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27-10-2018, 04:01 PM

Re: Not going too well for Brexit!!!

Originally Posted by JBR ->
Well said, Julia.

I believe that the majority of Brexiteers, certainly I do, feel that it is not about the money, at least inasmuch as our not suddenly becoming rich overnight.

It is, of course, all to do with sovereignty and political and judicial independence.

Of course, I rejoice that we shall no longer be taken for mugs by the EU, who are clearly only interested in our membership for the sake of taking our money.

This can be confirmed by Macron's latest threat: to shut down Calais if we leave! Clearly, the nearer we get to Brexit, the more worried he is becoming that he is going to have to make up part of the shortfall!

Of course, 'closing down Calais' would hurt him and his country more than it would us.

Oh you do talk nonsense. What do you mean by sovereignty? we havn't had sovereignty since the Romans invaded and certainly since the end of WW11.

And Macron has NEVER threatened to close Calais.

Just your usual drivel.
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27-10-2018, 10:12 PM

Re: Not going too well for Brexit!!!

Originally Posted by Uncle Joe ->
Oh dear, this little piece of news won't please the Brexiteers will it???
Joe, me old pal, me old beauty

Hasn't this always been the case? we have discussed free trade agreements since the Brexit vote; it was never going to be easy, treaties take years to negotiate.

Britain has had no experience of negotiating these agreements because the EU did all the hard work for them, now Britain is suddenly going to have to barter with countries who have lots of experience in such negotiations. It was never going to be easy.
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27-10-2018, 11:43 PM

Re: Not going too well for Brexit!!!

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
Joe, me old pal, me old beauty

Hasn't this always been the case? we have discussed free trade agreements since the Brexit vote; it was never going to be easy, treaties take years to negotiate.

Britain has had no experience of negotiating these agreements because the EU did all the hard work for them, now Britain is suddenly going to have to barter with countries who have lots of experience in such negotiations. It was never going to be easy.
You actually believe this sh*t don't you?

Your typical Aussie smugness has addled your brain.

Britain was involved in negotiating trade deals as a part of the EU and will manage just fine post-Brexit.

I really don't think you have any concept of the size, strength and vigour of the UK economy.
It makes Australia's look like a car boot sale,lol!

Anyway, we are not currently in a position to start any negotiating with any countries due to our adherence of the rules of EU membership.

Enjoy your sledging whilst you can and we'll continue to pity the inferiority complex of our bastard antipodean offspring
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28-10-2018, 11:37 AM

Re: Not going too well for Brexit!!!

Originally Posted by Moscow ->
You actually believe this sh*t don't you?

Your typical Aussie smugness has addled your brain.

Britain was involved in negotiating trade deals as a part of the EU and will manage just fine post-Brexit.

I really don't think you have any concept of the size, strength and vigour of the UK economy.
It makes Australia's look like a car boot sale,lol!

Anyway, we are not currently in a position to start any negotiating with any countries due to our adherence of the rules of EU membership.

Enjoy your sledging whilst you can and we'll continue to pity the inferiority complex of our bastard antipodean offspring

I never thought to see Bruce participating in Project Fear. I always saw him as a sensible bloke and not a remainiac.
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28-10-2018, 12:47 PM

Re: Not going too well for Brexit!!!

Originally Posted by Moscow ->
You actually believe this sh*t don't you?

Your typical Aussie smugness has addled your brain.

Britain was involved in negotiating trade deals as a part of the EU and will manage just fine post-Brexit.

I really don't think you have any concept of the size, strength and vigour of the UK economy.
It makes Australia's look like a car boot sale,lol!

Anyway, we are not currently in a position to start any negotiating with any countries due to our adherence of the rules of EU membership.

Enjoy your sledging whilst you can and we'll continue to pity the inferiority complex of our bastard antipodean offspring
Your still at it soft lad aren't you? making comments without doing at least a modicum of research.

What about UK striking trade deals with other big economies?

This is eminently possible, but is likely to take time. Having ceded responsibility for trade policy to the EU, the UK civil service may lack the capacity to strike major trade deals quickly.

During a transition period, the UK must abide by EU trade agreements but has no guarantee that third countries will do the same. Key global trade partners want concessions from Britain if the U.K. is to retain the same benefits it currently enjoys under EU trade deals during a post-Brexit transition period.

