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04-04-2018, 12:51 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
Sweetie, can we have Gummy back now please.
get off ; get off - let me go'let me go - can you wipe the lipstick off please.

hello spittie me here - just a bit of a hiccup in transatlantic relationships! - get off get off!

you were saying spittie?
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04-04-2018, 12:59 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by gumbud ->
get off ; get off - let me go'let me go - can you wipe the lipstick off please.

hello spittie me here - just a bit of a hiccup in transatlantic relationships! - get off get off!

you were saying spittie?
Were your ears burning Gummy Bear?
I will capture you again but at the weekend.
I will leave you in peace for now. xxx
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04-04-2018, 01:16 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by Sweetie pie ->
Were your ears burning Gummy Bear?
I will capture you again but at the weekend.
I will leave you in peace for now. xxx
oh thanks SP - I do love you adulations but your passion overwhelms me and I swoon so easily

it reminds me of a poem I penned some time back

The Perfect Lovers?

We met by chance or is it really planned?
A park bench dining setting, cups in hand
Those pleasant greetings opened up the way
We shared our lunch box contents in foreplay

We watched the water ballets set the tone
It seemed a perfect outing for those unknown
And as the courtships played before our eyes
Grew wilder; we knew we were unwise

The air stood still, the sounds seemed dimmed
Echoing thoughts recalling countless sins
But once the die had been cast down
There is but one path to unholy ground

Noon and evening exploded into one
We knew no bounds as we unleashed our needs
A choreograph of sensual forgotten sounds
We lay at times our swirling minds well pleased

Our best performance yet; we knew we reached
The perfect strokes upon the canvas made
It could not be surpassed agaln my love
We parted perfect lovers; farewells saved

© gumbud - could it be anyone else?
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04-04-2018, 01:22 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

What a lovely, and very clever poem.
See now that is why I like to capture you occasionally.
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04-04-2018, 01:23 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by Jem ->
Have you ever wondered that we could be the only planet in the universe with life on it? We all used to think that one time but it’s gone out of fashion now, we all want to go to Mars and the like, take all the good things off the Martians or wherever we find natives in exchange for strings of glass beads, then return to earth rich and famous.
All the evidence we have to date seems to suggest we are alone, not a sign of the tiniest amount of bacteria has been found or spotted anywhere else in the great beyond.
We are truly unique, that in itself is very spiritualistic don’t you think? We are special, yet we don’t appreciate that, we continue to ravage this beautiful big blue planet of ours in pursuit of wealth and power, we really are an ungrateful despicable species when you come to think about it.
I hope future generations will have more sense and start to give something back to the earth instead of taking everything out, turning it into plastic junk and stuffing up the oceans with it.
And that concludes this political broadcast on behalf of the Green Party.

Reminds me of an old chestnut.
The madly in love couple were honeymooning in a country house, the farmer’s wife brought their breakfast up to the bedroom each morning but they kept refusing it saying through the door “We don’t need it missus, we’re living on love”
After a few days the farmer’s wife got cheesed off and she banged hard on the bedroom door “Your breakfast is ready again” “We don’t want it missus, we’re living on love” “Well for Gods sake stop throwing the skins out the window, they’re choking the chickens”
I have pondered on this conundrum long and hard - one could say that if anyone did create this earth then it's been a bloody disaster. But I do believe in this vast universe that we have hardly explore as yet that there are other life forms even replicated but with slight adjustments.

our own existence may have been a blueprint which would lead to better things to better places in the universe.

the universe is vast that we know even spittle would dock a cap to that and clearly not explored as yet - we've only ever made the bloody moon and still not mars - so I do think there is much beyond.

AND - this planet earth was the first prototype to see how human life would go and remember the first verses of the OT -"let us make man in our image" - bit like the frankestein story heh?

I am open to discussion!

get off sweetie pie there are other men to adore you in the candy bar and anyway I have run out of candies! - will floss do?
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04-04-2018, 01:27 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by Sweetie pie ->
What a lovely, and very clever poem.
See now that is why I like to capture you occasionally.
I know but do you have to use the chains always?
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04-04-2018, 09:55 PM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Looks like love is raising it's ugly head again.

