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02-05-2021, 12:51 AM

Re: Some people seem not to care about their pet’s welfare .

Originally Posted by Zuleika ->
I started the thread and didn’t put it in Animals because it’s really about people isn’t it ?
So is the entire pet section is it not? I'm sure pets don't see themselves as such.
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02-05-2021, 01:02 AM

Re: Some people seem not to care about their pet’s welfare .

Cant even have the conversation. Some people shouldn’t have pets. Some people shouldn’t have kids.
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02-05-2021, 06:12 AM

Re: Some people seem not to care about their pet’s welfare .

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
Certainly true about cats and cream.

Snot likes the odd bit of clotted cream on his paws but much prefers rum and raisin ice cream.

He likes a bit of rum in his warm milk on cold winter nights too but otherwise drinks water.

Another thing the old cat likes is to share a glass of Jägermeister by licking it off the Memsaab's finger on a cold night!

Damnit, we like that scruffy old Moggie!
I know a cat who makes a habit of eating nothing else buy rabbit and when he's finished licks his paws so not to waste the onion sauce.

Couldn't resist quoting TS Eliot
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02-05-2021, 06:42 AM

Re: Some people seem not to care about their pet’s welfare .

Originally Posted by Mups ->
Also Todger, I always understood 'Sniffer Dogs' are not remotely the same as 'Attack Dogs.'
Different breeds and very different training too.

Mostly, sniffer dogs for drugs etc are Labs or Springer Spaniels and I have never seen a Spaniel used as an attack dog.

Most police use GSD's or Malinois for tracking criminals, and protection. They are trained to bite hard, and to hold on.

I don't understand Swimmy's post about using highly trained sniffer dogs as attack dogs, as it's completely different training - or have I misunderstood?

- can you clarify what breed of dogs you were talking about please?


Dogs are obviously not your area of expertise.
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02-05-2021, 06:42 AM

Re: Some people seem not to care about their pet’s welfare .

I suppose it depends upon the dog. Some can't tolerate being left alone for 8-9 hours /day. Some don't seem to mind one bit. If the dog does not bark, or tear up the house, while being left alone, I don't see what the problem is. Especially if it gets a good walk before going to work and another good long walk after returning from work.
If the dog has a steady diet of dry food, it won't need to poop for 8-10 hours at a time. After all, it has no problem while it's owner is sleeping for 8-10 hours.
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02-05-2021, 07:27 AM

Re: Some people seem not to care about their pet’s welfare .

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
De clawing must be because I witnessed someone with her cat at the vets waiting for a declaw. It was about ten years ago and it was a lady in a wheelchair who did not like her cat to be sticking her claws into her. She was explaining about the declawing but I remember being shocked and upset but of course polite. I had never heard of such a thing. So Mups I am sure it happens. When would it have been made illegal?
I think you will find things have changed now Annie!.....

Cat declawing is already illegal in many countries in Europe, including the UK, as well as Brazil, Israel, Australia and New Zealand.6 Jun 2019.

The real answer is " if you don't like cat's claws, then don't get a cat" !
It is painful, and some cats never loose that pain! It also makes them less likely to use a cat litter tray, and they certainly can't scratch an itch.... so it is cruel & I would report any vet & owner who did this!
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02-05-2021, 07:30 AM

Re: Some people seem not to care about their pet’s welfare .

Originally Posted by Mups ->
I think you will find de-barking and de-clawing is not even legal in the UK.
Same as tail docking and ear cropping isn't, either.

These barbaric practices should be made illegal everywhere.
Utterly agree, but it still goes on. Heavens, we live in a country where people think its perfectly ok to return a rescue dog because it doesn't match the furnishings! Or it sheds too much hair, etc.
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02-05-2021, 07:36 AM

Re: Some people seem not to care about their pet’s welfare .

What country is that Pixie ?
I have never heard of anyone returning a rescue dog because it doesn’t match the furnishings . Rescue dogs can come with various problems but would be rescuers - if the sanctuary is a good one will have been open about these prior to adoption .
A good rescue will always take the dog back if there are problems .
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02-05-2021, 07:48 AM

Re: Some people seem not to care about their pet’s welfare .

Muddy, it wasn't recent, and not in the UK. I have tried to find the link but cant - instead I found this link shows other excuses for returning an animal. I honestly think people should be asked to pass a test before taking on a rescue pet, seriously! Edited to add....oh dear, I found it and it was in the UK. For shame. Here's the link

From that article, these are 10 resons folk have given up their pets:
1. "My dog doesn't match the sofa."

2. "The dog looks evil and has different coloured eyes, just like David Bowie."

3. "My black dog doesn't match the new white carpet, can we swap him for a white dog?"

4. "My current dog is too old, can we swap for a puppy or younger model?"

5. "My dog ate the Christmas turkey cooling on the work-top."

6. "My pet guinea pig got worried with a dog in the house."

7. "The dog opened all the presents on Christmas Eve."

8. An owner accidentally knelt in the dog's urine while cleaning it up so brought the dog in the very next day.

9. A puppy was bought as a present for an elderly couple with dementia.

10. The owner was paranoid about recent bad press on Staffordshire Bull Terriers, and the dog was given up through no fault of its own.
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02-05-2021, 08:04 AM

Re: Some people seem not to care about their pet’s welfare .

Pixie the articles seem to refer to
1people giving up their pets to rescues
2 a shelter in In the USA

It’s extremely difficult in the U.K. to adopt a dog from a shelter there are numerous forms questions home checks etc .
Assuming you pass all these tests you generally have to sign a form saying that the dog will not be passed on but returned to the shelter in the case of not being suitable .
You have to pay a fee usually around about £250 pounds.

Personally I think it better that people return pets that they find difficult better that than the poor animal stays with people that activity don’t like him or are afraid of him .
People do make mistakes and it better they acknowledge this .
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