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19-02-2021, 04:34 PM

Re: Food bank trolley

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
They're also already being given money by HMG in the form of child allowance to feed their kids.
I know how you feel but I would never want to see a British child in need of food. Perhaps we should find a way to make sure the allowance for these children is only used for food & children's clothing... at least they would have a chance of warmth & feeding then!
It isn't the children's fault if their free school meals are not available during lock down!
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Pixie Knuckles
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19-02-2021, 04:39 PM

Re: Food bank trolley

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
I know how you feel but I would never want to see a British child in need of food. Perhaps we should find a way to make sure the allowance for these children is only used for food & children's clothing... at least they would have a chance of warmth & feeding then!
It isn't the children's fault if their free school meals are not available during lock down!
I don't think its possible to ensure chid allowance goes to the child, Twink. It would need to be clothing or food vouchers for shops, and I'm not sure people would take that on board - even if it was given to everyone with children, regardless of their income. I remember the outcry when the Govt decided that they were only going to pay for the first couple of kids. People with more than that practically rioted on the streets.
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The Artful Todger
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19-02-2021, 05:01 PM

Re: Food bank trolley

I loath the thought of any indigenous British kid going hungry too and I don't see a way to ensure that bad parents don't steal the money provided by HMG instead of using it for the purpose it is provided. Vouchers wouldn't work - the parents would sell them - but something must be done because what is taking place is disgusting and being used to promote Socialism.
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19-02-2021, 06:53 PM

Re: Food bank trolley

Originally Posted by Pixie Knuckles ->
I don't think its possible to ensure chid allowance goes to the child, Twink. It would need to be clothing or food vouchers for shops, and I'm not sure people would take that on board - even if it was given to everyone with children, regardless of their income. I remember the outcry when the Govt decided that they were only going to pay for the first couple of kids. People with more than that practically rioted on the streets.
Isn't it time people realized that, if they want something for nothing, they should accept what they are given?
No decent parent would see their children go cold & hungry. If they do they should be made to take cooking lessons because it doesn't cost much to feed a child lunch 5 days a week... and that is what most were complaining about through the lock down!
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