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28-04-2016, 11:35 AM

Re: I created a crap but handy site.

I look at this quite often: -
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28-04-2016, 11:37 AM

Re: I created a crap but handy site.

That's what I mean. Play it down and you'll surprise people positively.
Be a smartarse and soon everyone will see through you. Even the dumb ones, like me.
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28-04-2016, 12:11 PM

Re: I created a crap but handy site.

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

No, not on drugs or anything.

Your assertion that you can track me is pure fantasy.

You are nowhere near as clever as you think.

I am quite prepared for Azz and the Mods to release any IP addresses when I am away.

They will prove that I am abroad.

Or are they?

Please release my IP Addresses to Mark.

I will enjoy the fun.

For the avoidance of doubt, I am away from tomorrow, not returning to the UK for a minimum of five days.

Track me if you can.

I will show up as being in Knaresbourgh.

Good luck in your search.

Bye the way, I do so hope that you have changed your address , as you are no longer living in Wales as evidenced by your posts, Rachel can no longer claim single person discount for her Council Tax.

I do so hope that you have declared this.

Trust me , I will, I do not like anyone who avoids Tax.

Haha. Showing your true colours now ain't you .

No wonder membership is falling off here.

Vindictive and nasty through and through.

I post something that should help others and what do I get - pure abuse from the likes of you. Shame on you.

And mind your own bloody business too.

Cheeky sod.

I came to the conclusion some time ago that being a member on here was counterproductive - as most of the time I'm wasting my energy when I could be doing something useful. How right I was.

A perma ban would do me the power of good.

Oh, and by the way here is something for you to take a gander of ...


Where you have come from - what you have looked at etc etc - ip addresses. Basis website creation tracking that I incorporate into any site I create.

Well, thanks for the laugh. Off forra 6 mile jog now .
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28-04-2016, 12:56 PM

Re: I created a crap but handy site.

Originally Posted by MKJ ->
Haha. Showing your true colours now ain't you .

No wonder membership is falling off here.

Vindictive and nasty through and through.

I post something that should help others and what do I get - pure abuse from the likes of you. Shame on you.

And mind your own bloody business too.

Cheeky sod.

I came to the conclusion some time ago that being a member on here was counterproductive - as most of the time I'm wasting my energy when I could be doing something useful. How right I was.

A perma ban would do me the power of good.

Oh, and by the way here is something for you to take a gander of ...


Where you have come from - what you have looked at etc etc - ip addresses. Basis website creation tracking that I incorporate into any site I create.

Well, thanks for the laugh. Off forra 6 mile jog now .

Well I for one do not consider this to be a crap site.

I am totally the opposite to you, I think that this is the best site that I have ever come across on the Internet.

Azz is a great admin, the Mods are great, no interference unless things get totally out of order, and then decisive.

An example to all as to how a site should be operated.

Track me all you want, I think that it is hilarious, post all my Internet History, my works colleagues would like an example as to how the security has been breached.

If you do so, you will be given a job, minimum wage £60,000 a year with a £120,000 Golden Hello and a full Final Salary Pension.

Over to you, put your money where your mouth is.
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28-04-2016, 01:23 PM

Re: I created a crap but handy site.

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

Well I for one do not consider this to be a crap site.

I am totally the opposite to you, I think that this is the best site that I have ever come across on the Internet.

Azz is a great admin, the Mods are great, no interference unless things get totally out of order, and then decisive.

An example to all as to how a site should be operated.

Track me all you want, I think that it is hilarious, post all my Internet History, my works colleagues would like an example as to how the security has been breached.

If you do so, you will be given a job, minimum wage £60,000 a year with a £120,000 Golden Hello and a full Final Salary Pension.

Over to you, put your money where your mouth is.
If I wanted to I probably could.

But I can see where this anger has come from now and I will change my initial thread title.

'Crap site but handy' was meant as a description for the site I had created - csensism org - not this one.

Why crap? It doesn't do anything as I'm not developing it any further - crap design - crap everything really. It will die a death when the domain runs out.
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28-04-2016, 01:29 PM

Re: I created a crap but handy site.

Right I have pm'd Meg to change the title to stop any further confusion.
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28-04-2016, 01:55 PM

Re: I created a crap but handy site.

Thank you Meg
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28-04-2016, 01:58 PM

Re: I created a crap but handy site.

And I expect a full apology from Mr Swimfeeders. Lets see how much of a man he really is and whether he can admit to being in the wrong. Not the first time he has misread a post of mine and come to the wrong conclusion.
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28-04-2016, 02:05 PM

Re: I created a crap but handy site.

Originally Posted by swimfeeders ->

I agree with you. a totally crap site which shows the complete understanding of even the basic facts.

Best avoided.
Why if it shows the complete understanding
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28-04-2016, 03:18 PM

Re: I created a crap but handy site.

I opened the link on the first post.. But it's nothing.
I click on a word, it gives a jump and that's it.
Waste of space, or I missed something.
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