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15-07-2016, 01:46 PM

Re: Bastille Day Attack

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
... How?
I've said this on numerous occasions, the only way is to follow up aerial bombardmen, this weakens their morale, confusion follows and it causes them to splinter, with 100,000 troops on the ground.

No rules of engagement, no restrictions just extreme prejudice.
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15-07-2016, 01:47 PM

Re: Bastille Day Attack

I'm no expert at counter terrorism but there are two things I don't get.

How did the lorry continue for a mile if police were shooting at the driver?

Why did they not shoot all the tyres first?
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15-07-2016, 01:49 PM

Re: Bastille Day Attack

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
I'm no expert at counter terrorism but there are two things I don't get.

How did the lorry continue for a mile if police were shooting at the driver?

Why did they not shoot all the tyres first?
The police wouldn't have been in front of the vehicle for its entire journey.
Side arms(pistols)aren't that accurate.
Moving targets aren't easy to hit(ie driver)
Vehicles still run on rims.
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15-07-2016, 01:54 PM

Re: Bastille Day Attack

Originally Posted by Tpin ->
The police wouldn't have been in front of the vehicle for its entire journey.
Side arms(pistols)aren't that accurate.
Vehicles still run on rims.
When it stopped running on rims he had lots of grenades to do even more damage. For those who don't mind dying themselves they can manage to take a lot of other lives before they do!
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15-07-2016, 02:00 PM

Re: Bastille Day Attack


There is an awful lot of speculation in the media about this incident and some of the things reported are just plain wrong.

As usual, there are some sections of the media who never let accuracy get in the way of a story.

We will know more in the days and weeks to come.

Isis are normally fairly quick to claim responsibility, and whilst there has been a fair amount on ISIS related web sites, they haven't as yet.

There are other terrorist organisations apart from Isis who commit such attacks.

ISIS are encouraging Lone Wolf attacks.

Full instructions on how to do them are on the web.
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15-07-2016, 02:02 PM

Re: Bastille Day Attack

Originally Posted by Tpin ->
I've said this on numerous occasions, the only way is to follow up aerial bombardmen, this weakens their morale, confusion follows and it causes them to splinter, with 100,000 troops on the ground.

No rules of engagement, no restrictions just extreme prejudice.

But Tpin they're terrorists.
Not a conventional opposing army.
By the very definition of what they are and how they operate they are almost impossible to eradicate down to the last man.

Before Isis there was, and still is, Al-Qaeda and numerous other less infamous extremist groups.

You've said yourself ... aerial bombardment causes them to splinter. Go underground. Can you imagine the logistics and cost in lives and money of a long drawn-out war which might make WW2 pale in comparison.

In addition to that ... when does Western military interference get deemed invasion by the middle Eastern countries we'd have to trespass into whilst mopping up all these splintered terrorists?
Do we really want a wholescale war? To spark off a killing ground, one like mankind might never have witnessed before.
A war which is predominantly shia versus sunni and so is unlikely to be resolved by the imposition of Western democracy? And achieved via war at that? Iraq is a mess since we last tried that one.

Add to that .. the contagion has spread to Europe via refugees. And this is the real worrying Trojan Horse.
Add them that our own Muslim population who are not immune. How many are sitting on the fence and which side would they come down on if stricter measures were implemented here to unearth and deal with radicals. It would be called Islamophobia.
The enemy is already inside the fort.

Well Morty, you've excelled yourself, that was jolly.
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15-07-2016, 02:02 PM

Re: Bastille Day Attack

Just heard about this on lunch time me news, cannot say much my brother in law and his partner are there not heard any news from them, worried sick.
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15-07-2016, 02:07 PM

Re: Bastille Day Attack

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

There is an awful lot of speculation in the media about this incident and some of the things reported are just plain wrong.

As usual, there are some sections of the media who never let accuracy get in the way of a story.

We will know more in the days and weeks to come.

Isis are normally fairly quick to claim responsibility, and whilst there has been a fair amount on ISIS related web sites, they haven't as yet.

There are other terrorist organisations apart from Isis who commit such attacks.

ISIS are encouraging Lone Wolf attacks.

Full instructions on how to do them are on the web.
If Isis are recruiting lone wolf attacks, isn't that just like persuading another idiot to give his life for the same cause? I would consider that to be an Isis attack, whether they claimed it or not!
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15-07-2016, 02:07 PM

Re: Bastille Day Attack


Would you prefer them to come to our shores(yes I know they're already here)and do battle with an unknown or, fight them head on, on their territory by our rules?

They are an army that is distinguishable by their appearance(driving military vehicles, armed, killing others)
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15-07-2016, 02:08 PM

Re: Bastille Day Attack

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
But Tpin they're terrorists.
Not a conventional opposing army.
By the very definition of what they are and how they operate they are almost impossible to eradicate down to the last man.

Before Isis there was, and still is, Al-Qaeda and numerous other less infamous extremist groups.

You've said yourself ... aerial bombardment causes them to splinter. Go underground. Can you imagine the logistics and cost in lives and money of a long drawn-out war which might make WW2 pale in comparison.

In addition to that ... when does Western military interference get deemed invasion by the middle Eastern countries we'd have to trespass into whilst mopping up all these splintered terrorists?
Do we really want a wholescale war? To spark off a killing ground, one like mankind might never have witnessed before.
A war which is predominantly shia versus sunni and so is unlikely to be resolved by the imposition of Western democracy? And achieved via war at that? Iraq is a mess since we last tried that one.

Add to that .. the contagion has spread to Europe via refugees. And this is the real worrying Trojan Horse.
Add them that our own Muslim population who are not immune. How many are sitting on the fence and which side would they come down on if stricter measures were implemented here to unearth and deal with radicals. It would be called Islamophobia.
The enemy is already inside the fort.

Well Morty, you've excelled yourself, that was jolly.
I can see your own research has paid off .
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