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21-03-2021, 10:30 AM

Re: Trade figures since Brexit !!

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

Early days yet and it's a two way thing.

Amsterdam has now overtaken London in share deals and JRM has moved money to Ireland.

It's only temporary Swimmy and a massaging of the figures. I wouldn't get too worried about it, nobody else is.

The bigger worry for the EU is economic flight due to the way the EU has handled the vaccine rollout.
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21-03-2021, 12:47 PM

Re: Trade figures since Brexit !!

Originally Posted by Zaphod ->
It's all no more than an attempt by the EU to present a supposedly powerful united front for their union and give the whole shambolic club a raison d'etre.
The veneer has been peeling for years and it's starting to look like having one of their largest club members leave has not only damaged them severely, but it's obviously seen by global markets as the beginning of a decline for the union too.

Most important is that the reaction by global markets started before the EU's threats to appropriate global big pharma for their own, and that threat alone is going to have dire consequences for the EU as not only will capital continue to leave the union but new inward investments will also decline.
Because who will want to build a factory or start a business in a place where the politicians can decide to appropriate whatever they want and whenever they want to?

For fish, read sovereign borders Zaphod ?
It seems that one of the main reasons for Brexit has been forgotten ??
Indeed it seems that Boris has forgotten Brexit entirely, along with
the rest of his party !!
Expect Lord Frost to get the chop soon !!

Donkeyman! 👎👎👎
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21-03-2021, 03:08 PM

Re: Trade figures since Brexit !!

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
For fish, read sovereign borders Zaphod ?
It seems that one of the main reasons for Brexit has been forgotten ??
Indeed it seems that Boris has forgotten Brexit entirely, along with
the rest of his party !!
Expect Lord Frost to get the chop soon !!

Donkeyman! 👎👎👎
If he doesn't get the chop will you stop your flights of fancy?

Nothing has been forgotten, I'm sure.
It is much more likely that we're just watching the EU blunder along and giving them enough rope with which to hang themselves.
You know, like they're doing with their vaccine farce.
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21-03-2021, 04:41 PM

Re: Trade figures since Brexit !!

Originally Posted by Zaphod ->
If he doesn't get the chop will you stop your flights of fancy?

Nothing has been forgotten, I'm sure.
It is much more likely that we're just watching the EU blunder along and giving them enough rope with which to hang themselves.
You know, like they're doing with their vaccine farce.
I thought so, you think UK having sovereign borders is a flight of
fancy, just like the rest of the remainers , Tory and otherwise !!
We HAVE been screwed !!

Donkeyman! 👎👎👎
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21-03-2021, 04:53 PM

Re: Trade figures since Brexit !!

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
I thought so, you think UK having sovereign borders is a flight of
fancy, just like the rest of the remainers , Tory and otherwise !!
We HAVE been screwed !!

Donkeyman! 👎👎👎
We haven't been screwed YET. Things are still working themselves out, (or haven't you been watching, listening, reading the pertinent TV news, magazine programmes, radio programmes, etc?) and will continue to do so over many months and years to come. Take finance for one.

That MacGuiness woman said on Marr's Show this morning that she fully expected to sign a Memorandum of Understanding on Thursday this week. Hopefully, this will lead to a Letter of Intent and, finally, almost full equivalence for the banking sector. She said in clear terms we can't expect to have 100% equal terms as we had before but imho that's up to the negotiating teams to sort out, not us by pontificating on a forum.
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21-03-2021, 07:26 PM

Re: Trade figures since Brexit !!

Originally Posted by Percy Vere ->
We haven't been screwed YET. Things are still working themselves out, (or haven't you been watching, listening, reading the pertinent TV news, magazine programmes, radio programmes, etc?) and will continue to do so over many months and years to come. Take finance for one.

That MacGuiness woman said on Marr's Show this morning that she fully expected to sign a Memorandum of Understanding on Thursday this week. Hopefully, this will lead to a Letter of Intent and, finally, almost full equivalence for the banking sector. She said in clear terms we can't expect to have 100% equal terms as we had before but imho that's up to the negotiating teams to sort out, not us by pontificating on a forum.
Well said Percy.

Donkeyman surely knows the above but he can't resist having a "poke" at me in the hope that I rebuke his far-fetched concoctions.
Like here:

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
I thought so, you think UK having sovereign borders is a flight of fancy

Nowhere have I said or even hinted at what you say.

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
just like the rest of the remainers , Tory and otherwise !!
You know I'm not a remainer so this obviously is you resorting to insult.
"Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong."
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
We HAVE been screwed !!
You might have been.
But it is only "might" since your understanding of what's involved seems to be very poor as has been pointed out above.
I and most others who sought Brexit along with so far approaching 28 million UK people who have been vaccinated would very probably disagree with you.
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21-03-2021, 08:07 PM

Re: Trade figures since Brexit !!

