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28-07-2017, 03:41 PM

Re: Brexit equals Chlorinated chicken and other nasties

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
But our chicken is contaminated just like theirs, we chose to ignore it or put them in bags so no one handles them, they use a chemical spray.

We have no room to crow at all.

I'd also say while one animal may have a happy life many don't we are not paragons of virtue where animal welfare is concerned.
Yes of course we can compromise our safety standards and just give up trying to minimise infectious diseases at source.
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28-07-2017, 08:33 PM

Re: Brexit equals Chlorinated chicken and other nasties

I think it's all about taste, if Chicken doesn't taste like it should, I wouldn't eat it from that source again, but if I can't tell the difference, then how would I know it's been tampered with. Barring giving up Chicken we are at the mercy of the suppliers.....
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28-07-2017, 10:15 PM

Re: Brexit equals Chlorinated chicken and other nasties

During my many visits to the USA I have eaten a large number of chicken meals (my preferred meat). I cant say that I have ever noticed anything other than a tasty meal.

No doubt the salad and veg accompanying these meals are from GM crops.
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28-07-2017, 10:20 PM

Re: Brexit equals Chlorinated chicken and other nasties

Originally Posted by CeeCee ->
During my many visits to the USA I have eaten a large number of chicken meals (my preferred meat). I cant say that I have ever noticed anything other than a tasty meal.

No doubt the salad and veg accompanying these meals are from GM crops.
I don't expect we will notice any difference either CC otherwise nobody would buy it. Do we really know what happens to our food before we put it on the plate.....How the media likes to wind us up......
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29-07-2017, 07:26 PM

Re: Brexit equals Chlorinated chicken and other nasties

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->
It is fine when it leaves the Water Treatment plants, you can drink it raw, no issue.

Pour yourself a jug of water from the tap in the UK and the chlorine will gas off in 20 minutes, it has done it's job
Forgive me Swim but I need to correct some of this.

It is true that for many years, people have been able to leave tap water out standing for a while in order to see the toxic chlorine evaporate off.

Unfortunately things have moved on.

The powers that be are now putting CHLORAMINE in the water rather than Chlorine.

Chloramine is a compound of Chlorine and Ammonia. It is used because it's chemical structure means that it doesn't break down quickly. Ordinary Chlorine that has traditionally been put in tap water, suffers from the problem that it breaks down in a short period of time. Chloramine doesn't. It remains in the water killing bacteria for much longer and that's predominantly why it is used (unless like me you are a conspiracy theorist and believe that we are being deliberately made sick to keep life spans down and fuel the Big Pharma industry !).

If you don't like conspiracies then just be content in knowing that use of Chloramine is about the cheapest solution for water companies amongst a much wider set of options. Profits as ever come before your personal health considerations.

Chloramine use presents a significant problem to us all.

Chloramine is toxic. It kills fish and amphibians. It creates toxic by-products which are known to affect cells’ genetic material, which can cause mutation or cancer. In studies, some of these by-products, such as iodoacetic acid, have been shown to cause developmental abnormalities in mouse embryos. Other by-products of chloramine use include the highly toxic human carcinogens hydrazine and N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). Hydrazine is the primary ingredient in rocket fuel and is extremely toxic at very low levels in drinking water. NDMA is also a chemical used in the manufacture of rocket fuels. Both chemicals are a result of the chloramine’s combination of ammonia and chlorine, a potentially deadly cocktail.

A key problem for us mere mortals is that you can't just leave the tap water our for a few hours to get rid of the Chloramine. In fact removing Chloramine is very difficult and requires a fair bit of specialist equipment.

You can buy certain filters and associated systems which primarily use carbon filtering but a key problem is that the water has to be exposed to the filters for a significant amount of time. In practice you would reduce the level of Chloramine that way but not eliminate it.

The best way for managing all water purification is of course distillation. i.e. you have a system that boils the water, the real pure water turns to steam which is collected and condensed, leaving behind all the crud and contaminants in the boiling vessel. This is one of the 3 main methods that cruise ships use to generate their own purified water from sea water.

It is unfortunately expensive as you need lots of energy to constantly boil your tap water so your electricity bill would rocket. You'd also have a room that was constantly hot and steamy.

Another option is reverse-osmosis systems.

All in all though, the ordinary domestic user is pretty much Daffy Ducked. "They" have once again found a way to put toxic chemicals into our bodies and fuel the big business that is Cancer.

We are entering a period in human history where individuals must re-appraise life and come to understand and prioritise the most basic and essential elements of what life is.

We are creatures that require food, water and sunlight.

Our world has been horribly usurped by global for-profit organisations and regrettable a part of that is the health industry which thrives on us getting sick.

Those global organisations run the show. They have governments and authoritative organisations in their back pockets which means we are ALL in significant danger.

Life's distractions, the materialistic world, the wants and desires, nice-to-haves, all now need to take a back seat.

This is a game of survival against an all-powerful set of oppressors.

We need to establish our own food provenance. Either growing our own food or making absolutely sure it comes from a reputable supplier.

We need to spend money on our water. We can not live without water. It is the most important life requirement.
We can no longer afford to be complacent and leave it's quality to "for-profit" organisations or to organisations that are under the control of globalist oppressors.

It's all a nuisance. It's a hassle. We shouldn't have to do this, but that's how it is. We are at war. A war on human health. We either lay down and go quietly into the night, or get off our arses and take control.
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29-07-2017, 07:51 PM

Re: Brexit equals Chlorinated chicken and other nasties

My God! I've been drinking tap water all my life.

I should have died 40 years ago.
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30-07-2017, 04:51 PM

Re: Brexit equals Chlorinated chicken and other nasties

Originally Posted by JBR ->
My God! I've been drinking tap water all my life.

I should have died 40 years ago.
No JBR you misunderstand.

Killing people doesn't generate £billions does it? You can't pay corrupt companies money if you are dead.

The aim is to make you sick, to gradually erode your health through a variety of means, a cocktail of poisons, chemicals, additives and bad food ingredients.

Basically to keep you paying for potions, pills, treatments on a long term basis to maximise the amount of money that can be transferred from you to them.
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30-07-2017, 06:01 PM

Re: Brexit equals Chlorinated chicken and other nasties

Buy Buy Buy.......water and heard it here first......

.....................or maybe second.
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30-07-2017, 06:25 PM

Re: Brexit equals Chlorinated chicken and other nasties

When we are back in the Stone Age we will have to fight each other for clean water.
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30-07-2017, 06:52 PM

Re: Brexit equals Chlorinated chicken and other nasties

Originally Posted by Realist ->
No JBR you misunderstand.

Killing people doesn't generate £billions does it? You can't pay corrupt companies money if you are dead.

The aim is to make you sick, to gradually erode your health through a variety of means, a cocktail of poisons, chemicals, additives and bad food ingredients.

Basically to keep you paying for potions, pills, treatments on a long term basis to maximise the amount of money that can be transferred from you to them.
It's OK. I was joking.

Mind you, I'm not the sort to worry about all the potential dangers in life.

I still drink tap water...
diluted with whisky. That probably balances it out!
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