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10-04-2013, 11:41 AM

Re: This is amazing

The big question ooh aah missus. I don't think I would have

When I was sixteen I worked for a very posh Institute of Building where men paid annual subscriptions to have letters after their name.

My job was in an office in what had been a lovely house in Bedford Square London. It had a long and wide carpeted staircase and there were no lifts in those far off days.

My boss would send me to the post room on the ground floor and when I came back there was usually a group of men on each landing watching me over the bannisters. They didn't say much but grinned.

One day an older and much wiser secretary told me that they watched because as I ran upstairs my lift and separate bra allowed my pert sixteen year old boobies to bounce.

I was shocked and alarmed but in those days I thought it was my fault

Needless to say this lovely lady had a word with my boss and the trips to the ground floor stopped.

So as to an assignation with one of these old blokes the answer had to be no I liked the young 'uns. (Still do)
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11-04-2013, 07:23 PM

Re: This is amazing

I don't think I would have either Cookie - don't know where they've been there's also something a bit creepy about older men going after much younger women.

Okay, who was your heart-throb when you were 16?
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11-04-2013, 09:13 PM

Re: This is amazing

Bless me at sweet sixteen I was in love with Pernell Roberts who played Adam in Bonanza. The bald thing lasted over to Yul Bryner. Real life well I had been kissed at sixteen, when I was nearly seventeen I went to Pontin's Holiday Camp in Somerset and met a guy slightly older than me. Funny he really liked me and I liked him but in those days I was what you would call a good girl and he wanted to sow his wild oats.
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12-04-2013, 12:29 PM

Re: This is amazing

Just googled Pernell Roberts - what a stunning smile! Very handsome man. There was something very sexy about Yul Bryner wasn't there. Nothing wrong with being a good girl Cookie At 16, I was mad on David Bowie and Steve McQueen so you can see a logical link there ...... somewhere
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12-04-2013, 12:35 PM

Re: This is amazing

Yep - me and Cate both on the same wavelength - I left a boy sitting in the cinema once (said I was going to the loo) and walked out - 'I' wanted to 'see' the film, he had other ideas. Now, dont worry - as Jem did - His vanity took a little dent, that was all
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12-04-2013, 12:37 PM

Re: This is amazing

BTW - Yul Brynner was attractive, those eyes and wry smile... but, by all accounts - a git
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12-04-2013, 12:48 PM

Re: This is amazing

If you were a bouncy happy person then I think in my younger days I was often misunderstood as a flirt. I probably was but it was in all innocence. I got really fed up as I considered myself overweight and ugly.

Talking of gits. My ex-husband who is now dead had a beautiful head of hair which he looked at in the mirror at every opportunity he was such a git and more but he was very dark and handsome.

Now if I had gone for the Steve McQueen/David Bowie man fair of face and hair I might have done better. Looking back it was foreign dark blokes I liked. Now I see that they were oily oiks as my old mum called them.
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12-04-2013, 01:04 PM

Re: This is amazing

Fair men can be gits as well Cookie as my first husband proved! If we never dealt with the wrong 'uns (as my Dad used to call them), how would we know the good 'uns. The only time I got it horribly wrong (as far as my parents were concerned but that was the whole point really - why didn't they get that ) was when I dated a biker (kind of hell's angel I suppose) and he took me home on his big motorbike and my parents had a fit! As an adult, I can understand why now but that was such a lot of fun (and, for a biker, he was very respectful and didn't push his luck so to speak ).
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