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04-06-2021, 02:49 AM

Re: Now tell me why our police should not be armed.

Baker man, you live in Mexico? You have a limited knowledge of law enforcement, all types, in the US. This is not a criticism of you, you are sharing one opinion.

You have also sidestepped my question to you.
Who do you call when you are in need of assistance or protection from those who would threaten you and your family? I am curious.
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04-06-2021, 07:28 AM

Re: Now tell me why our police should not be armed.

Now tell me why our police should not be armed.

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->

It's gone too far. Waay past the tipping point.
These are isolated incidences, rather a lot for one night, sure.

I happen to know the Shepherds Bush incident was a disagreement between alchy dossers on the Green, not gang related, as the press would have us believe.

Giving all cops guns is not going to help. They can have a marksman there in minutes if required.
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04-06-2021, 09:33 AM

Re: Now tell me why our police should not be armed.

Well this is interesting. I prefer posting threads on music and bright new artists (See my post on Martha Marlow) and cooking but I have dragged myself into a lot of argy bargy about Australia/ China issues lately. I'm sick of it. However the behaviour of police is an important issue. They are the thin blue line. I find that they are much like everybody else. If you treat them OK And don't give them shit they will be OK. It's the culture that counts. If you have a police force that is well trained, disciplined and works within it's mandate, the fact that they are armed or not will not affect that. Their firearms are a last resort option to protect the public. That is the case in my country. The only city apart from Sydney and Perth that I have spend long periods living in is San Francisco. I found the police there to be fantastic. Helpful, friendly and totally reasonable. Hardly even saw any cops when I was n London.
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04-06-2021, 09:54 AM

Re: Now tell me why our police should not be armed.

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Come to think of it, until relatively recently we didn't need our police to be armed.

Something strange has happened in this country!
I can only agree with that comment JBR, something has definitely changed in recent years!

Regarding all police carrying firearms, this probably would lead to even more problems with criminals arming themselves more, they have no scruples and would just 'up the ante' in response.

However, I stand by my previous post where I wrote that the current very outdated batons should be changed for Tasers. What use is a baton against a criminal threatening to use a knife or machete! Tasers when used could incapacitate the person causing whatever the trouble is, probably instantly disarm them or allow police to disarm them. The use of Tasers in most situations would have allowed a dangerous situation to be stopped instantly and the suspect to be detained.

All the preceding actions stop short of using firearms and would mostly allow police to carry out their duties as they should. The number of Tasers being routinely carried has already been increased recently so what would be wrong in replacing all batons with Tasers? Surely a better route to go down initially, than all police routinely carrying lethal firearms?

Just think to the future and the possible eventuality of all police routinely carrying firearms as the 'ante is upped' by the criminals. How would members of the public fare if caught up in any gunfights that would undoubtedly then happen?

Edited to add:
There is some interesting information on the link below about countries where police do not routinely carry firearms, if anyone's interested:
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04-06-2021, 10:07 AM

Re: Now tell me why our police should not be armed.

MAY 2018

Potential marksmen put off by fears over how they may be treated following a police shooting

Deputy Chief Constable Simon Chesterman, the National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for armed policing, says part of the problem is that the elite officers are selected from the ranks of regular armed officers, and then need to be replaced in turn.

“Delivering the uplift has been a bit like filling a bath with the plug out,” he said.

A survey of rank-and-file officers published last September by the Police Federation of England and Wales found that just a third were in favour of routinely arming officers.
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04-06-2021, 10:30 AM

Re: Now tell me why our police should not be armed.

Originally Posted by Cinderella ->

MAY 2018
Yes, I can understand that on the same grounds that I can understand that they're also having difficulty in recruiting people into the Army!

The law seems to be swayed in favour of the criminal and the enemy these days!
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04-06-2021, 10:39 AM

Re: Now tell me why our police should not be armed.

Originally Posted by The Artful Todger ->
To a considerable extent what WE want is of more importance than what police officers want.

Speaking for myself I WANT our police to be armed, I WANT them to be ready and able to use lethal force on savages now roaming our streets.
September 2012

The police can see the bigger picture.

After the shooting of two unarmed officers Nicola Hughes and Fiona Bone.

But despite the loss of two of his officers, Greater Manchester Chief Constable Sir Peter Fahy was quick to speak in support of the status quo.

"We are passionate that the British style of policing is routinely unarmed policing. Sadly we know from the experience in America and other countries that having armed officers certainly does not mean, sadly, that police officers do not end up getting shot."

But one thing is clear. When asked, police officers say overwhelmingly that they wish to remain unarmed.

A 2006 survey of 47,328 Police Federation members found 82% did not want officers to be routinely armed on duty, despite almost half saying their lives had been "in serious jeopardy" during the previous three years.

It is a position shared by the Police Superintendents' Association and the Association of Chief Police Officers.

The British public are not nearly so unanimous.
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04-06-2021, 11:13 AM

Re: Now tell me why our police should not be armed.

The public's perception appears to be very different from that of the police, as has been commented elsewhere on this thread – "The police can see the bigger picture." – post #57.

That is possibly also due to statistics such as those shown on the link below and is perhaps where police source their information. I doubt this information on firearms statistics is seen generally by the public, unless it is deliberately sought out.

Quite surprisingly the figures given for April 2019 to March 2020 actually show a reduction over the previous year's figures, it will be interesting to see what this year's figures will show:

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04-06-2021, 11:22 AM

Re: Now tell me why our police should not be armed.

A solution of sorts, to assist the police.

May 2017
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04-06-2021, 11:59 AM

Re: Now tell me why our police should not be armed.

Originally Posted by Cinderella ->

MAY 2018
Bugger what THEY want. Speaking for myself and I suspect I am not alone I WANT the police to be armed with real guns, not tasers that when confronting some spaced out low life high on who knows what are frequently useless unless a lucky barb gets lodged in a crims eye!

If a miscreant fails to promptly obey an instruction from a police officer and gets killed as a result it is simply suicide-by-police and that suits me fine.
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