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24-11-2015, 02:36 PM

Re: Unbreakable Faith!

Originally Posted by MKJ ->
I agree with you. And we wouldn't be having this discussion if people were turning to more orthodox beliefs and not the one that is hell bent on taking over the world by any means whatsoever.
To be honest all religions at some time or other have done that, and all countries have tried it too. It seems the human condition to try to make everyone like us.
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24-11-2015, 02:39 PM

Re: Unbreakable Faith!

My Father in Law is a shrink,and it is a battle for me and my wife when we visit him Sneaky ole guy,if you aren't on your toes, he will have you in a therapy session in no time,even my Mother in Law,has to tell him to stop and be NICE.If he asks you a Question,you need to weigh the Answer.I remember one time,I asked my wife hey where is your Sister,her reply was" Crap,Dad's got her cornered in the Kitchen.I gotta go save her".
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24-11-2015, 02:46 PM

Re: Unbreakable Faith!

I think they are reading about their Illness.
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24-11-2015, 02:51 PM

Re: Unbreakable Faith!

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
To be honest all religions at some time or other have done that, and all countries have tried it too. It seems the human condition to try to make everyone like us.
There has never been such a belief system as Islamism. To believe it is to believe it is the final word of God - same God that other religions have followed before it, this time though it is supposed to be followed as is without demonstration or corruption - as is. To follow it 'as is' (don't forget to question it is to corrupt it) means following it in it's entirety.

Originally Posted by The False Dichotomy: Moderate Muslims vs. Radicals
We were taught in school that the Qur'an has descended, word for word, from the creator Allah, through Muhammad. This is accepted throughout the entirety of the Islamic word. If we take this speculation as accurate information of Islam, then every Muslim is supposed to follow Allah’s verses exactly in order to be a good Muslim and to be considered a representative of the real ideology and religion of Islam.

Secondly, if we take the assertion that the Qur'an is made up of Allah’s words as being true, then Qur'anic verses should be followed for eternity, as long as human beings exist in this universe. No changes are allowed to Allah’s rules and words because Allah, as Muslims say, is perfect and his knowledge is absolute. As a result, his words cannot be relative and every word he utters or reveals should apply in any time of human history.

In fact, even Muhammad himself repeatedly said that two things a Muslim should follow are the Qur'an (words of Allah) and the Hadith (Muhammad’s teachings).

Considering this information and based on these standards, a true Muslim, who represent the real Islam, should be the one who follows and obeys Allah’s words (from the Qur'an) completely. As a result, anyone who ignores some of the rules is not, and cannot be, considered a reflection of Islam, a good Muslim, or even a Muslim. Accordingly, Allah’s words and rules are not a basket of vegetable to choose from, meaning that one cannot obey some orders and disregard others.

In other words if you don't follow it as laid out by Muhammad there is justification for another Muslim to kill you - also should you attempt to give up your belief you could also be killed - should you ridicule Muhammad you could be killed - more besides and all justifiable. This is not how other religions have been in the past. They were always open for reformation and to interpretation. This one is set in stone and written in blood.
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24-11-2015, 03:05 PM

Re: Unbreakable Faith!

If I thought anyone would really want to hear them I bet I could find more peaceful quotes in the Koran than any other, Same goes for the Bible some awful things in there that no peaceful person would ever follow we look for the good.

We need to look at why a few people are looking at the non peaceful quotes and making up a seemingly new religion with them.
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24-11-2015, 03:08 PM

Re: Unbreakable Faith!

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
If I thought anyone would really want to hear them I bet I could find more peaceful quotes in the Koran than any other, Same goes for the Bible some awful things in there that no peaceful person would ever follow we look for the good.

We need to look at why a few people are looking at the non peaceful quotes and making up a seemingly new religion with them.
No. The point you are missing is that it is supposed to be the final word of God - passed down through Muhammad. Muhammad didn't write it - God did. You have to believe this as this is the guiding precept - the first port of call. If you don't believe this you are not a true Muslim - you are something else - and a despicable something else too. Any supposedly 'integrated' Muslim is just as much under threat as any Jew or Christian. This is why you read about Muslims being killed by other Muslims.
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24-11-2015, 03:22 PM

Re: Unbreakable Faith!

Well I am not a Muslim so don't believe that however I respect those who do. Moderate Muslims believe it too so something is causing these extremists to make their idea of religion into such a monstrous thing. That is what we need to find out.
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24-11-2015, 03:23 PM

Re: Unbreakable Faith!

This is what's so confusing to me,Every Religion treats women as Second Class Citizens.Were I female, I certainly would not allow myself to be treated that way.Especially in this Day and Age.So to stand up for and speak in favor of this treatment,bewilders me.Many women throughout time have made considerable breakthroughs in Science,Geology,Medicine,Art's,Mathematics the list goes on,yet still whatever Religion they practice,or have Belief in.They are NOT Equal,So Why follow it and stand up for what is clearly Biased and Unfair.Confused Here.If you see that and perpetuate these Ideals then it will continue.I feel Women are as equal as MEN.No religion does that.I think those Women that are Religious need to rethink the whole concept of it.JMO
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24-11-2015, 03:28 PM

Re: Unbreakable Faith!

Funnily in many Muslim homes the woman does rule the roost, same in Christian homes too, the Jewish religion and Quakers all have women's equality at their heart.
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24-11-2015, 03:34 PM

Re: Unbreakable Faith!

Originally Posted by DragonsRealm ->
This is what's so confusing to me,Every Religion treats women as Second Class Citizens.Were I female, I certainly would not allow myself to be treated that way.Especially in this Day and Age.So to stand up for and speak in favor of this treatment,bewilders me.Many women throughout time have made considerable breakthroughs in Science,Geology,Medicine,Art's,Mathematics the list goes on,yet still whatever Religion they practice,or have Belief in.They are NOT Equal,So Why follow it and stand up for what is clearly Biased and Unfair.Confused Here.If you see that and perpetuate these Ideals then it will continue.I feel Women are as equal as MEN.No religion does that.I think those Women that are Religious need to rethink the whole concept of it.JMO
There is definite despair at the way we live our lives - the rich getting richer and so on. If you read the news and papers you get the feeling no sod really gives a damn for anyone - a dog eat dog social mentality. There is despair with regard to criminals getting off with light sentences - the punishment not fitting the crime. There is despair over the treatment of the elderly. There is despair everywhere and with everyone - our society in the West is far from perfect. A lot of these issues can be mitigated under Muslim rule. There is also the extent of justice under Sharia Law. You will face some real nasty consequences - stoning - amputation etc should you break the rules. It can appear very attractive. Women can easily be brainwashed into believing their lives would be improved - as in added security and so on.
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