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04-12-2015, 04:49 AM

Re: Shootings in California

Originally Posted by Muddy ->
I was expecting this to be another American shooting but it does seem now that its was much more,
Not “just another” American shooting you say, eh? You mean THIS TIME there was at least a smidgeon of justification?

"San Bernardino Police Chief said shooters wore black tactical vests and had two handguns and two assault rifles - all legally purchased in US."

Ah! It warms the cockles of the soul to know that all is well with our cousins the other side of the Atlantic! Land of the free! Home of the brave! Leader of democracy! I'm going to apply for a “green card” immediately!
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04-12-2015, 05:05 AM

Re: Shootings in California

Originally Posted by PhilipM ->
Well I 'm not so concerned about what is going on in faraway parts of the world like Australia or California ...

Originally Posted by PhilipM ->
... more how this impacts if it does on Europe's own war with Daesh in the Middle East, North Africa and Europe.
So .... you don't consider the Middle East and North Africa "faraway parts of the world"? You wouldn't like to speculate that maybe our problems with terrorism is fundamentally the result of our personal interests in the natural resources of these “domestic" regions of the Middle East and North Africa ..... and that perhaps “Europe's own war with Daesh” is the product of our own instigation ...
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04-12-2015, 06:22 AM

Re: Shootings in California

Hello Advantage and I looked at your post.

With regard to the " faraway places " of California and Australia it is quite simply that some professionally qualified youngsters have seen they are nice places to live where they speak English and in the case of doctors, which was my profession, have good working conditions. It is much harder for doctors to get into America. That is why there are so many old people around in Britain with children and grandchildren in the far flung English speaking world like the antipodes. Not because of any sympathy with the " Britannia Rules the Waves " types who are prominent in the over 50 Forums and hark back to earlier eras.

I see you are in Sweden and I assume this is for personal and family reasons. Why is Sweden taking so many Middle Eastern refugees when you would seem to have no historical or geographical responsibility for them? Britain does have a certain degree of post Imperial responsibility in that we were once in places which had no right to meddle with and we with France, which is also chucking a few bombs, were responsible for creating the mess that is now Syria in the settlement after the First World War.

Obviously we have sought oil and North America is lucky in that it has its own. This has given various governing classes in the Middle East with ongoing mediaeval attitudes sudden immense wealth. Britain has tried to exploit those links with it's arms trade including aerospace but has not tried to reform them as we lack the power.

In short I agree with some of what you said and disagree with other things.
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04-12-2015, 06:40 AM

Re: Shootings in California

Continuing my theme from the early elements of my last post. I think some people need to get used to the fact that France, the low countries and Germany are our close physical neighbours and we must get used to that and not hark back to our trespassing over the globe in the Imperial Era. I'm sorry they prefer not to speak English but France starts under 30 miles from Dover and America 3,000 miles away!
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04-12-2015, 07:09 AM

Re: Shootings in California

Hello, Mr. Philip!

Originally Posted by PhilipM ->
I see you are in Sweden and I assume this is for personal and family reasons.
Other than the fact that I am Swedish? A fair question, non-the-less. I have travelled the globe extensively and have resided in several nations round the world. In fact it would be only a slight over-statement to say that I've lived half of my life abroad. I sought out other nations (outside of Europe) that I thought I might find worth permanent residence, but I wasn't nearly as impressed as I thought I would be. Sweden (though rapidly losing ground) is still on my top 3 and I am now nearing 69 years of age, so ………. there's your answer.

Originally Posted by PhilipM ->
Why is Sweden taking so many Middle Eastern refugees when you would seem to have no historical or geographical responsibility for them?
If I only knew the answer to that question! I have my theories, all of them qualifying for the “conspiracy” bin.

Originally Posted by PhilipM ->
Britain does have a certain degree of post Imperial responsibility in that we were once in places which we had no right to meddle with and we with France, which is also chucking a few bombs, were responsible for creating the mess that is now Syria in the settlement after the First World War.
… and Sweden has had no part in any of it, I know. So your (our) question goes unanswered - “Why is Sweden taking so many Middle Eastern refugees?”

Originally Posted by PhilipM ->
Obviously we have sought oil and North America is lucky in that it has its own. This has given various governing classes in the Middle East with ongoing mediaeval attitudes sudden immense wealth. Britain has tried to exploit those links with it's arms trade including aerospace but has not tried to reform them as we lack the power.
I think your notion of “luck” exceeds that of America's, with regards its' domestic oil. But it's good you bring it up because it is – in my opinion – the source of international treachery AND directly responsible for the popularity (sorry! I ought to have said “rise”) in terrorist activity, and its spread to “the West”. Simply stated, “Operation TP Ajax” - day one of the grief to come, for us all.

Originally Posted by PhilipM ->
In short I agree with some of what you said and disagree with other things.
I suspect the greatest point of disagreement is in what we might perceive as the definition of “responsibility”, and where it ought to be placed.
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04-12-2015, 07:15 AM

Re: Shootings in California

Originally Posted by PhilipM ->
..... France ..... I'm sorry they prefer not to speak English .....
Trop drôle!
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04-12-2015, 01:08 PM

Re: Shootings in California

Originally Posted by Advantage Out ->
When there is sufficent evidence to indicate that the 352 mass murder shootings in the USA
- so far this year alone - were committed whilst "protecting one's safety" (your own words) then I will wear a placard round my neck with the words "CLUELESS SPOUT OFF" printed upon it. Until that time I suggest it is you who is "clueless" .... perhaps even a "spout off", if I knew what that meant.
What hat did you pull the #352 from?Each State has Different Rules Pertaining to weapons.Some are Open Carry most are not.Here in Alabama it is OPEN CARRY,Meaning if you own it,you can wear it on the OUTSIDE of Your Clothing,on your belt,in a shoulder holster.ETC.And can walk into any business.It has to be visible.One can apply for a CWP and tuck it in your waistband.Most Law abiding people in the U.S. that own Weapons,are just that Law Abiding Citizens. That is exactly why I dont comment on British Politics,Its not MY BUSINESS.
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04-12-2015, 01:27 PM

Re: Shootings in California

Originally Posted by Morticia ->
Well it makes a change from you picking on Brits. Gee ... there seems to be only one country in the world who is head and shoulders above the rest of us bumbling Neanderthals.
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04-12-2015, 01:34 PM

Re: Shootings in California

Originally Posted by Advantage Out ->
Not “just another” American shooting you say, eh? You mean THIS TIME there was at least a smidgeon of justification?

"San Bernardino Police Chief said shooters wore black tactical vests and had two handguns and two assault rifles - all legally purchased in US."

Ah! It warms the cockles of the soul to know that all is well with our cousins the other side of the Atlantic! Land of the free! Home of the brave! Leader of democracy! I'm going to apply for a “green card” immediately!
In that case move to Michigan Large Swedish population there.
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04-12-2015, 01:52 PM

Re: Shootings in California

Thank you for all that Advantage! I underestimated the internationality of the internet and had you down as a British expatriate who married a Swede.

In that case I am not quite sure where your internet name comes from? Also I am puzzled that you can't explain why Sweden has taken so many refugees which I imagined might have some explanation in your internal politics?

Anyway thank you very much for your comments. In my own small part of Europe - Wales - we say " Nadolig Llawen " for Happy Christmas in our own language.
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