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10-07-2021, 12:37 PM

Re: Nationalisation of GPs

The other big issue is if things go wrong or don't work out you keep on paying out to fix them. Lots of good people working in both NHS and private but can also be poor quality like that breast surgeon who gave mastectomies to healthy women for profit. Private doctors seem to be able to refer the too complex cases back to the NHS. Very convenient!
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10-07-2021, 01:08 PM

Re: Nationalisation of GPs

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
You're just proving my point that private health insurance does not work. It's like any insurance based on risk. In terms of loans that is how people in the US end up destitute. Just takes one really bad accident or health crisis to leave them penniless. You're not selling private healthcare v well.
Annie, you're confusing private health provision with private health insurance. Although related a person doesn't need private health insurance in order to take advantage of private health care. It can be paid for in cash.
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10-07-2021, 01:16 PM

Re: Nationalisation of GPs

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
The other big issue is if things go wrong or don't work out you keep on paying out to fix them. Lots of good people working in both NHS and private but can also be poor quality like that breast surgeon who gave mastectomies to healthy women for profit. Private doctors seem to be able to refer the too complex cases back to the NHS. Very convenient!
It's not quite that simple but in any case --- so what? A healthseeker in the UK is paying in taxes for access to the NHS - he gets no tax discount for paying for treatment that the NHS could but isn't called on to pay so if or when he needs anything from the NHS then he's already paid for it from his taxes just like everyone else.

Or at least those who DO pay UK taxes! There are ways to avoid or evade doing so!
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10-07-2021, 01:30 PM

Re: Nationalisation of GPs

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
You're just proving my point that private health insurance does not work. It's like any insurance based on risk. In terms of loans that is how people in the US end up destitute. Just takes one really bad accident or health crisis to leave them penniless. You're not selling private healthcare v well.
I don't know who your reply was aimed at!

However, a really bad accident should be covered by somebody's car insurance, or whatever.

Health Care is about your everyday health?
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10-07-2021, 03:13 PM

Re: Nationalisation of GPs

Or whatever? Proving that paying through the nose for health insurance doesn't cover you and the alternative is a lottery as to whether you will receive a payout or can afford what may turn out to be astronomical bills.

Basically proving that private healthcare puts all the risk on the patient. Plus if you pay yourself and it goes wrong you have no recourse other than some no win no fee shark lawyer.

The NHS spreads the risk across it's massive operational base. Backed by the treasury and compliant with the law. People who visit nhs services should be demanding good service because we taxpayers are funding it.
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10-07-2021, 03:21 PM

Re: Nationalisation of GPs

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
Or whatever? Proving that paying through the nose for health insurance doesn't cover you and the alternative is a lottery as to whether you will receive a payout or can afford what may turn out to be astronomical bills.

Basically proving that private healthcare puts all the risk on the patient. Plus if you pay yourself and it goes wrong you have no recourse other than some no win no fee shark lawyer.

The NHS spreads the risk across it's massive operational base. Backed by the treasury and compliant with the law. People who visit nhs services should be demanding good service because we taxpayers are funding it.
Perhaps so - but it's up to the individual on how he wants to spend his money and noone else.

Funny thing where private health provision is involved.

The biggest whinging always seems to come from those who resent people being able to buy better than others. Almost as if that option shouldn't exist.
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10-07-2021, 03:28 PM

Re: Nationalisation of GPs

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
Perhaps so - but it's up to the individual on how he wants to spend his money and noone else.

Funny thing where private health provision is involved.

The biggest whinging always seems to come from those who resent people being able to buy better than others. Almost as if that option shouldn't exist.
It's fine that we have private healthcare provision for those who wish to go down that route. But it should in no way replace the NHS model. With the teaching hospitals and research facilities that have helped us battle with this virus and also helped many members here through some very serious health problems.
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10-07-2021, 03:55 PM

Re: Nationalisation of GPs

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
It's fine that we have private healthcare provision for those who wish to go down that route. But it should in no way replace the NHS model. With the teaching hospitals and research facilities that have helped us battle with this virus and also helped many members here through some very serious health problems.
The NHS "model" is unaffordable. Certainly in its present form. The need now is root and branch restructuring with privatisation being introduced to a much greater extent than it has so far.

Personally I detest big National ANYTHING. It is inevitably grossly inefficient and sooner or later becomes politicised always making a bad situation very much worse.

There are many countries where the people are very much better served by their health provisions than the UK NHS today.
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11-07-2021, 01:24 AM

Re: Nationalisation of GPs

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
The NHS "model" is unaffordable. Certainly in its present form. The need now is root and branch restructuring with privatisation being introduced to a much greater extent than it has so far.

Personally I detest big National ANYTHING. It is inevitably grossly inefficient and sooner or later becomes politicised always making a bad situation very much worse.

There are many countries where the people are very much better served by their health provisions than the UK NHS today.
All countries struggle with the same problem when it comes to healthcare. That's been made patently obvious by the pandemic. The trouble with the NHS is that it is a political football so every party comes in and tinkers with it. The result being the patchwork quilt of services we have today. it's always going to suffer under tory rule because they detest "national anything".
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11-07-2021, 07:11 AM

Re: Nationalisation of GPs

I think our French System works well, most of the time.

Most other Countries are not run like the NHS. Our system is similar to Australia,where you get most paid for by the state system, here it's normally 70% of the costs. your expected to take out insurance for the shortfall, although it is not compulsory. Some areas I do not understand the reasoning..

The NHS is respected throughout the World and it should be sorted out as a high priority if it is to get back on its feet as it should.

Private Healthcare is available here of course, but really it is not in most peoples minds as a way to get quicker treatment. Generally to see most Consultants is weeks away at the most..often it is only days away.
You get ill, you need some action asap.
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