One of the reasons as well is that the UK mitigates risks to world markets because London acts as a supervisor of the Eurozone. The UK isn't the financial world leader because of its location or it's language, its because of its regulations and performance over hundreds of years and at the same time building some of the biggest insurance and financial services in the world because of it.

For the EU not to recognise UK regulations (and as a regulator), it would cause a shockwave through the world and blow up the Euro (and Eurozone) in a heart beat. The dodgy history of EU financial accounting and its corruption and the mismanagement and misinterpretation they constantly make regarding Eurozone debt (through their perpetual QE) would be enough for the rest of the world to run for their lives. Christine La Garde, the convicted criminal running the ECB is also another red flag to world markets, just like Draghi was when he said "whatever it takes" and pumped trillions of (sovereign) debt (yes really !) into the Eurozone and hamstringing the Euro backed member states. Then look what happened to Greece when it was put under troika arrangements.

The upper hand has never been on the EU side, its political posturing by the nutters in the Commission who can't see beyond Brussels and think they are bigger than they are.

We should just say that we cannot support the EU and the Eurozone anymore from a supervisory and regulatory position and watch the hole shower of sh1t go down the pan, vaccines and all.

P.S. Remember, the Eurozone member states do not, themselves have a sovereign bank, however the Eurozone member states have sovereign debt because of the loans provided from the ECB which has no central treasury.

It's a complete disaster.
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21-03-2021, 08:08 PM

Re: Trade figures since Brexit !!

Originally Posted by Percy Vere ->
We haven't been screwed YET. Things are still working themselves out, (or haven't you been watching, listening, reading the pertinent TV news, magazine programmes, radio programmes, etc?) and will continue to do so over many months and years to come. Take finance for one.

That MacGuiness woman said on Marr's Show this morning that she fully expected to sign a Memorandum of Understanding on Thursday this week. Hopefully, this will lead to a Letter of Intent and, finally, almost full equivalence for the banking sector. She said in clear terms we can't expect to have 100% equal terms as we had before but imho that's up to the negotiating teams to sort out, not us by pontificating on a forum.
Yes, l also read the MacGuiness woman's statement Percy, but anything that gets passed by the commission sometimes takes years
to be ratified, as we have just seen !!
So, it possibly won't happen in my lifetime??
My real gripe is WHYare we having to wait nearly six years before
w can begin restructuring our fishing arrangements??
What purpose does it serve for US ?
Nobody has been able to answer this question, although l have asked
it several times before ?
This 5•5 year thing was brought in at the very last moment! WHY?
AIso, WHY 5•5 yrs and not four or even five ??

Donkeyman! 👍👍
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21-03-2021, 08:21 PM

Re: Trade figures since Brexit !!

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
Yes, l also read the MacGuiness woman's statement Percy, but anything that gets passed by the commission sometimes takes years
to be ratified, as we have just seen !!
So, it possibly won't happen in my lifetime??
My real gripe is WHYare we having to wait nearly six years before
w can begin restructuring our fishing arrangements??
What purpose does it serve for US ?
Nobody has been able to answer this question, although l have asked
it several times before ?
This 5•5 year thing was brought in at the very last moment! WHY?
AIso, WHY 5•5 yrs and not four or even five ??

Donkeyman! 👍👍
The 5.5 years is because on the day that it expires, EU energy contracts end as well (see the TCA). This wasn't coincidence.
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21-03-2021, 08:27 PM

Re: Trade figures since Brexit !!

Originally Posted by Donkeyman ->
Yes, l also read the MacGuiness woman's statement Percy, but anything that gets passed by the commission sometimes takes years
to be ratified, as we have just seen !!
So, it possibly won't happen in my lifetime??
My real gripe is WHYare we having to wait nearly six years before
w can begin restructuring our fishing arrangements??
What purpose does it serve for US ?

Nobody has been able to answer this question, although l have asked
it several times before ?
This 5•5 year thing was brought in at the very last moment! WHY?
AIso, WHY 5•5 yrs and not four or even five ??
I, too, would like to know why Boris did that, at the last minute.

I suspect that he was desperate to demonstrate to the country his skills at obtaining a trade deal for us. So important was it that he was seen to succeed, he decided to offer much more that he needed to have done.

Clearly, he is not the statesman that he thought he was, as the EU since then has done nothing more than demand ever more of us and put in place ever more barriers to free trade.

Perhaps he's too self-centred to admit his mistake, and here we are... still effectively remaining at the beck and call of Brussels.
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