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30-05-2021, 08:07 AM

Re: Our way of life ending

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
Anybody who hasn't got their foil covered heads stuck up their rectums would realise that it's happening. The establishment can get away with it because of just this attitude, and they encourage it...

Thanks for posting it Cinders....
How very uncomfortable but true
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30-05-2021, 09:28 AM

Re: Our way of life ending

Originally Posted by Harbal ->
I have heard experts on the "MSM" who go against the consensus, but they are considerably fewer in number. Some would say that the fact that they are fewer in number is evidence that they are being suppressed, but it is far more likely that it is simply because they are fewer in number.

Do you have more confidence in channels of information that are unaccountable and less regulated, Foxy?
Not necessarily Harbal, but with twitter, youtube etc you are aware of the crackpot element and can adjust accordingly. We all expect better from the MSM and believe they speak the gospel. Most peoples only perception of the world we live in comes down the wire so to speak, so they are in the perfect position to mislead and manipulate the way people think and act.

It's not so much what they report as the things they don't report, they are very selective about what they want you to know. Did you know for example that there are demonstrations taking place in just about every capital in Europe? Even London on occasion. People who live in those cities post film and photo on social media, but not a word on the MSM especially the BBC. But people are getting wise to the bias of the BBC and they have recently been called out, and more and more people are losing confidence in their ability to report unbiased news.

So no Harbal, I take most of the things I read on MSM and social media with a pinch of salt, and I go outside into the country and wonder why the sky hasn't fallen on my head yet, or why there are still miles of woods, forests, and pastures, and why have we had a couple of the wetest and driest months on record, and also the coldest spring on record despite global warming. The MSM don't have a very good track record of getting it right do they.....
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30-05-2021, 09:41 AM

Re: Our way of life ending

I'm not so sure about the 'Mass Awakening' but the Vernon Coleman piece is spot on in my opinion.
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30-05-2021, 09:45 AM

Re: Our way of life ending

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
But we CAN make a difference, that's the point. Whataboutery is simply a cop out. In our home every time a motion detector trips out and turns a light off having detected no movement in ten minutes MAKES A DIFFERENCE. Every time a time switch turns an entertainment thing from standby to off MAKES A DIFFERENCE.
If my local Tesco remains open for one hour longer on this bank holiday it will have cancelled out all your good work for the year Todger....
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30-05-2021, 09:56 AM

Re: Our way of life ending

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
so they are in the perfect position to mislead and manipulate the way people think and act.
And that is why they are overseen and subject to regulations. Granted, they want to manipulate us into watching and listening to their news, but their choice of what to show us and what to leave out is informed by what they think will most effectively capture our attention.

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
Did you know for example that there are demonstrations taking place in just about every capital in Europe? Even London on occasion. People who live in those cities post film and photo on social media, but not a word on the MSM especially the BBC.
If they thought it would be of interest to us, they would report it. Why wouldn't they?

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
why have we had a couple of the wetest and driest months on record, and also the coldest spring on record despite global warming.
"Global Warming" is a term that relates to average global temperatures, Foxy, not how chilly it is in Doncaster compared with last year at this time. The change in global temperature is altering weather patterns around the world, that is why we are getting the wettest and driest months on record. It is confirmation of the problem, not a counter argument to it.
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30-05-2021, 10:01 AM

Re: Our way of life ending

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
It's not so much what they report as the things they don't report, they are very selective about what they want you to know. Did you know for example that there are demonstrations taking place in just about every capital in Europe? Even London on occasion. People who live in those cities post film and photo on social media, but not a word on the MSM especially the BBC. But people are getting wise to the bias of the BBC and they have recently been called out, and more and more people are losing confidence in their ability to report unbiased news.
Well it's all over twitter that anti lockdown protestors stormed westfield shopping centre in London forcing it to close... it's right up there with the extinction rebellion lot staging an invasion of a tube train a couple of years ago and forcing the network to a halt...
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30-05-2021, 10:19 AM

Re: Our way of life ending

Originally Posted by Harbal ->
And that is why they are overseen and subject to regulations. Granted, they want to manipulate us into watching and listening to their news, but their choice of what to show us and what to leave out is informed by what they think will most effectively capture our attention.

If they thought it would be of interest to us, they would report it. Why wouldn't they?

"Global Warming" is a term that relates to average global temperatures, Foxy, not how chilly it is in Doncaster compared with last year at this time. The change in global temperature is altering weather patterns around the world, that is why we are getting the wettest and driest months on record. It is confirmation of the problem, not a counter argument to it.
And how long have we been keeping details "on record" over the lengthy existence of planet earth?

We should, always, be wary of statistics, especially where modern temperatures are documented after using high definition thermometers, and other measuring devices and using them in comparisons with measuring devices in place only a hundred years ago.

"You can prove anything with statistics" was a good mantra.

Well used in the board room, especially with 6 month rolling averages.

Not so good over a thousand years.
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30-05-2021, 10:23 AM

Re: Our way of life ending

Originally Posted by Tedc ->
And how long have we been keeping details "on record" over the lengthy existence of planet earth?
I'm sorry, Ted, but I don't have that information readily to hand.
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30-05-2021, 11:01 AM

Re: Our way of life ending

Originally Posted by OldGreyFox ->
If my local Tesco remains open for one hour longer on this bank holiday it will have cancelled out all your good work for the year Todger....
But our contribution by being energy efficient will still remain.

Whataboutery must NEVER be used in this most pressing of all problems that every person, in fact every form of life on earth is facing.
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30-05-2021, 11:38 AM

Re: Our way of life ending

Quick question - who are this "they" group? How many does it contain? Remind me of what their end goal is, why they want to achieve it and how they intend to do it without the weakest links blurting it all out?
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