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15-03-2021, 08:05 AM

Re: Covid-19 Vaccinations

I read yesterday that Ireland had suspended its roll out of AstraZenica while it investigates the blood clot claims.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) said there had been 30 cases of clot-related events among the 5 million Europeans who have received the jab.

One person in Austria died from blood clots and another was hospitalised with a blockage in the lung after receiving doses from a particular batch of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Denmark suspended the shots for two weeks after a 60-year-old woman, given an AstraZeneca shot from a batch used in Austria, formed a blood clot and died, health authorities said.

Some EU countries subsequently suspended this batch as a precautionary measure, while a full investigation by the EMA was ongoing.

Italy also suspended the use of AstraZeneca when two men died in Sicily, however, those shots were not from the Austrian batch.

Norway, Iceland, Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg and Latvia have also stopped inoculations with the vaccine while investigations continue.

The EMA said the AstraZeneca vaccine's benefits continue to outweigh its risk.
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15-03-2021, 08:32 AM

Re: Covid-19 Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
I read yesterday that Ireland had suspended its roll out of AstraZenica while it investigates the blood clot claims.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) said there had been 30 cases of clot-related events among the 5 million Europeans who have received the jab.

One person in Austria died from blood clots and another was hospitalised with a blockage in the lung after receiving doses from a particular batch of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Denmark suspended the shots for two weeks after a 60-year-old woman, given an AstraZeneca shot from a batch used in Austria, formed a blood clot and died, health authorities said.

Some EU countries subsequently suspended this batch as a precautionary measure, while a full investigation by the EMA was ongoing.

Italy also suspended the use of AstraZeneca when two men died in Sicily, however, those shots were not from the Austrian batch.

Norway, Iceland, Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg and Latvia have also stopped inoculations with the vaccine while investigations continue.

The EMA said the AstraZeneca vaccine's benefits continue to outweigh its risk.
I asked about the safety of the AstraZeneca vaccine yesterday while volunteering at the vaccination centre and if I remember correctly it's to do with the place that is making the vaccination and we source from a different country. I can't recall specifics but that was the explanation.
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15-03-2021, 10:50 AM

Re: Covid-19 Vaccinations

The Netherlands have also suspended the use of certain vaccines pending an investigation...


The Netherlands has become the latest country to suspend use of the Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine over concerns about possible side effects.

The World Health Organization and Europe's medicines regulator say there is no indication of a link between the vaccine and reports of blood clots.

The Dutch government said the move, which will last until at least 29 March, was a precaution.

The Irish Republic took similar action over blood clotting reports in Norway.

Similar moves have been taken by Denmark, Norway, Bulgaria, Iceland, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Thailand. Several other European countries, including Italy and Austria, have suspended the use of certain batches of the drug as a precautionary measure.

It seems like the long term issues are mounting up...I think I'll wait a few years before I decide....
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15-03-2021, 12:09 PM

Re: Covid-19 Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Lindyloo ->
It's possible the site is only intended for those going to the vaccination hubs. If you had your first jab at a GP's surgery, then you'll probably need to return there.
No, it was a library actually!

Perhaps a knocking shop next time?
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15-03-2021, 04:53 PM

Re: Covid-19 Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
I read yesterday that Ireland had suspended its roll out of AstraZenica while it investigates the blood clot claims.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) said there had been 30 cases of clot-related events among the 5 million Europeans who have received the jab.

One person in Austria died from blood clots and another was hospitalised with a blockage in the lung after receiving doses from a particular batch of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Denmark suspended the shots for two weeks after a 60-year-old woman, given an AstraZeneca shot from a batch used in Austria, formed a blood clot and died, health authorities said.

Some EU countries subsequently suspended this batch as a precautionary measure, while a full investigation by the EMA was ongoing.

Italy also suspended the use of AstraZeneca when two men died in Sicily, however, those shots were not from the Austrian batch.

Norway, Iceland, Estonia, Lithuania, Luxembourg and Latvia have also stopped inoculations with the vaccine while investigations continue.

The EMA said the AstraZeneca vaccine's benefits continue to outweigh its risk.

Do the EU Countries require you to fill in a medical history
Question are BEFORE giving you the jab Brucy??
l know UK Does, twice in our case, once by my GP when booking
and once just before the jab again !!
Just a thought!

Donkeyman! 🤔🤔
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15-03-2021, 06:09 PM

Re: Covid-19 Vaccinations

I understand the concerns with vaccination to some degree but when even the WHO are able to explain the risk of clots in simple terms for some countries only to seem to refuse their explanations by stopping use of this vaccine, it's only putting more lives at risk for what very strongly appears to be no greater ris than any other vaccine going by evidence.

17 million reviewed cases is a pretty persuasive number, and the numbers seeing blood clots etc. post-vaccination are no greater in those being vaccinated than they are in the general population that are not vaccinated.
That seems straightforward and simple enough to understand, surely?

Any delay to being vaccinated does have increased risk of catching & therfore of dying from Covid-19.
That is a known.
So as a result of delays where risk is extremely unlikely, more people will die to be blunt.
That's crazy.

'“Around 17 million people in the EU and UK have now received our vaccine, and the number of cases of blood clots reported in this group is lower than the hundreds of cases that would be expected among the general population,” said Ann Taylor, AstraZeneca’s chief medical officer.'
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16-03-2021, 03:36 AM

Re: Covid-19 Vaccinations

We could be in the poo

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16-03-2021, 10:51 AM

Re: Covid-19 Vaccinations

Interesting Bruce, obviously there isn't anything wrong with the vaccines....But there seems to be many uncomfortable people frantically shuffling the numbers around....
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16-03-2021, 09:24 PM

Re: Covid-19 Vaccinations

Well I've booked my covid vaccine for later this week. My invitation finally came through. If I don't post next week you will know that it's because I'm a goner or the aliens have abducted me or the microchip has gotten to my brain.

However, as a good friend pointed out 24m have been vaccinated in the UK so far and I haven't heard 24m of our population have died since....
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16-03-2021, 09:43 PM

Re: Covid-19 Vaccinations

Originally Posted by AnnieS ->
Well I've booked my covid vaccine for later this week. My invitation finally came through. If I don't post next week you will know that it's because I'm a goner or the aliens have abducted me or the microchip has gotten to my brain.

However, as a good friend pointed out 24m have been vaccinated in the UK so far and I haven't heard 24m of our population have died since....
Give it time Annie.....
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