From the Hardware store to the Candy bar
Gummy is stretching his amore afar
Lock up your Grannies and your Aunties too
Don’t say that I haven’t warned you.

With his rugged good looks and that handsome face
Rudolph Valentino is only in the ha’penny place
Here is an Aussie with charm and good humour
And he’s a millionaire, well so goes the rumour.

They’ll be coming at you for sure now Gummy old bean.
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05-04-2018, 01:36 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Originally Posted by Jem ->
Looks like love is raising it's ugly head again.

From the Hardware store to the Candy bar
Gummy is stretching his amore afar
Lock up your Grannies and your Aunties too
Don’t say that I haven’t warned you.

With his rugged good looks and that handsome face
Rudolph Valentino is only in the ha’penny place
Here is an Aussie with charm and good humour
And he’s a millionaire, well so goes the rumour.

They’ll be coming at you for sure now Gummy old bean.
thumps Jem hard on his right shoulder " Oeer you are naughty but I do like you"!!
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05-04-2018, 01:48 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

Sweetie Pie here's some poetic advice that may apply to those torn and tortured relationships at the Candy Bar

Loves Won and Lost

I chanced upon her on a greying autumn day
She smiled just briefly, then pressed on; was I just in the way?
I thought there was a flicker there, a glance that stayed just longer
And as our paths crossed more that year that flickering glance grew stronger

I'm not sure when we crossed that line that said this is forbidden
But by then the die had been cast down our passions wildly driven
We grasped at every moment like it was the last on earth
We laughed and cried and held onto that love for all its worth

I guess we knew that we were heading for a cliff top like decision
That would test us to the very core, cloud even loves clear vision
We skirted round that fatal day, Still talked about tomorrows
Said we would work it out somehow despite surrounding sorrows

We went our separate ways again promising not for ever
We phoned, we wrote and tried to meet but the demons were too clever
With broken hearts and heavy steps we trudged our separate paths
And as the time grew longer, our souls were all but trashed

I guess it finished on a 'high' of love and pain and longing
You get on with your life and find some more belonging
We wrote much later in the years and reminisced like lovers
We thought the painting would not dry but the laquer tears had covered

As I look back on all my paths ours was the brightest moment
Just for a while time did stand still and give us joys enthronement
I think I met an angel then sent down to test and steal me
And whisper "love that can't be shared is counterfeit believe me"

© gumbud

yes I know it mushy but it's my sort of mush!
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05-04-2018, 05:18 AM

Re: Leisurely Scribbles (part 5)

I wiped off my lipstick so as to slip in here mostly unnoticed...

Feeling the pangs of love lost so eloquently expressed ("We thought the painting would not dry but the laquer tears had covered," sigh), and finding the thread meandering into my astronomical (in the literal sense of the word) wheelhouse, I am breaking a a self-imposed rule to not only enter this cogently populated pub but to squeeze a momentary spot at the bar.

The chances that life is out there looks good, though what we will probably find is more likely to give you a cold than a conversation. A nerdy type in a sparse university alcove calculated that there could be 500 billion planets just in the Milky Way alone that could be habitable.

As for this little blue ball, we are a hopelessly wasteful, inefficient, overly-reproductive - and filthy to boot. Nature tends to have little patience for species that run out of resources. In the big picture, there is plenty of time for Mother Nature to send us to the scrap heap of extinct species, scrub up the place and evolve another that will be more successful... in which the best remnants of our DNA will make it through the next sorting so that a compelling sci-fi story, a pretty melody, or a bittersweet poem still stirs the fires of living. Of all the things that make it through those combinations of bases that make up the rungs of the double helix for this post human species, wouldn't it be a shame to lose love and humo(u)r?

Ah, but the clock complains that I have overstayed my welcome, so with an anticipated, "Get your coat!" I will, head bowed, sashay right on out of here past Sweetie Pie who is better at lifting the spirits 'round here. Thank you for the drink, gentlemen .
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