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10-11-2017, 10:17 AM

Re: NHS Boss...we want our cash boost!

Originally Posted by realspeed ->
This is the kind of idiot we have to put up with. That money was after brexit not before or while negotiations are being conducted. He should loose his job being this thick
Presumably he thinks he is fireproof and can throw public criticism at the very people who could have him gone in a flash!

There are a couple of vacancies, down at the brewery, for someone who can organise a booze up.

Sadly, he won't qualify.
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11-11-2017, 07:25 PM

Re: NHS Boss...we want our cash boost!

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
So which managers /admin would you retain?

Personally the ladies at reception in our GP surgery are amazing. I can't believe how much stress they have and still are always smiling.
I thought it was clear as I said in my post. Some more I would add to the the list, are those who wander from department to department with clipboards or bundles of papers in their hands trying to look busy.
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11-11-2017, 09:30 PM

Re: NHS Boss...we want our cash boost!

Originally Posted by Rainmaker ->
I thought it was clear as I said in my post. Some more I would add to the the list, are those who wander from department to department with clipboards or bundles of papers in their hands trying to look busy.
You mean doctors and nurses?
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12-11-2017, 09:46 AM

Re: NHS Boss...we want our cash boost!

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
You mean doctors and nurses?
You know full well who I mean, there is no need to be be facetious. The sort of behavior I described puts the genuine hard working staff under even more pressure than necessary. It's one of the cause of the declining workforce.

Just to make it clear I mean all the staff who don't pull their weight and there are a great many in the NHS.
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12-11-2017, 10:32 AM

Re: NHS Boss...we want our cash boost!

Originally Posted by Rainmaker ->
You know full well who I mean, there is no need to be be facetious. The sort of behavior I described puts the genuine hard working staff under even more pressure than necessary. It's one of the cause of the declining workforce.

Just to make it clear I mean all the staff who don't pull their weight and there are a great many in the NHS.
This is true.

What is needed is some government agency, a bit like OFSTED, to regularly send round inspectors to examine hospital administration departments and ascertain exactly what work each administrator is responsible for.

Those who don't actually do anything productive should be out, although these days it is almost impossible to sack someone just because they don't actually do any work!

The other problem is that, over many years, administrative departments entail a great deal of form filling which is dependent on other forms filled by other departments. In other words, shuffling paper around. This is such a long-standing situation and even the best inspectors would have a hard time to discover exactly who is responsible for what.

Pen pushers have had many years in which to perfect their art!

The NHS needs a complete re-organisation. I'm not saying I'm in favour of private medicine, but if hospitals or groups of hospitals were privatised and profits became important, there would be many administrators out on their backsides.

This has gone on for far too long.
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12-11-2017, 12:34 PM

Re: NHS Boss...we want our cash boost!

The only forms I've seen people filling in when I take my mum to her hospital appointments and during her hospital stays, have been medical records, appointment letters or requests for tests. You do need an army of administrators to ensure that patient information doesn't get lost or mixed up with someone else. When I go to the GP she spends a lot of time typing up my prescription, updating my records printing out test requests. If they didn't take care to do this properly I could end up with the wrong medication or incomplete records on the system.

This is why I mentioned Doctors and Nurses, because they are the most likely to be walking around a hospital with a clipboard. They regularly update the files at the end of the bed with temperature, blood pressure, etc.

I don't understand why you think this is unnecessary? Maybe you could explain how else they will update all the records, request tests and issue medication. You think they will remember it all without paper or system entries?
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12-11-2017, 12:37 PM

Re: NHS Boss...we want our cash boost!

By the way when they lost 3 month's of OH's records after he was discharged from hospital there was chaos. Nobody had a record of his medication and what had been discussed at previous appointments. This was down to a shortage of admin staff and no time to properly train new people....
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12-11-2017, 12:38 PM

Re: NHS Boss...we want our cash boost!

I could intoduce these moaning minnies to lots of people in our local hospital who would be really angry to hear these completely unfounded allegations.
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12-11-2017, 12:46 PM

Re: NHS Boss...we want our cash boost!

Or maybe they should go volunteer at their local hospital rather than complaining about the state of it?
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12-11-2017, 12:49 PM

Re: NHS Boss...we want our cash boost!

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
Or maybe they should go volunteer at their local hospital rather than complaining about the state of it?
Good thinking, Boo Boo!
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