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17-11-2018, 12:24 PM

Re: So this is where I stand

Realist, JBR, all is not lost yet. May still has to get her hated draft agreement through Parliament. As far as I am aware, Labour, the DUP, SNP, Plaid Cwmru and many of her own MP's plan to vote against it. (Maybe even more, once they have had time to read that draft agreement and judge just how much we have been sold down the river by Theresa May).

Mind you, as I have said previously, starting with that snake, Heath, we have been lied to and deceived by almost every Prime Minister in cahoots with the EU from day one over 40 years ago. Heath, Wilson, Major, Bliar, Brown, Cameron, they all, each of them, have the stain of treason under their fingernails. Theresa May complete with her kitten heels can now justifiably add her name to this traitorous hall of fame.
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17-11-2018, 12:27 PM

Re: So this is where I stand

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
Realist, JBR, all is not lost yet. May still has to get her hated draft agreement through Parliament. As far as I am aware, Labour, the DUP, SNP, Plaid Cwmru and many of her own MP's plan to vote against it. (Maybe even more, once they have had time to read that draft agreement and judge just how much we have been sold down the river by Theresa May.

Mind you, as I have said previously, starting with that snake, Heath, we have been lied to and deceived by almost every Prime Minister in cahoots with the EU from day one over 40 years ago. Heath, Wilson, Major, Bliar, Brown, Cameron, they all, each of them, have the stain of treason under their fingernails. Theresa May complete with her kitten heels can now justifiably add her name to this traitorous hall of fame.

I see that B*stard Bliar is still giving his opinions. Why doesn't he just **** off.
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17-11-2018, 12:32 PM

Re: So this is where I stand

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->

I see that B*stard Bliar is still giving his opinions. Why doesn't he just **** off.
Very well said LD.
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17-11-2018, 01:39 PM

Re: So this is where I stand

Looks like things are not all that rosy in Brussels either!

All 27 EU Embassadors met yesterday and it seems they are not happy bunnies. They are furious with the commission that they, as individual countries, will be excluded from knowing how future trade deals with the UK by each country after March next year, will be carried out, instead, instead, once the commission has decided how it will work, they will instead be given a 5 page agreement telling each country how it will work and expected to be signed by each country.

Oh dear, didn't they know their views don't matter?
To all those wishing for a second referendum. You will be pleased to know that the Commission itself, plus Angela Merkel and Macron wrote a letter of congratulations to Claude Junker for his original idea of a EU Army, and look forward to putting this into place as soon as feasible.

Just remember, if you are in the club, you will have to respect the notion that your dad, brother or son could be conscripted into this fashionable new army. Good luck with that one.

Also, it appears that some EU countries are up in arms over the huge rise in payments they are being expected to stump up once Brexit is over. There have apparently been ructions in the EU Parliament.

Glad it's not just we Leavers feeling any pain!!
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17-11-2018, 01:53 PM

Re: So this is where I stand

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
I agree and not just the European leaders. If our own governments had listened to the majority rather than the minority, we wouldn't be in this mess.

I just wish May had announced right at the start that we were never going to leave Europe, despite the referendum. That way we would have saved all the political crap we have had to endure over the past couple of years. In fact, why didn't someone just fiddle the results then we would have been none the wiser.*
Exactly, as JBR pointed out earlier, this is BRINO (Brexit in name only), we will still be tied to European Law which will be dominant over UK law and that the ECJ will say that we (UK) can't leave the customs union without EU permission. Further, Gibraltar and military bases in Cyprus will be subject to EU law as soon as this complete fudge of an `agreement` is ratified (if ever).

*How do we know they didn't? Clip a couple of million votes off of the Leave vote to give the impression that it was a close call. The last thing those in authority want is an overarching landslide vote in favour of Leave.

Cynical? Moi? What gives you that idea.....
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17-11-2018, 02:17 PM

Re: So this is where I stand

Originally Posted by Judd ->
Exactly, as JBR pointed out earlier, this is BRINO (Brexit in name only), we will still be tied to European Law which will be dominant over UK law and that the ECJ will say that we (UK) can't leave the customs union without EU permission. Further, Gibraltar and military bases in Cyprus will be subject to EU law as soon as this complete fudge of an `agreement` is ratified (if ever).

*How do we know they didn't? Clip a couple of million votes off of the Leave vote to give the impression that it was a close call. The last thing those in authority want is an overarching landslide vote in favour of Leave.

Cynical? Moi? What gives you that idea.....
Why not? African Countries fiddle it all the time and we are desperate to adopt their ways, so yes, that might indeed of happened. You can never be too cynical when politicians are involved.
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17-11-2018, 03:42 PM

Re: So this is where I stand

Originally Posted by Longdogs ->
Why not? African Countries fiddle it all the time and we are desperate to adopt their ways, so yes, that might indeed of happened. You can never be too cynical when politicians are involved.
You consider yourself equal to African "democracies"? Bette Midler seems to have said: by the time it is 3 o'clock in new york, in london it is stil 1938. Dark continent, dark ages, dark future?
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17-11-2018, 03:49 PM

Re: So this is where I stand

Originally Posted by Solasch ->
You consider yourself equal to African "democracies"? Bette Midler seems to have said: by the time it is 3 o'clock in new york, in london it is stil 1938. Dark continent, dark ages, dark future?
Good job for you we were here to come to your aid in the years after 1938 though ey?
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17-11-2018, 03:52 PM

Re: So this is where I stand

To be honest Solasch, you should hang your head in shame the way you continuously belittle the UK. When we conveniently remind you of the lives lost fighting your real enemies, you start spouting off about "going back in time". Time you shut up and have some respect for the country that came to your aid in dark times!
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17-11-2018, 04:10 PM

Re: So this is where I stand

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
To be honest Solasch, you should hang your head in shame the way you continuously belittle the UK. When we conveniently remind you of the lives lost fighting your real enemies, you start spouting off about "going back in time". Time you shut up and have some respect for the country that came to your aid in dark times!
My wife (a RAF daughter) and two kids were there 11-11 to pay their respects. Right?
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