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28-06-2016, 06:33 PM

Re: Farage Says It Like It Is

Originally Posted by moreover ->
What a load of self deceptive, hypocrytical tosh. The Germans and the French agreed to our joining them in the EU. It wasn't the other way around. And do we harbour unrequited love for the Germans and the French? Or anyone else for that matter.

As for Farage - I'd boo and hiss the deceitful, free-loading bastard too if I came face to face with him. What work has he ever done? He admits he never does anything for the country in his 'job' as MEP. He just collects his pay and claims his expenses. A parasite with dreams of glory. In other words a waste of space.
You are, of course, entitled to your opinion so colourfully put.

What work has he ever done? As I've just said, unlike most politicians he's done a 'proper job'. Google it.

In his 'job' as MEP, he has questioned many of the EU's policies and activities from within on our behalf, although as everyone must now realise the EU parliament is rather meaningless as all the laws they issue are made by an unelected and unaccountable body.

You call him a parasite if you will, but I believe he has achieved a great deal for us: our independence, which no other politician has or has even wanted to. And as for glory, he has effectively done himself out of a job, or will have done when we eventually leave.
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28-06-2016, 06:35 PM

Re: Farage Says It Like It Is

Originally Posted by malcolm ->
And when it all goes wrong for them in a couple of years and they are faced with massive debts, who picks up the tab ?.....the English as usual !
Not on your nelly. If they're independent of the UK, they're independent and must stand on their own two feet.

I believe, and I hope, that most Scots are aware of this.
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28-06-2016, 06:38 PM

Re: Farage Says It Like It Is

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Well he has led the fight to get us out of the EU and been successful. Quite an achievement after years of EU abuse of the UK.

When did the people of Britain ever vote to be in a European Union? Answer never.

Edward Heath took Britain into the European Community back in 1973, and Harold Wilson gave the people a referendum on membership of the European COMMUNITY in 1975 in which 66% voted to be in.

Life was good, the world advanced. The Berlin Wall came down in 1989.

Then in 1993 the European UNION was formed.

A few orchestrated disasters later and the EU countries signed and ratified the Lisbon Treaty. A treaty that would fundamentally change British laws and regulations and ultimately see the destruction of Britain and of Westminster replacing it with an EU regime that could no longer be challenged.

The public were not properly informed about that treaty nor did they get to vote for it. They had voted for membership of the EC not the EU and the public never accepted the prospect of the Euro becoming the currency.

By this stealth and un-democratic process 4 more treaties were signed which together would give the EU power over the UK, making EU Laws and regs take primacy over well established British laws and regs. Those changes would see hundreds of small businesses ruined, our fishing industries ruined and much more.

The people NEVER at any stage had the change to be in or out of the European UNION, a Political Union with an agenda to disband Westminster and the UK as a whole. I can't help but think that somewhere along that process, there must be treason involved. It is surely treason to pass the control of a country's laws and power to a foreign collective without the will and consent of its people.

Britain wanted to be a part of the European COMMUNITY to share trade and commerce. What it was turned into by stealth was a hugely political union of useless MEPs which would absorb money and waste it on high paid salaries whilst becoming an unchallengeable law unto itself.

Thank goodness enough people recognised this and voted to get out at the last hour. Had the 6th treaty been signed off it would have been game over and most likely our ability to even discuss this on an internet forum would have been outlawed.

I still worry that the powers that be will not go through with Article 50 and find some lame excuse to make a mockery of the referendum. If they do, civil war and unrest will plague us for a long time.

The EC was good. The EU was bad. We joined the EC happily, but they turned it into the EU and never gave us a vote for that significant change to a political union. It is right that we have come out of it. Other countries will follow suit I am sure.

A very convenient selective memory loss??? - No mention f'r instance of 'the wicked witch of the West's' signature on the bottom of the Single European Act Treaty, nor of Major's signature on the Maasstricht Treaty, both of which had disasterance consequences for the uk citizens.
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28-06-2016, 06:38 PM

Re: Farage Says It Like It Is

Originally Posted by moreover ->
What a load of self deceptive, hypocrytical tosh. The Germans and the French agreed to our joining them in the EU. It wasn't the other way around. And do we harbour unrequited love for the Germans and the French? Or anyone else for that matter.

As for Farage - I'd boo and hiss the deceitful, free-loading bastard too if I came face to face with him. What work has he ever done? He admits he never does anything for the country in his 'job' as MEP. He just collects his pay and claims his expenses. A parasite with dreams of glory. In other words a waste of space.
I'm taking a real wild stab in the dark here and guessing you're a disgruntled, peeved Remainer.
You'll claim next that Ms Merkel's policies have really enriched Europe, for which we should be truly thankful .. Amen.
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28-06-2016, 06:38 PM

Re: Farage Says It Like It Is

Originally Posted by malcolm ->
UKIP will have to change its name as its objective has been achieved we are now Independent !
How about the UKTP - the UK Truthful Party. A unique concept!
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28-06-2016, 06:40 PM

Re: Farage Says It Like It Is

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
A very convenient selective memory loss??? - No mention f'r instance of 'the wicked witch of the West's' signature on the bottom of the Single European Act Treaty, nor of Major's signature on the Maasstricht Treaty, both of which had disasterance consequences for the uk citizens.

Here we go again ... get your nose out of your history books UJ or you'll asphyxiate when the cobwebs fossilize.
Had you not noticed we just had a referendum .. by the people.
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28-06-2016, 06:40 PM

Re: Farage Says It Like It Is

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
I'm taking a real wild stab in the dark here and guessing you're a disgruntled, peeved Remainer.
You'll claim next that Ms Merkel's policies have really enriched Europe, for which we should be truly thankful .. Amen.
I suggested a separate sub-forum for those sort of people: not those who voted IN, but those who voted IN and were disgruntled about the result!

It hasn't happened, though!
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28-06-2016, 06:42 PM

Re: Farage Says It Like It Is

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
A very convenient selective memory loss??? - No mention f'r instance of 'the wicked witch of the West's' signature on the bottom of the Single European Act Treaty, nor of Major's signature on the Maasstricht Treaty, both of which had disasterance consequences for the uk citizens.
Yes UJ but you are still absorbed in silly party politics which is largely irrellevant.

Yes, ALL of those PMs on ALL sides covertly and dishonestly our Britain in the mess it is in and transferred the control of our nation to the EU without the will or consent of the people. They are all in some sense traitors for doing so.

There needs to be a full exposure and explanation to the public of the Lisbon Treaty and the other treaties so that understand what has been done to them and their nation.
Those responsible should be brought to justice.
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28-06-2016, 06:43 PM

Re: Farage Says It Like It Is

Originally Posted by JBR ->
How about the UKTP - the UK Truthful Party. A unique concept!
I vote Kippy McKipFace
Uncle Joe
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28-06-2016, 06:43 PM

Re: Farage Says It Like It Is

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
Here we go again ... get your nose out of your history books UJ or you'll asphyxiate when the cobwebs fossilize.
Had you not noticed we just had a referendum .. by the people.

Some of us have long memories and clearly you don't like to be reminded of the b*lls ups made the 'nasty party' in the past, what a shame!!!
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