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24-03-2019, 12:42 PM

Re: The Million+ People’s Vote March v Farage’s Brext squad

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
So they all turned up by accident? Or was it a media propaganda exercise? funny how it got so much coverage on the BBC at short notice......It looked quite well organised to me.....
Being as London voted mostly to remain in the EU they didn't have far to travel either.....Lets see how they do when 17 million Northerners descend on London next week..

Yeah right !!! - all two hundred of them !!!
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24-03-2019, 01:36 PM

Re: The Million+ People’s Vote March v Farage’s Brext squad

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Why are people talking about lefties and right wing etc brexit was not and is still not a party political question. As many people on the right as on the left love EU and as many one the right and on the left want to leave. It's clearly cross party problem and why both labour and tories tend to tear them selves apart over it all. There is no one party other than the ones set us specifically as leaving parties that are for leaving.
Therefore mp's left and right are starting to believe that the march indicates a change of what the people want, namely, now they want to stay in the EU. Mp's have make that come true.
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24-03-2019, 01:54 PM

Re: The Million+ People’s Vote March v Farage’s Brext squad

Originally Posted by Solasch ->
Therefore mp's left and right are starting to believe that the march indicates a change of what the people want, namely, now they want to stay in the EU. Mp's have make that come true.
I think you may be a bit behind the times as most people are just heartily fed up and want to just get out and be done with it. I haven't heard many except Mps recently thinking staying in is a good idea, they have watched how EU treats us and now understand the dangers.
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24-03-2019, 02:00 PM

Re: The Million+ People’s Vote March v Farage’s Brext squad

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I think you may be a bit behind the times as most people are just heartily fed up and want to just get out and be done with it. I haven't heard many except Mps recently thinking staying in is a good idea, they have watched how EU treats us and now understand the dangers.
Behind what times? Didn't those millions marching in london demand revoking article 50, staying in the EU?
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24-03-2019, 02:11 PM

Re: The Million+ People’s Vote March v Farage’s Brext squad

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I think you may be a bit behind the times as most people are just heartily fed up and want to just get out and be done with it. I haven't heard many except Mps recently thinking staying in is a good idea, they have watched how EU treats us and now understand the dangers.
Most of the moderate leave voters I know just want the whole thing cancelled, partly because they’re sick of it but mainly because they have realised that Brexit will tie our government and civil service up for years
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24-03-2019, 02:14 PM

Re: The Million+ People’s Vote March v Farage’s Brext squad

Originally Posted by Solasch ->
Behind what times? Didn't those millions marching in london demand revoking article 50, staying in the EU?
Again you are not exactly with the programme, London is predominantly remain you will find they turn out for a march fairly easily. Rest of the country not so much we are mostly leave and don't have time to travel miles to the capital. This is why it's all such a mess the MPs are in that London bubble and seem to think they can drag the rest of the country with them. Not happening from what I am seeing.
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24-03-2019, 02:15 PM

Re: The Million+ People’s Vote March v Farage’s Brext squad

Originally Posted by Banchory ->
Most of the moderate leave voters I know just want the whole thing cancelled, partly because they’re sick of it but mainly because they have realised that Brexit will tie our government and civil service up for years
They want to waste several years and millions of pounds ?

oddly most of the remainers I know want out now having seen what eu is really like.
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24-03-2019, 02:16 PM

Re: The Million+ People’s Vote March v Farage’s Brext squad

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Why are people talking about lefties and right wing etc brexit was not and is still not a party political question. As many people on the right as on the left love EU and as many one the right and on the left want to leave. It's clearly cross party problem and why both labour and tories tend to tear them selves apart over it all. There is no one party other than the ones set us specifically as leaving parties that are for leaving.
Tell Corbyn that.
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24-03-2019, 02:17 PM

Re: The Million+ People’s Vote March v Farage’s Brext squad


Around here an awful lot of Leave Voters are just ordinary working people who could not afford the train fare to London.
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24-03-2019, 02:19 PM

Re: The Million+ People’s Vote March v Farage’s Brext squad

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Again you are not exactly with the programme, London is predominantly remain you will find they turn out for a march fairly easily. Rest of the country not so much we are mostly leave and don't have time to travel miles to the capital. This is why it's all such a mess the MPs are in that London bubble and seem to think they can drag the rest of the country with them. Not happening from what I am seeing.
You prove my point. Marchers and mp's are both in london. Therefore such a march in the city has more influence on mp's than farage marching on london.
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