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30-12-2015, 10:54 AM

Re: Another Virus warning

Originally Posted by galty ->
Its not a new virus its at least 2 years old(2013) and if you have decent Virus detector on your computer it would block it if you clicked the link.
It should do but might not. I think too much faith is put in AV programs. They can fail to detect. Even though the virus name has been around for a while, there may be variants and an AV program could fail with one of these if it doesn't know about them.

Worth remembering is that not everyone is experienced with computers. It's possible that passers-by will read this thread, maybe those who are new to computers. This being the case, the usual precautions that many of us are familiar with could be being read for the first time by somebody. Anyone from childhood upwards even. This is another reason why it doesn't hurt to keep mentioning the fact that malware may arrive via e-mail attachments that links shouldn't be clicked on. Keep posting the warnings I would say.
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30-12-2015, 11:06 AM

Re: Another Virus warning

Originally Posted by Mups ->
It wasn't my intention to cause controversy in any shape of form folks, and it is also unlike me to lose me rag.
I just felt enough was enough as it wasn't the first time I have been hassled by this person.

Anyway, I've done my bit, and let people know as best I could, so I'm leaving it at that.

Thanks for the thanks.(if that makes sense).
Just about anything posted about in forums is likely to be challenged, questioned or even ridiculed. Just the way things are at times. You have indeed done your bit and your best is good in my opinion.
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30-12-2015, 12:32 PM

Re: Another Virus warning

Originally Posted by GillyT ->
Thank you Mups for thinking of others and warning people.

As regards Mr. Realist, I thank him for his information and advice.

I would make a suggestion to Mr. Realist though, to perhaps phrase his posts a little kinder and to also read other peoples' posts more carefully before he embarrasses himself by getting things wrong in any reply he may make.

Under the circumstances an apology to Mups wouldn't go amiss, would it Mr. Realist ? Or are you one of those people who do not apologise for anything, ever?
Don't hold your breath. I suggested that back in post 24 but it was ignored. UnRealistic!
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30-12-2015, 02:02 PM

Re: Another Virus warning

The virus you REALLY need to worry about is this one: CryptoLocker

cryptolocker ransomware hits australia

You can infect your computer the same way as the initial virus posted in this thread. Once installed it will encrypt your files and then you will be held to ransom for payment to unlock them. As far as I know there is no way to remove the data lock so you either pay or reinstall your operating system losing all your data.

Clever and very nasty!
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30-12-2015, 02:54 PM

Re: Another Virus warning

Originally Posted by MKJ ->
The virus you REALLY need to worry about is this one: CryptoLocker

cryptolocker ransomware hits australia

You can infect your computer the same way as the initial virus posted in this thread. Once installed it will encrypt your files and then you will be held to ransom for payment to unlock them. As far as I know there is no way to remove the data lock so you either pay or reinstall your operating system losing all your data.

Clever and very nasty!
I read there are services offering to decrypt files. Never used or needed them but have a search for 'decrypt locked files' and a number come up.

I'm not sure how good any AV or anti-malware program would be at detecting encryption malware but there are programs designed to stop it. CryptoPrevent being one. HitmanPro.Alert (not free) being another.

I've mentioned a program called 'Sandboxie' before. Browsing sandboxed should stop any drive-by malware of this kind from infecting the computer. Opening e-mail attachments sandboxed is also possible, or even using the whole e-mail program within a sandbox.

The trouble is that such good protections are rarely used. Perhaps this is because they don't come under the heading of 'AV program'. They do make good additions to computer security though and I certainly would not browse the Internet without Sandboxie or HitmanPro.Alert in place (a bit torn between the two at present). Wouldn't open an e-mail attachment un-sandboxed either, no matter who it came from.
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30-12-2015, 04:10 PM

Re: Another Virus warning

Originally Posted by mart ->
I read there are services offering to decrypt files. Never used or needed them but have a search for 'decrypt locked files' and a number come up.

I'm not sure how good any AV or anti-malware program would be at detecting encryption malware but there are programs designed to stop it. CryptoPrevent being one. HitmanPro.Alert (not free) being another.

