If another actor thought of an improved line, or scene, or if the spotlight as it were was to be played on another character, Mr Shatner would demand that it be applied to him to make him look better.
After watching George talking for a while I told my Lovely that if he had written a biography I would read it. Well it turns out he had, and I did.

I scoured book shops and flea markets and junk shops whilst working in the States and eventually found a copy.
One of the stalls I tried previously didn't quite get the idea of a customer wanting a specific book.
When I told the stall owner I wanted the biography of this one specific fella, she tried to sell me a book about Britney Spears, her logic being, it's a biography, so I must want it. *sigh*

Well now, onto more mundane things. I have to say I really appreciate the efforts of those who cannot fill up their cars with fuel unless the pump is on the same side as the filler cap. Today I was returning from the Quack surgery in my Lovely's car, it being much smaller than mine and needing less space in a limited car park, I noticed it was low on fuel.
So, I made a small diversion and went to the petroleum spirit dispensing facility curtesy of Mr Morrison's grocery emporium. Upon arrival there were four cars queuing, yet one pump free.
As it happens, the pump was on the same side as the car's filler, not that it matters as I am quite capable of dragging the "O"s to the ossopite side of the velocipede. Consequently I negotiated the two lines of waiting vee-hickles and filled up from said free pump. Of course, when I say free, I don't mean free fewell, I mean the pump was not otherwise being us-ed.
I paid at the pump and was on my way whilst two of the cars that were waiting were still waiting.
I am so gratefull to those drivers and long may they be unable to fuel up from the ossopite side of their cars.
Sweetie pie
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06-02-2018, 01:26 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Is this the stairway to heaven?

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06-02-2018, 01:37 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Wet Sunday afternoon or rather wet any afternoon when your friend called. You know the one whose Mother kicked all of her off springs out barefooted and coat less in any weather be it snow, rain or shine and who you envied so much for their freedom as your Mother wrapped you up in cotton wool because she was convinced you would die if the wind blew on you.

No chance of a play out there, so you wondered after listening to Out with Romany on the radio why he was telling you to go out and discover things when you had a Mother like mine. Life was such a conundrum back then

My hero was and still is Jack Hargreaves (Out of Town). He who made all things bright and beautifully fascinating with his story telling and to add to his charm he was a pipe smoker

On the subject of film stars. All larger than life and often with feet of clay but the incomparable Bette Davis always stood out because of her on going feud with La Crawford the Pepsi flogger.

That feud cost her an Oscar for Whatever happened to baby Jane and without doubt stopped the two of them making more brilliant films together.

Robert Jnr.
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06-02-2018, 03:52 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Due to my lack of forethought & imagination I fear I have slighted a number of on-line pals. I made an arbitrary list of people of whom were in possession of and deserving of my unconditional positive regard.

I managed to disclude sweety pie, OGF (Bobby) Fryutuity, Solo and others, an oversight , caused by lack of thought...on my part & which I regret
Sweetie pie
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06-02-2018, 05:15 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by Robert Jnr. ->
Due to my lack of forethought & imagination I fear I have slighted a number of on-line pals. I made an arbitrary list of people of whom were in possession of and deserving of my unconditional positive regard.

I managed to disclude sweety pie, OGF (Bobby) Fryutuity, Solo and others, an oversight , caused by lack of thought...on my part & which I regret
I was teasing you young Robert
Sorry but sometimes I cannot participate, to the current topic, as it is before my era.
But carry on, I will disrupt when you all go back to!
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