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24-02-2014, 01:29 AM

Re: Aches and Pains

I have had a problem with pains in my legs at night, during the day can 'distract' myself, also prior to settling down to sleep can distract myself,but once I have settled to sleep I register the pain, which then increases in intensity and I used to end up jiggling my legs to distract myself, getting up and walking around, reading till I was too exhausted to keep my eyes open. There was even a period when I had one of those exercise bikes lined up next to my bed and would ride until too tired to ride any more, roll over onto the bed and hope to be asleep before the pain registered.

THEN the miracle happened, I got severe carpal tunnel one Christmas after crocheting a shawl in three weeks. I experienced really severe 'referred' pain in my elbow, upper arm and shoulder and after my mother found me crying and rocking in pain she phoned our surgery and the doctor arranged with her that I meet him in the local pharmacy. He gave me a prescription for Dihydrocodeine, two to be taken then and there and two four hourly afterwards. Well I got home, and was fine, until the second dose 4 hours later after which I went out like a light and slept like a log. When I woke up the pain in my arm was gone. BUT I suddenly realised that I had gone to sleep with no problem, and no recollection of pain in my legs either. So that night I took two about half an hour before bed, and again no pain. So I went to the doc and asked for more. He was of course surprised and asked if my arm still hurt and I told him no, but neither did my leg. (we had been trying various pain killers for years to no avail). His response? Well if it works for you, you are welcome. As a result I have been taking two every night just before bed for the past 16 years or so. Occasionally, if I have overdone things I may have to take a third about an hour later,but other than that there are no problems. I have been accused, on another site, of being 'addicted' to them, or 'reliant' on them, but I reply that yes, I am addicted to the nightly freedom from pain, and reliant on them to prevent that pain, which had been experiencing for a good 15 years prior to finding these tablets. Occasionally I will take a couple of paracetamol with them if it feels as if the pain is breaking through, and this was under the advice of our local pharmacist and instead of a third DF118, which only take as an absolute last resort.
Uncle Joe
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24-02-2014, 09:20 AM

Re: Aches and Pains

[QUOTE=Mups;419304]You're right Julie. Mum used to take the Co-Codamol and they are indeed Codeine/Paracetamol mixed. They come in different prescription strengths according to the amount of pain. The Codeine content does make some people constipated though.[/QUOTE]

Jean darlin' that is why I have an almost standing order with my supermarket to deliver two punnets of Nectarines to me every week - they help relieve this awkward side-effect
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04-03-2014, 01:31 PM

Re: Aches and Pains

Yes UJ I eat those and it does help. No wonder we are having these complaints, its the weather, nothing but rain but have to say yesterday was beautiful.
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