Last week, former trade minister Mark Price tweeted that all of these non-EU countries “have agreed to roll over” their EU agreements with the UK. When trade secretary Liam Fox was questioned about this comment in a select committee hearing on 1st November, he conceded that “it is not quite as simple as rolling them over,” and admitted the government has no binding agreement on any of the deals. He did say that all countries have expressed their intention to “continue where we are.” But might negotiations be more difficult than Fox suggests?

It should be clear that rolling over will not be automatic in many cases. The EU will not want to amend agreements to accommodate the British, and countries might demand better terms. One irony of Brexit is that champions of “global Britain” like Liam Fox are being forced to work hard to prevent trade barriers from rising in the first place. Fox may now understand that conservative principle: “first, do no harm.”
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29-10-2018, 12:39 AM

Re: Not going too well for Brexit!!!

Originally Posted by JBR ->

I never thought to see Bruce participating in Project Fear. I always saw him as a sensible bloke and not a remainiac.
You have to remember that Moscow is a delicate little flower that takes any perceived criticism very personally and over reacts accordingly. As I have told you before - whether Britain remains in the EU or not is of little consequence to me and while I voted "No" in the 1975 plebiscite I have no strong feelings either way.

The fact remains that negotiations for free trade agreements take years and are fraught with difficulty, it took Australia and the EU about a year of negotiations to agree on the basics on which to start negotiations on a free trade agreement. That trade agreement is still not finalised (Australia fell out with Italy over canned tomatoes).

Even when concluded they can be unilaterally wiped out - The TPP took many years of negotiations between many countries and Trump killed it at a stroke.

Britain didn't have officials experienced in this area which is why they have been recruiting overseas.

"There is a concern that the UK lacks the expertise for complex trade negotiations after 40 years of relying on Brussels to secure such deals. "

That is not me saying it but your own government.
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29-10-2018, 10:50 AM

Re: Not going too well for Brexit!!!

Originally Posted by itsme ->
So much for the easiest trade negotiation ever, eh? Another brexit lie exposed.
I don't see it as lies, brexiteers assumed we would leave completely it's the fudge of half staying in that seems to be upsetting other countries, and we stupidly are honorable people so assume others will be too. Our fault entirely but no lies told.
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29-10-2018, 03:18 PM

Re: Not going too well for Brexit!!!

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
I don't see it as lies, brexiteers assumed we would leave completely it's the fudge of half staying in that seems to be upsetting other countries, and we stupidly are honorable people so assume others will be too. Our fault entirely but no lies told.
Oh, get real.
Chair of the International Trade Committee, Angus MacNeil MP, has issued the following statement in response to the announcement last week that the UK’s good schedule at the WTO has been objected to:

Secretary of State announcementInternational Trade Committee

Liam Fox was hoping for a quick and easy process to establish the terms of the UK’s WTO membership before Brexit takes place. When he gave evidence to my committee in July, Dr Fox assured me that this was all going fine. But his plan is now in tatters after the UK’s proposed WTO goods schedules faced formal objections from some 20 countries, including the USA, China, Australia and New Zealand.

As a result, the Government will have to undertake lengthy bilateral negotiations with each of those countries and there is no chance the matter will be resolved in time for Brexit, which is now just five months away.

In addition, the Government still has yet to even begin the formal certification process for our services schedules at the WTO.

From Brexit day, the UK is bound to be operating on uncertified schedules. Dr Fox tries to present this as a mere technicality, but it presents a number of potential problems for the Government. It’s likely to take years to resolve this issue – and if any of the objections are upheld at the end of that process, the UK Government will be liable to pay compensation for any material losses that have been sustained under the uncertified schedules.

More fundamentally, our WTO schedules form the “baseline” for the UK’s negotiations with other countries on Free Trade Agreements – of which Dr Fox hopes to conclude a great many very soon after Brexit Day. The question now is: will other countries want to negotiate trade deals with us when our baseline still hasn’t been fixed?
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29-10-2018, 03:23 PM

Re: Not going too well for Brexit!!!


If we have the Transition Period we will still be part of the Tree Trade Agreements negotiated by the EU.

This will give us time to resolve things.

Liam Fox has upset some countries by telling them what will happen.

It is not a mistake he will be making again.
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29-10-2018, 03:24 PM

Re: Not going too well for Brexit!!!

Not all doom and gloom though, the likes of Rees Mogg and his despicable cronies will trouser plenty of filthy lucre.
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