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07-09-2016, 10:31 PM

Re: The double slit experiment.

Originally Posted by Judd ->
We're doing metaphysics now JB - the energy left behind by corpses at the moment of death
Ah, but metaphysics is way beyond the comprehension of a thick, down to earth Yorkshireman!
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07-09-2016, 10:31 PM

Re: The double slit experiment.

From Quantum Physics to Metaphysics. God we are a clever lot on here.
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07-09-2016, 10:32 PM

Re: The double slit experiment.

Originally Posted by jbr ->
ah, but metaphysics is way beyond my comprehension.
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07-09-2016, 10:43 PM

Re: The double slit experiment.

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Ah, but metaphysics is way beyond the comprehension of a thick, down to earth Yorkshireman!
I'm a Yorkshireman and understand all this shi.... er stuff,
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07-09-2016, 10:50 PM

Re: The double slit experiment.

Originally Posted by Judd ->
I'm a Yorkshireman and understand all this shi.... er stuff,
Don't quote me on this.. but I think I just saw a Yorkshireman be modes... Oh no! It WAS a ghost!
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07-09-2016, 11:06 PM

Re: The double slit experiment.

Originally Posted by Rhian ->
Don't quote me on this.. but I think I just saw a Yorkshireman be modes... Oh no! It WAS a ghost!
Joking apart, in all seriousness, Rhian, for such a good looking chap I am quite modest really.
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07-09-2016, 11:13 PM

Re: The double slit experiment.

Originally Posted by Judd ->
I'm a Yorkshireman and understand all this shi.... er stuff,
A definition of metaphysics: "abstract theory with no basis in reality".
In other words, metaphysics can mean whatever you want it to mean!

I suppose in that respect I understand everything there is to know about metaphysics: I just make it up as I go along!
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08-09-2016, 11:21 AM

Re: The double slit experiment.

There's a missing link here and if found could explain life after death, ghosts, UFO's and even religion.

We all assume we know what 'Energy' is and the many forms it changes into in it's never ending travels around this universe. But what if there was a different kind of energy, a more spiritual energy. this would perhaps explain the empowerment some people claim to feel when they 'Find Religion' because they can't explain it they file it away under the heading of religion whichever god they chose to follow.

It seems a bit disproportionate to assume that all of the energy in a human body gets released either into heat or food for t' worms. The energy that a person radiates during life is surely greater than the heat discharged from cremation, especially when most of the heat comes from the fuel used to provide the heat. And also the miniscule amount of energy taken by t' worms.

Perhaps most of the energy was dissipated at the time of death and not at the disposal of the corpse. Perhaps the energy can be absorbed by all the mourners and transferred to grief. So technically we all absorb a little bit of the deceased....Natures way of recycling the energy. I am not a religious person but it would go a long way to explaining things I've learnt about various religions and reincarnation.

So how can I use and benefit from this raw energy? Do I have to join a religious group? or can I access it by other means........Realist......Over to you!
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08-09-2016, 07:31 PM

Re: The double slit experiment.

"So how can I use and benefit from this raw energy? Do I have to join a religious group? or can I access it by other means..."

Instead of burial and cremation, why not shove everyone in extra large composters the resultant heat being used to generate electrical power and any remains left after composting distributed on the land as fertiliser.

There you have it - climate change sorted in one fell swoop. Non-carbon fuel source and plants grown to absorb carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. I can feel a Nobel Prize coming.
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08-09-2016, 08:31 PM

Re: The double slit experiment.

Originally Posted by Judd ->
"So how can I use and benefit from this raw energy? Do I have to join a religious group? or can I access it by other means..."

Instead of burial and cremation, why not shove everyone in extra large composters the resultant heat being used to generate electrical power and any remains left after composting distributed on the land as fertiliser.

There you have it - climate change sorted in one fell swoop. Non-carbon fuel source and plants grown to absorb carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. I can feel a Nobel Prize coming.
That sounds a good idea. I'd be more than willing to participate if the utility companies offered a deal with their tariffs.
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