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17-07-2012, 09:34 PM

Re: Emmerdale

I wish Ashley would do something about his appearance. He still looks like an old tramp.

I don't think Marlon will go to New Zealand. I'd like to hope he stays with Laurel and they have a baby of their own.
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18-07-2012, 12:39 AM

Re: Emmerdale

Ashley looks a right old mess, don't know why he doesn't shave now that he's not homeless. Wonder what will happen next when he hears about you know who!!! Wonder if he'll end up moving in with Edna as I'm sure he wont want to stay with Marlon!

What's happened to Marlon's dog, he seems to have done a disappearing act.
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18-07-2012, 12:57 AM

Re: Emmerdale

Trust you, Marian. Marlon's doglet is still around. Daisy just makes the occasional cameo appearance.

If Ashley wanted to win Laurel back and, more importantly, want to restore his relationship with his little girl, he'd clean himself up. I'm sure the "scruffy" look would scare the kid to death, so how much does he want to renew his relationship with his child?

I wish that Cameron would bog off somewhere else as well. He always looks smelly and unkempt and I wish he'd say "Okay" instead of "Akay."

He also could do with a good shave, preferably with a cut-throat razor!
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19-07-2012, 10:39 AM

Re: Emmerdale

ooooooooooooo nasty mollie.

But of course you're right............and he's not very good at being subtle. A man with a glass eye could see him sneaking a look at Chas every time he comes in or goes out of the pub. He might as well have 'I fancy Chas' written in black letter across his ugly forehead.
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17-08-2012, 11:40 PM

Re: Emmerdale

And so. A lot has happened in a month in Emmerdale, so what do we all think?

Marlon and Paddy falling out was on the cards and it's a very interesting story-line.

Chas and Dan? Whooda thought.

More importantly, Rachael and Jai? I know we're all too old to have babies but what would you do in her situation? Do you think Jai should tell his wife?

Should Rachael allow Jai to "keep" her in a flat in Leeds thereby providing her with security for herself and the babby?
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17-08-2012, 11:54 PM

Re: Emmerdale

Yes its all been happening in Emmerdale. I wonder if Paddy and Rhona really go to NZ. I haven't heard that they are being written out?

As for Chas and Dan, hmm of course Chas is just seeing him to get back at Cameron!

I don't know if Rachel will go to Leeds or not. But if he wants to pay for a flat, why not. She'll have no money coming in. But as this is soapland its all going to come out sooner or later

What about Lisa and Zak, stormy times ahead for them me thinks

There's so many story lines going on at the moment which will be good when they climax
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18-08-2012, 12:01 AM

Re: Emmerdale

Indeed, Marian.

I haven't heard about Paddy and Rhona being written out either, and I hope they aren't because I love Paddy! He's such a lovely, bumbling idiot and they would be wrong to take Marlon's little boy so far away. If it came to Court, I think they'd rule in favour of Marlon.

Rachael and Jai - well, they're both responsible for what has happened, but having unprotected sex can result in a baby but, as the mother, Rachael will bear the brunt, so yes, I think Jai should stump up if he really does want to be a dad to the baby.

I feel so sorry for Zak and Lisa. They do love each other, and it's not Zak's fault that he had the illness, but Lisa just expected him to return to normal, and things don't just happen like that. It's been hard for them both.
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18-08-2012, 12:08 AM

Re: Emmerdale

hmm yes, agree. I'm waiting for Ashley to find out about Marlon and his wife!! Who do you reckon he'll lodge with next? Edna???

I don't think the courts would rule in favour of Marlon though, sorry
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18-08-2012, 12:13 AM

Re: Emmerdale

i really don't think Paddy and Rhona will go to NZ,and if thats the case it was a pointless storyline to begin with.

Chas and Dan is just a joke,and i don't know what she thinks she is playing at, because it all i show in my opinion to wind Cameron up, and I'm sad to say i think its working.

I make no bones about not liking Rachel but i think she will end up breaking up Jai and Charity, but only time will tell.

As for the courts stopping Paddy and Rhona, i think they would win.
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18-08-2012, 12:24 AM

Re: Emmerdale

I'm hoping that Paddy and Rhona don't go to NZ either. The very strong bond that Marlon has with his son could capture the hearts of the Court, and it isn't always the mother that gets custody.

Think of this. Paddy and Rhona will (maybe) go to NZ where they will both have jobs which will take them away from the child and they will have to have a nanny to look after him. Paddy is not his real dad, so his arguments are irrelevant. It's between Rhona and Marlon, not Paddy, and if Marlon can offer up a better quality of life for his Downs Syndrome child then he could win because he has a huge collection of family and friends to help out.

I'd hate to be in that situation.
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