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Julie1962 is offline
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20-01-2017, 09:39 AM

Re: Does Britain need foreign workers?

Originally Posted by Pumicestone ->
Genuinely, not at all, Mick.

Just experience.
I know local tradesmen who earn really, really good money - but underpay workers, disregard safety and rip-off the taxman something fierce ...

and then, down the pub, verbally flay all the unemployed "bludgers", single mothers, aged pensioners etc etc for sponging off the system.

Just seems to me that a greedy landlord exploiting the vulnerable might "possibly" fall into the same pattern in a public forum.

Well if they really respected a person they wouldn't be ripping them off I guess, same goes for landlords and bosses. So moaning about the people making you rich seems par for the course.
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20-01-2017, 09:40 AM

Re: Does Britain need foreign workers?

Forget the perpetrators, what about the recipients? I.E, if you were the owner of a Motor Dealership, would you knowingly sell a car to a scumbag landlord, fully appreciating where the cash has come from?
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20-01-2017, 09:40 AM

Re: Does Britain need foreign workers?

Originally Posted by MickB ->
The sad thing is, here in the UK, many of the most unpleasant, inhuman and unscrupulous landlords are from recent immigrant stock themselves and think nothing of viciously exploiting their own people. They have learned the Thatcherite philosophy well.
You are not wrong, but we breed our own too who prey on others.
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20-01-2017, 10:05 AM

Re: Does Britain need foreign workers?

Originally Posted by spitfire ->
Forget the perpetrators, what about the recipients? I.E, if you were the owner of a Motor Dealership, would you knowingly sell a car to a scumbag landlord, fully appreciating where the cash has come from?
Of course I would.
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20-01-2017, 10:55 AM

Re: Does Britain need foreign workers?

Originally Posted by Purwell ->
Of course I would.
Or sell arms to Saudi Arabia.....
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20-01-2017, 11:02 AM

Re: Does Britain need foreign workers?

Having done what you were encouraged to do and gone to university and paid 9000 pounds a year for the privilege, want to pick or pack carrots just to replace immigrant labour?

These young people have enjoyed a nice lifestyle and realistically expect to be employed after their studies. The UK is supposed to be a modern economy, not one that offers uncomfortable manual labour to its young people. They want to get married and start a family, gaon experience in a CAREER, not a job that pays next to nothing and doesn't offer a future.

Would you encourage your family to pick brussels sprouts in the frost ? What sort of CV does that create if they try for a better prospect?

The young people in GB should realise that the wold does not stop at the border and that they could go elsewhere to find work.

Now that is far harder and if immigrant labour doesn't do the filthy jobs, they will have to. The young will not be pleased.
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20-01-2017, 11:25 AM

Re: Does Britain need foreign workers?

Originally Posted by galty ->
Always respected your posts in the past but to bring Thatcher into it 46 years after she was elected brings you post below a level that UJ posts.
It simply points to the lasting nature of her political legacy, which some approve of and some despise. Personally I think it was a backward step for the country that she made selfishness a virtue.
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20-01-2017, 01:20 PM

Re: Does Britain need foreign workers?

Originally Posted by Flicker ->
Having done what you were encouraged to do and gone to university and paid 9000 pounds a year for the privilege, want to pick or pack carrots just to replace immigrant labour?

These young people have enjoyed a nice lifestyle and realistically expect to be employed after their studies. The UK is supposed to be a modern economy, not one that offers uncomfortable manual labour to its young people. They want to get married and start a family, gaon experience in a CAREER, not a job that pays next to nothing and doesn't offer a future.

Would you encourage your family to pick brussels sprouts in the frost ? What sort of CV does that create if they try for a better prospect?

The young people in GB should realise that the wold does not stop at the border and that they could go elsewhere to find work.

Now that is far harder and if immigrant labour doesn't do the filthy jobs, they will have to. The young will not be pleased.
I tell mine there is no shame in manual work no shame at all. If they have a job it doesn't matter what it is if they are contributing and working hard, they are OK by me.

No different picking veg in the cold than the 17 years my husband was a milkman or some of the things my nephew is doing in the army or the other as a hospital porter.
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20-01-2017, 02:08 PM

Re: Does Britain need foreign workers?


First of all the Housing Scenario.

It is an offence to Statutorily Overcrowd a house, just tell the Counil, they have a legal duty to take action.

Secondly, Councils have an obligation to enforce the legislation relating to Houses in Multiple Occupation. they can reduce numbers, put fire precautions in etc and they can also take control of the property, seizing all the rental income to pay the costs of managing the property and reducing numbers and making improvements.

There is no obligation to rehouse any persons from the property unless they are pregnant or disabled and even then they can discharge that duty by finding them a private rent, there is no obligation to provide any form of Social Housing.

Next, the Inland Revenue are informed, so any rogue landlord will be facing a tax bill if he has not declared the rental income.

There is absolutely no way overcrowding of houses should be occurring.

The difficult ones are overcrowded houses and flats occupied by the illegal immigrants, of which there are many.
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20-01-2017, 02:20 PM

Re: Does Britain need foreign workers?

That may be true but it doesn't stop it happening technically we are over crowded especially when oldest is home but a clever husband has erected extra walls and curtaining to make it work. I'd fight tooth and nail anyone tried to split up the family just because we can't afford more rooms. Point is many of us are voluntarily living crowded, no excuse for pure filth though ours is tidy and clean.
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