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21-07-2012, 05:51 PM

Re: Complete Ban on Smoking for young people?

Stop smoking, stop drinking, stop eating, stop drilling for oil, stop driving, stop flying, why not just stop everything? One week milk is bad for you, the next week it's good for you, don't have butter, it's bad for you, oops wrong, this week it's good for you. I don't know about anyone else but I get fed up with all this rubbish, I think it's all done to keep a bunch of people in work but by the same token all their "ban this, ban that" puts many other people out of work in various countries of the world, usually the poorer ones.
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22-07-2012, 06:18 AM

Re: Complete Ban on Smoking for young people?

Originally Posted by clumsy ->
Stop smoking, stop drinking, stop eating, stop drilling for oil, stop driving, stop flying, why not just stop everything? One week milk is bad for you, the next week it's good for you, don't have butter, it's bad for you, oops wrong, this week it's good for you. I don't know about anyone else but I get fed up with all this rubbish, I think it's all done to keep a bunch of people in work but by the same token all their "ban this, ban that" puts many other people out of work in various countries of the world, usually the poorer ones.
At last; someone who is happy to share their environment with asbestos, benzine, smog? Feel it was wrong to ban thalidomide being fed to pregnant women and that bans on wife beating, incest and pooftah bashing curtail someone's freedom of expression. It is heart warming to know that there is someone who stands up for the rights of murderers, vandals, burglars, shoplifters, rapists etc who are so hard done by with totally unfair bans on their activities. All just to keep those bludgers in the police force, the legal profession and judicial system in a job.

It is an absolute outrage that all laws in a civilised society ban something or curtail someone's freedom to behave as they like, let's get rid of all that 'rubbish'. Anarchy rules OK?
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22-07-2012, 01:18 PM

Re: Complete Ban on Smoking for young people?

Sorry Bruce, but that is a completely ridiculous comparison you have made. Where did I say I stood up for the rights of murderers, vandals etc. Please do not take my words out of context and presume to know how I feel about things. Your post is out of order and I feel it is unnecessary and insulting to me.
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22-07-2012, 11:37 PM

Re: Complete Ban on Smoking for young people?

I'm afraid they're standard tactics:

Accuse the Dissenter of Supporting the Tobacco Industry.
Accuse the Dissenter of Being Paid Off by the Tobacco Industry.
Accuse the Dissenter of Helping to Kill People.

Tobacco Control Tactics
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23-07-2012, 12:38 AM

Re: Complete Ban on Smoking for young people?

Thank you Ptolemy, but I wasn't actually condoning or condemning any particular activity. I was stating my personal view on the continuous "good for you, bad for you, good for the environment, bad for the environment" reports that we seem to be continually bombarded with.

For Bruce to aim all those accusations at me is not only quite ridiculous, it is extremely ignorant and extremely insulting, especially as he does not know me, he knows nothing about how I feel regarding any issue, but he has quite spitefully aimed very unpleasant accusations at me, which in my opinion is completely out of order.

I do hope he is not so unpleasant and bombastic with people he knows personally but who do not always agree with his views on things.
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23-07-2012, 12:46 AM

Re: Complete Ban on Smoking for young people?

I think banning it is a waste of time
they will do what they want any ways
clumsy is offline
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23-07-2012, 12:52 AM

Re: Complete Ban on Smoking for young people?

I guess so pixie, you only have to look at the drugs "trade" to see that.
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23-07-2012, 05:45 AM

Re: Complete Ban on Smoking for young people?

Originally Posted by clumsy ->
Sorry Bruce, but that is a completely ridiculous comparison you have made. Where did I say I stood up for the rights of murderers, vandals etc. Please do not take my words out of context and presume to know how I feel about things. Your post is out of order and I feel it is unnecessary and insulting to me.
It is not a comparison, You provided no context merely "I get fed up with all this rubbish" and "ban this, ban that"

I was merely pointing out that the whole of a civilised society is governed by bans on something and to make such sweeping statements such as I quoted is meaningless.
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