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25-06-2021, 04:40 AM

Re: Chinese Coronavirus

Covid data for Friday, 25 June 2021

Global Cases: 180,765,742
Increase: 397,405
Global Deaths: 3,915,962
Increase: 8,406

Cases 30,424 Change: 20
Deaths 910 Change: 0
Critical 1
Cases per Million 1,180

Cases 4,684,572 Change: 16,702
Deaths 128,048 Change: 21
Critical 246
Cases per Million 68,653

Cases 34,464,956 Change: 15,952
Deaths 618,685 Change: 391
Critical 3,884
Cases per Million 103,529

Cases 1,411,634 Change: 707
Deaths 26,191 Change: 16
Critical 512
Cases per Million 37,084

Cases 1,088,896 Change: 378
Deaths 14,584 Change: 6
Critical 64
Cases per Million 107,165

I am sorry that I didn't mention that other countries could have been included before but I enjoy working with VBA and adding this feature was really just tidying up some sloppy repetitious code - these things tend to grow like Topsy.
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25-06-2021, 10:36 AM

Re: Chinese Coronavirus

A very interesting analysis of contract tracing, the progress of the Bondi cluster and how it got away. Really worth watching, it is only a few minutes. He is a real doctor and knows what he is talking about.

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25-06-2021, 10:56 AM

Re: Chinese Coronavirus

Amazing how easily it can be passed on with the carrier having no knowledge and apparently no symptoms, and no realisation that they were infecting other people. It would be nice to see a follow up of the infected people to see how the virus developed and what symptoms they suffered (if any) after infection. It would appear that there are substantially less deaths and hospital admissions in Australia than from the same amount of infections elsewhere.
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26-06-2021, 12:47 AM

Re: Chinese Coronavirus

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
Amazing how easily it can be passed on with the carrier having no knowledge and apparently no symptoms, and no realisation that they were infecting other people. It would be nice to see a follow up of the infected people to see how the virus developed and what symptoms they suffered (if any) after infection. It would appear that there are substantially less deaths and hospital admissions in Australia than from the same amount of infections elsewhere.
To be fair our hospital system has never been overwhelmed by the sheer number of cases. In the first month of the pandemic they doubled the number of ICU beds but as far as I am aware they have never been needed.

One of the scarey things the contact tracers found was that the disease was passed on to someone who just walked through the air space of someone with the disease. There was CCTV footage of this event in a shopping centre, they are very worried about aerosol transmission of this Delta strain.

The Federal Government has finally woken up to the fact that quarantine is their responsibility and are now talking about building Howard Springs like quarantine centres in Victoria and Queensland. It has only taken them a year to come to this conclusion.
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26-06-2021, 04:19 AM

Re: Chinese Coronavirus

Covid data for Saturday, 26 June 2021

Global Cases: 181,181,478
Increase: 415,736
Global Deaths: 3,925,171
Increase: 9,209

Cases 30,456 Change: 32
Deaths 910 Change: 0
Critical 1
Cases per Million 1,181

Cases 4,699,868 Change: 15,296
Deaths 128,066 Change: 18
Critical 259
Cases per Million 68,877

Cases 34,482,672 Change: 17,716
Deaths 619,152 Change: 467
Critical 3,855
Cases per Million 103,580

Cases 1,412,226 Change: 592
Deaths 26,197 Change: 6
Critical 512
Cases per Million 37,099

Cases 1,088,896 Change: 0
Deaths 14,584 Change: 0
Critical 64
Cases per Million 107,163
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26-06-2021, 05:12 AM

Re: Chinese Coronavirus

At this moment (2pm AEST) the Premier of NSW is announcing a complete lockdown for Greater Sydney, the Blue Mountains, the Hunter and Wollongong LGAs.

There are now stay at home orders in effect from 6pm this evening in these areas. and will be in force until 9th July

This Press Conference was announced only 1 hour ago after the Premier warned at her 11am press conference that she might have to change tack. Well this is it.

According to our Glad all household contacts of known cases have contracted the Delta virus so it is very contagious. Her message is "Stop Moving Around"

I won't be going anywhere for the next fortnight it appears.
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26-06-2021, 11:39 AM

Re: Chinese Coronavirus

Some time back I had the theory that when I approached certain areas of my local Tesco I could smell the perfume of, probably a woman, who had occupied the same space as me but had long since moved on. If I could smell her perfume I realised that she had left something behind hovering in the air after she had gone and I could breathe it in. I believe that had she been infected, I would also have been infected. The CCTV footage you mention seems to bear that theory out Bruce.

I asked about the progress of the people who tested positive to the virus because if the result of being tested positive does not continue to be a serious threat to that person's life why are we worrying so much about catching it?
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27-06-2021, 04:21 AM

Re: Chinese Coronavirus

Covid data for Sunday, 27 June 2021

Global Cases: 181,546,318
Increase: 364,840
Global Deaths: 3,932,741
Increase: 7,570

Cases 30,495 Change: 39
Deaths 910 Change: 0
Critical 1
Cases per Million 1,182

Cases 4,717,811 Change: 17,943
Deaths 128,089 Change: 23
Critical 259
Cases per Million 69,139

Cases 34,490,134 Change: 7,462
Deaths 619,343 Change: 191
Critical 3,833
Cases per Million 103,601

Cases 1,412,768 Change: 542
Deaths 26,214 Change: 17
Critical 512
Cases per Million 37,112

Cases 1,088,896 Change: 0
Deaths 14,584 Change: 0
Critical 64
Cases per Million 107,162
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28-06-2021, 04:19 AM

Re: Chinese Coronavirus

Covid data for Monday, 28 June 2021

Global Cases: 181,862,191
Increase: 315,873
Global Deaths: 3,938,837
Increase: 6,096

Cases 30,504 Change: 9
Deaths 910 Change: 0
Critical 1
Cases per Million 1,183

Cases 4,732,434 Change: 14,623
Deaths 128,100 Change: 11
Critical 259
Cases per Million 69,352

Cases 34,494,677 Change: 4,543
Deaths 619,424 Change: 81
Critical 3,838
Cases per Million 103,613

Cases 1,413,203 Change: 435
Deaths 26,227 Change: 13
Critical 512
Cases per Million 37,123

Cases 1,088,896 Change: 0
Deaths 14,584 Change: 0
Critical 64
Cases per Million 107,160
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28-06-2021, 09:58 AM

Re: Chinese Coronavirus

44 people have been fined $1000 in NSW for breaching the health order here are two fines to make you laugh.

Two nude sunbathers have been fined $1,000 for breaching COVID-19 public health orders after being startled by a deer and becoming lost in the Royal National Park.

Police were told the men, aged 30 and 49, were spooked by a deer while sunbathing at a remote beach at Otford, south of Sydney. (Otford is north of Wollongong but in the Wollongong LGA)

After becoming lost in the surrounding bushland, the State Emergency Services (SES) and a police helicopter were sent out to help in the rescue operation, which ended at 6:00pm on Sunday.

Police said the younger man had been discovered naked and carrying a backpack.

NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller said the situation was "embarrassing" given the seriousness of the lockdown as the outbreak today grew to 130 cases with 18 new infections.

Darwin, parts of WA and Queensland are now in lockdown because of the Delta variant - How things can change in a week after weeks of zero cases
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