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26-11-2017, 01:39 PM

Re: Britain should accept immigrants for free trade deal, senior Indian diplomat warns

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
"The 'thong ' speaks for itself"
That's a bit worrying.
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26-11-2017, 01:59 PM

Re: Britain should accept immigrants for free trade deal, senior Indian diplomat warns

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
That's a bit worrying.
But no need to make a thong and dance about it
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26-11-2017, 02:01 PM

Re: Britain should accept immigrants for free trade deal, senior Indian diplomat warns

Originally Posted by annies ->
but no need to make a thong and dance about it
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26-11-2017, 02:05 PM

Re: Britain should accept immigrants for free trade deal, senior Indian diplomat warns


The fact remains that we are leaving, the success or otherwise of our decision to do so depends entirely on our Politicians.

I am not enamored with them at the moment.
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26-11-2017, 02:19 PM

Re: Britain should accept immigrants for free trade deal, senior Indian diplomat warns

Now it's the same old thong
But with a different meaning
Since you been gone
It's the same old thong
But with a different meaning
Since you been gone
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26-11-2017, 02:25 PM

Re: Britain should accept immigrants for free trade deal, senior Indian diplomat warns

Originally Posted by Moscow ->
There is a saying that if voting changed anything then the powers that be wouldn't let us do it.
Like the other one ..
Most politicians promise change but don't like it ... so don't do it, no matter what a manifesto claims.

In this case a referendum.
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26-11-2017, 02:49 PM

Re: Britain should accept immigrants for free trade deal, senior Indian diplomat warns

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->
The reason we are asking for a Transition Period is that we have not got the systems in place to do so by 2019, our leaving date, to trade under WTO Rules with the EU.

Secondly, we have upset a lot of other Countries with our arrogance, those being the large number of Countries we have Trade Deals with as part of the EU.

There are already objections being made to the WTO.

We need Trade Deals as 75% of our Exports are Services, which are not covered by WTO Rules.
This statement by the Director General of the WTO appears to suggest a much more positive outcome to our leaving without a trade deal with the EU.
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26-11-2017, 03:08 PM

Re: Britain should accept immigrants for free trade deal, senior Indian diplomat warns

Originally Posted by JBR ->
This statement by the Director General of the WTO appears to suggest a much more positive outcome to our leaving without a trade deal with the EU.

The issue is not solely about the EU, it is about the loss of Trade Agreements with Non EU Countries which we are losing.

The loss from leaving the Single Market is around £8 Billion more than we are paying in.

This quite manageable.

The loss from the other Trade Agreements we have as part of the EU is much bigger and is entirely our own fault due to the way we have tried to do it.

It is no great shakes for me personally, but I do worry about those who it will have an impact on.
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01-12-2017, 06:29 AM

Re: Britain should accept immigrants for free trade deal, senior Indian diplomat warns

Sometimes I can't believe what I read in this forum. You are slagging off India; the third largest economy in the world after China and the USA (based on GDP purchasing power parity).

Who on earth do you think you are going to do trade deals with? Mauritania? The Solomon Islands?

India is exactly the country you should be wanting to do deals with and probably largely on their terms because in spite of your criticism they are the big boys in town, their economy is leaping ahead at over 7% per year (what's yours? 2%?) and you are the small fry looking for friends (what are you offering that they need? remembering one of India's biggest trading partners is the EU).

Unfortunately that is the way it is.
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01-12-2017, 08:55 AM

Re: Britain should accept immigrants for free trade deal, senior Indian diplomat warns


This shows what a Hard Brexit would mean in terms of Trade Deals.

We have a lot to do just to renegotiate the ones in dark green.

The ones in light green are the ones due to come into force, we will need to start from scratch on them.

The ones in brown are those which the EU are negotiating at the present time.

Amongst them is India, who are not insisting on more immigration to the EU as part of that deal.

When we approached them to see if they would be interested in opening negotiations they insisted on more immigration as a prerequisite of any deal.

This is because they know we are desperate for deals and can be leant on.

A deal with the EU is much more important to them as the EU is a much bigger market.

When we leave, our exporters are going to find it much harder to export to places like India, as our goods will be subject to Tariffs and the EU goods will not.

A lot of our exports are produced by foreign owned companies who have manufacturing plants here in the UK, they have no allegiance to the UK at all and will simply move abroad to countries where their goods are not subject to tariffs.

The grabs have already started.

We produce the wings for Airbus, a very profitable export for the UK.

The UK Government sold it's stake in Airbus, so now we have no control over it.

Airbus has a big manufacturing plant in China.

Now that we are leaving the EU, the Chinese have already made a pitch to manufacture the wings in China, they have the shills and technical ability and a much lower cost base.

Such a move would be disastrous for Chester and North Wales, Airbus is the the biggest local employer, not just at the factory, but also the local companies which supply many of the components.

Very small fry I know, but one local business, employing 90, supplies the precision gears to move the slats and flaps in the wings, it is all that they do.

The owner says the company will simply fold, he cannot afford to keep the employees on whilst he looks for another contract and he certainly cannot afford to retool, he has £4 million tied up in specialist machinery.

He is of the opinion, that if he does have to sell up, the Chinese will buy it at auction and he will be lucky to get £600,000 for it.

I hope this explains, to some degree, why our Government is so desperate to avoid a no deal scenario.
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