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26-08-2018, 09:52 AM

Re: Health warnings about alcohol

The amount of drink is never a concern for the young. In my 20's, 30's and 40's friends and neighbours were always having house parties that involved lots of drinking.

We used to have works parties too and after that, reunion parties for those engineers who once worked for the big TV rental companies but had since gone self-employed ..just all sorts of occasions that involved quite a bit of drinking. Never thought about the amount at all.

It's interesting that Adrian Chiles has come to a realisation that it's time to change his drinking habits. He's at the age when I changed mine. Maybe the early 50s is the age at which many people decide to cut down on excesses and start looking after themselves a bit better.
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26-08-2018, 09:58 AM

Re: Health warnings about alcohol

Originally Posted by Floydy ->
80-100 units a week is pretty crazy. That's hardly the usual amount for a casual drinker. I''ve only read a little about this programme so far (in the TV guide), so it's worth getting the full picture when the programme airs tomorrow.
I must say I was probably at that level and maybe even more when I was in the forces. That went with the lifestyle.

Now it's 3-4 bottles of light beer on a Friday night and around six pints on a Saturday afternoon (today instead this week) over about four hours. Equates to roughly 20 units per week, so I'm okay with that. Plus, I exercise regularly, my diet is good and I'm active at work. I have no imminent need for any concern.
drinking larger amounts within a short space of time on any one day and then averaging it out for the week is not considered smart - you are hitting body tissues with larger amounts all at once whereas small amounts daily are considered safer?
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26-08-2018, 10:06 AM

Re: Health warnings about alcohol

Originally Posted by mart ->
The amount of drink is never a concern for the young. In my 20's, 30's and 40's friends and neighbours were always having house parties that involved lots of drinking.

We used to have works parties too and after that, reunion parties for those engineers who once worked for the big TV rental companies but had since gone self-employed ..just all sorts of occasions that involved quite a bit of drinking. Never thought about the amount at all.

It's interesting that Adrian Chiles has come to a realisation that it's time to change his drinking habits. He's at the age when I changed mine. Maybe the early 50s is the age at which many people decide to cut down on excesses and start looking after themselves a bit better.
Mart, this is exactly the pattern which I have followed.
The 1980's-1990's were just a blur to me most of the time and I've always had a selection of friends, mostly couples who meet up occasionally and either have a do at their house or we go out to a local pub and watch a band over a few drinks. That has been the way for all my adult life.
Now it's a little less frequent as my friends are all older than myself anyway and for reasons of having ready funds or that they simply wish to take things easier we don't meet up so often.

However, the fellas from this group do get together in various combinations for our Saturday afternoons. To be quite honest recently I've even been thinking of slowing down myself. Today, for instance it's 10am at the moment and I really can't be bothered going out as planned in three hours' time. But I will because I don't want to let my mates down. Four pints limit today...but as usual, we'll see how things go!

I'm very much looking forward to seeing what Chiles has to say as he's in my age bracket, slightly older. This programme could decide some kind of turning point for me.
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26-08-2018, 10:07 AM

Re: Health warnings about alcohol

Originally Posted by gumbud ->
drinking larger amounts within a short space of time on any one day and then averaging it out for the week is not considered smart - you are hitting body tissues with larger amounts all at once whereas small amounts daily are considered safer?
I work nights, Gumbud. This is my social time, time to relax. As I say, the rest of my lifestyle is pretty good and my body has time to adjust during the week. In any case, less than nine pints over three days isn't going to kill me is it?
You trying to troll me or something? Your posts are a little flippant at present tbh.
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26-08-2018, 10:27 AM

Re: Health warnings about alcohol

I reckon four pints is OK Floydy and you'll enjoy it when you get there.

One aspect that never gets mentioned is the strength of beers and wines. I still have five pints a week of 5% vol. beer but maybe that's more than 10 units if the 'unit standard' has been worked out for a 3.5% vol. beer.

The same for wine. They can go from 5.5% vol. to 23% vol. so the units that are spoken about must be very plus/minus sort of standard and really not a very accurate guideline.
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26-08-2018, 10:47 AM

Re: Health warnings about alcohol

Originally Posted by mart ->
I reckon four pints is OK Floydy and you'll enjoy it when you get there.

One aspect that never gets mentioned is the strength of beers and wines. I still have five pints a week of 5% vol. beer but maybe that's more than 10 units if the 'unit standard' has been worked out for a 3.5% vol. beer.

The same for wine. They can go from 5.5% vol. to 23% vol. so the units that are spoken about must be very plus/minus sort of standard and really not a very accurate guideline.
Very true about the alcohol strength, Mart.
Discarding the awfully flat, bland, chemical water they call John Smiths years ago, I discovered real ales and craft beers and I used to be drawn towards the darker, heavier brews such as Hobgoblin and Old Peculier. Those can be upwards of 5.5% and I would invariably wake up with a hangover after drinking well in excess of what is considered sensible. For the past few years I only drink blonde or golden beer and stick to those which are between 4 and 4.5% on the whole. Some of the IPA beers are stronger, but I usually finish off with one of those only. I do tend to buy stronger beers in bottles to drink at home, but only have two or three on a Friday, so it's not so bad.

Wine I can take or leave these days.
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26-08-2018, 11:23 AM

Re: Health warnings about alcohol

Most of our friends drink wine. We still see some from our younger days but the meetings now consist of getting a takeaway curry or Chinese meal and eating it in one or the other of our houses (how times have changed ) I get a bottle of wine too. I don't drink it but they do.

I don't know a good wine from a bad but have noticed that the better ones tend to be those with a higher alcohol content. That's become my guide for buying wine. Make sure it's around 13% vol. and it's usually judged as being a good one.
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28-08-2018, 04:10 PM

Re: Health warnings about alcohol

So did anyone see Adrian Chiles' programme last night then? I'm surprised not a mention has been posted on here since it aired. Yes, it was on at the same time as Bodyguard, but I have just watched it on iPlayer.

It was a fascinating programme about people who drink to socialise and perhaps are drinking far too much than they are actually aware of, as we have discussed earlier in the thread. People like him are not alcoholics, drinking is something that is "just done".

Chiles needed to sort his anxiety about what it is/was that drives him to have a drink, and I think it's a mixture of many things. Habit, meeting up with friends, the buzz you get. I won't say too much more as I urge people to watch the programme just for interest. It's certainly brought things home to me and even though I'm way below Chiles' capacity for booze, it answers quite a few questions as to why this pastime is carried out.

Another excellent programme from the BBC.
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28-08-2018, 05:22 PM

Re: Health warnings about alcohol

I saw it.
I'm hoping my home made will be healthier.
I know, I am joking.
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