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11-07-2016, 05:20 PM

Re: Helloooooo! is there anyone out there SOB! to talk to??????

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
Sorry Art for assuming you are a mind reader. You will need to read what happened in the Travel Forum.

What a palava !!
Shroppie, I have just read the Travel Forum and can't believe how ill you have been. You poor thing and what a rotten time you've had.
I am so sorry you missed your holiday but l suppose you getting ill before you went was a blessing in disguise. To be ill in a foreign land or aboard a ship would have been horrendous for you.
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11-07-2016, 05:33 PM

Re: Helloooooo! is there anyone out there SOB! to talk to??????

Thanks Art, and a big thank you for not calling me every name under the sun as I have for the last few weeks by my family and quite a few others for being so stupid. (luckily I think they have all just about run out of steam, phew!).
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11-07-2016, 06:17 PM

Re: Helloooooo! is there anyone out there SOB! to talk to??????

You always appear lovely Shrop. Nothing wrong with not liking football x
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11-07-2016, 06:27 PM

Re: Helloooooo! is there anyone out there SOB! to talk to??????

Yippee the football is all over
Agggg August 5 the Olympics start
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11-07-2016, 06:45 PM

Re: Helloooooo! is there anyone out there SOB! to talk to??????

Originally Posted by Meg ->
Yippee the football is all over
Agggg August 5 the Olympics start
But before that is the British Open next weekend My other half will be glued to it, and in fairness, I will watch most of it as well.
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11-07-2016, 10:20 PM

Re: Helloooooo! is there anyone out there SOB! to talk to??????

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
I must say it was nice to get a response to this thread. It's not much fun when I start talking to myself. I thought everyone had locked their doors, drawn the curtains and were glued to their screens from this morning.
I noticed also how quiet my street was today, not a soul around, all watching their chosen sports event. No-one I could chat to, even the neighbours have not been out in the garden and they are always chatty. Sigh.

So to all my over50sforum buddies on here, if you haven't been watching sport (yuk) what have you been doing with yourselves today.

What me?? well, I cooked lunch today. I hobbled into the kitchen on my one good leg and accompanying crutch (broken leg) altogether now AAAAHHHH !!

I cooked a Gammon joint in Coca Cola, then smeared it with dijon mustard, cloves and black treacle (the works) before finishing it off to bake in the oven. it was absolutely delicious, served it with shredded savoy cabbage with crispy bacon bits, swede, creamed potatoes, mini yorkshire puddings and finished with a lovely pork and sage gravy Not bad at all for this crippled ol gal. I took his lunch into the front room so he and I could as a treat, have our lunch on a tray instead of at the table and he would not have to avert his eyes from the screen. I can guarantee you although he ate every morsel if I had served up a couple of cheese and tomato sandwiches he would have been just as content. I felt that as long as his mouth was capable of opening to take in food during this Sunday sporting frenzy, that is all that mattered. He wasn't interested in anything he ate, only what he was watching.

You think I am kidding? I kid you not !

My goodness, I am feeling better already having this king size whinge. Thank god he never reads my posts.
One good thing, once I am attached to this machine, he has to put the TV on pause to make me several cups of tea that I like to have during the evening. Well, it's not my fault I am not allowed to move once attached, apart from the loo, is it??

Forget the cloves and mustard, just coat with black treacle and smother in demerara sugar and put in the oven to caramelise. Lush.
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12-07-2016, 11:09 AM

Re: Helloooooo! is there anyone out there SOB! to talk to??????

Originally Posted by Judd ->
Forget the cloves and mustard, just coat with black treacle and smother in demerara sugar and put in the oven to caramelise. Lush.
LOL Judd, I just wanted to use up the cloves and the last of the Mustard. I found that it was sweet enough from the treacle but wil definitelyl use your tip next time to see how it comes out. It was a rather large gammon joint that had been on offer so the only reason I used the cloves etc is that it looks just as appealing when cold. Yummy with creamed potatoes and Branston Pickle and sandwiches for he who must obey's lunchbox.
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