I've mentioned a program called 'Sandboxie' before. Browsing sandboxed should stop any drive-by malware of this kind from infecting the computer. Opening e-mail attachments sandboxed is also possible, or even using the whole e-mail program within a sandbox.

The trouble is that such good protections are rarely used. Perhaps this is because they don't come under the heading of 'AV program'. They do make good additions to computer security though and I certainly would not browse the Internet without Sandboxie or HitmanPro.Alert in place (a bit torn between the two at present). Wouldn't open an e-mail attachment un-sandboxed either, no matter who it came from.
Once infected I think you are done for. Even the FBI has admitted that businesses are better off paying the ransom ...

FBI’s Advice on Ransomware? Just Pay The Ransom.

Originally Posted by securityledger
The FBI wants companies to know that the Bureau is there for them if they are hacked. But if that hack involves Cryptolocker, Cryptowall or other forms of ransomware, the nation’s top law enforcement agency is warning companies that they may not be able to get their data back without paying a ransom.

“The ransomware is that good,” said Joseph Bonavolonta, the Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the FBI’s CYBER and Counterintelligence Program in its Boston office. “To be honest, we often advise people just to pay the ransom.”
The above post was made October 2015.

Here is a page off Malwarebytes ...

Remove CryptoLocker virus (Files Encrypted Ransomware)

You can get rid of the actual virus but not recover your lost files ...

Originally Posted by malwarebytes
We cannot help your recover your files, apart from suggesting to use ShadowExplorer or (free) File Recovery Software. This guide was written to help you remove the infection itself, and if a 100% proven method to recover the encrypted files is found, we will update this guide.
Sunk unless the ShadowExplorer or similar can do something.
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30-12-2015, 05:27 PM

Re: Another Virus warning

Originally Posted by MKJ ->
Sunk unless the ShadowExplorer or similar can do something.
An image backup stored on a disk not kept plugged into the computer is something worth having. Not only in case of CryptoLocker or other infections but also for recovering from disasters of any kind. The image includes all files (photos, written document etc) that were created up until the time the image is made.

Making an image regularly would prevent the loss of most files and mean that the lengthy procedure of re-installing the OS, programs and files can be avoided. However, I'm not sure if most would do this because it does mean learning how to go about using the function. It can save no end of hassle if it is made use of though.

I keep a few system images just in case they are needed. Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 includes a function for writing system images to another drive (USB drive is an option). There is also free and paid third-party software available for doing the job. I personally use the function provided by Windows. In Windows 10 this comes under 'Control Panel > Backup and Restore (Windows 7)'. I know that others might prefer to use the third-party software.
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30-12-2015, 08:27 PM

Re: Another Virus warning

Originally Posted by mart ->
An image backup stored on a disk not kept plugged into the computer is something worth having. Not only in case of CryptoLocker or other infections but also for recovering from disasters of any kind. The image includes all files (photos, written document etc) that were created up until the time the image is made.

Making an image regularly would prevent the loss of most files and mean that the lengthy procedure of re-installing the OS, programs and files can be avoided. However, I'm not sure if most would do this because it does mean learning how to go about using the function. It can save no end of hassle if it is made use of though.

I keep a few system images just in case they are needed. Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 includes a function for writing system images to another drive (USB drive is an option). There is also free and paid third-party software available for doing the job. I personally use the function provided by Windows. In Windows 10 this comes under 'Control Panel > Backup and Restore (Windows 7)'. I know that others might prefer to use the third-party software.
You are a bit of a one off .

I run home servers and backup both the file systems and databases once a week before running an update. Only just finished doing so in fact. I store all the backups on an external hard drive in case. This means I have 3 file systems - server - computer and external hard drive.
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30-12-2015, 09:13 PM

Re: Another Virus warning

No shortage of disaster recovery there then.
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31-12-2015, 12:34 AM

Re: Another Virus warning

Originally Posted by mart ->
Just about anything posted about in forums is likely to be challenged, questioned or even ridiculed. Just the way things are at times. You have indeed done your bit and your best is good in my opinion.

Mart, thankyou so much for your very kind words. You are a sweetheart.
Thanks again to Orangutan and others who have been supportive too. It meant alot. X
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