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20-11-2016, 01:32 PM

Re: France to cancel Calais Border Controls

Should we go down the road of Australia?
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20-11-2016, 01:34 PM

Re: France to cancel Calais Border Controls


I cannot agree with some of the radical suggestions.

Common decency says otherwise we are better than that, we are not barbarians.

We can just lock them up, they pose no danger to us in custody.

Whilst I have no issues at all with killing to protect others, if they are no danger, we should not leave them at risk.
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20-11-2016, 01:50 PM

Re: France to cancel Calais Border Controls

So how can we seriously discourage people from trying to get here?
Letting in pseudo 12 years olds for example must send out all the wrong signals.
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20-11-2016, 03:30 PM

Re: France to cancel Calais Border Controls

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

I cannot agree with some of the radical suggestions.
I cannot see any objections to my suggestion.

If they are able to row 22 miles across the Channel, they can row 12 miles from the French territorial limits.

The Frogs are quite happy to encourage them to cross from Calais to Dover, so we should be quite happy to offload them in the Bay of Biscay 12 miles out to sea. We'd even give them seaworthy boats, which they don't seem to have when they leave France.

We could even give them the option: take one of our free excursions round the Bay of Biscay or stay in one of Swimfeeder's prison camps!
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20-11-2016, 03:49 PM

Re: France to cancel Calais Border Controls

I loved the last sentence, and I agree with your options.
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20-11-2016, 11:14 PM

Re: France to cancel Calais Border Controls

We must be careful to not allow emotion to cloud our judgements on these issues. As a country we must abide by the asylum laws/conventions which are humane and needed.
We must separate in our minds the genuine people fleeing war and who have been displaced. Theirs is a desperate plight and hard struggle the like of which most of us could not imagine (though that time may well come in the future!)

As Swimfeeders rightly states, we should process the genuine Asylum Seekers and let them in according to the quota of such that the UK should shoulder.

All the illegal immigrants, with no due paperwork, with no proof of origin, should be detained and all should be DNA swabbed, bagged and tagged. Rather than detain them indefinitely in the UK, I suggest a larger detention camp is established in say Mauritius, the French: République de Maurice.

Any immigrants who escape detention would be stranded on an Indian Ocean Island and would have to find sea passage across to Madagascar/Africa and begin again a very long painstaking journey. Most would probably prefer to admit their true origins and then allow their deportation to that country. It would be the Alcatraz of the Indian Ocean.

Since all UK deportees will be processed, DNA swabbed, bagged/tagged any subsequent attempts to get back to the UK would be picked up likely in other countries if they go through any customs.
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20-11-2016, 11:25 PM

Re: France to cancel Calais Border Controls

Originally Posted by Realist ->
We must be careful to not allow emotion to cloud our judgements on these issues. As a country we must abide by the asylum laws/conventions which are humane and needed.
We must separate in our minds the genuine people fleeing war and who have been displaced. Theirs is a desperate plight and hard struggle the like of which most of us could not imagine (though that time may well come in the future!)

As Swimfeeders rightly states, we should process the genuine Asylum Seekers and let them in according to the quota of such that the UK should shoulder.

All the illegal immigrants, with no due paperwork, with no proof of origin, should be detained and all should be DNA swabbed, bagged and tagged. Rather than detain them indefinitely in the UK, I suggest a larger detention camp is established in say Mauritius, the French: République de Maurice.

Any immigrants who escape detention would be stranded on an Indian Ocean Island and would have to find sea passage across to Madagascar/Africa and begin again a very long painstaking journey. Most would probably prefer to admit their true origins and then allow their deportation to that country. It would be the Alcatraz of the Indian Ocean.

Since all UK deportees will be processed, DNA swabbed, bagged/tagged any subsequent attempts to get back to the UK would be picked up likely in other countries if they go through any customs.
I agree with that alternative too. It has the advantage that no-one, not even the Frogs, could complain about our sending them there.

The one disadvantage, of course, is that someone has to pay for the long sea voyage. Then again, we don't have to use anything like first class cabins, do we?
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20-11-2016, 11:28 PM

Re: France to cancel Calais Border Controls

Truthfully, if it wasn’t so serious it would be farcical. The stupid inept French wannabe’s are threatening to move our Border control at Calais back to Britain? Well my opinion is to tell them to get stuffed, call their bluff and bring them,back to this side of the water and make the French pay for anything such as cooperation and information that they require. Oh, and bring back all that flippin fencing that we taxpayers paid for too!!

The whole sorry saga regarding illegal Immigrants is solely the fault of the French and they should be held fully responsible. It happened in their backyard. They allowed the erection of the so called Jungle after promising never to let it ever happen again after we were suckered over Sangette when we agreed to take most of the residents there as part of the agreement back then.

They broke this agreement by then allowing the erection of the Jungle to go ahead and caused utter misery,fear, damage and loss of millions of pounds to businesses for years with their sheer ineptitude.

France is one of the founding members of the EU, always ever eager to brag about being so, Yet the foundation of the EU was the freedom of holidaymakers and business transport to travel freely between borders at ports, By allowing the Jungle to be built virtually at the mouth of Calais they broke the rules and should be held responsible with all the costs involved, never mind the whinging and blackmail until our government coughed up millions to erect the fences needed to stop illegals.

To hell with them !!
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20-11-2016, 11:31 PM

Re: France to cancel Calais Border Controls

Originally Posted by JBR ->
I certainly would. Just tow them sufficiently far from our shores that they would have no chance of paddling back again. Of course, we can't enter the territorial waters of other countries, but there's nothing to stop us (apart from bleating do-gooders, of course) from towing them to just outside the limits and casting them adrift. They should be able to row a few miles to the nearest land.

The Bay of Biscay sounds like a good idea.
you are all beginning to sound Australian at last!!
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20-11-2016, 11:43 PM

Re: France to cancel Calais Border Controls

Is this a Collective?
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