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21-09-2019, 02:06 PM

Bubble & Squeak Cottage/Shepherds Pie

Hi everyone, Sorry if this sounds a bit bloggy, Just prepared dinner for tonight and thought would share with you the dish that is now sitting covered with foil in the fridge, ready to be popped in the oven at 6 pm.

HWMO absolutely loves his Cottage/Shepherd’s pie. He would have it for dinner every night if he could. .

Earlier I was looking in the fridge at the dish of leftover vegetables that I had sitting there on the shelf since Thursday - Roast potatoes (6), Mashed potatoes, (I always do too much), Swede, Carrots, Peas, Sweetcorn, Green Beans, Garden Peas and Cauliflower.
Don’t know whether it’s the same with you, but I always have good intentions with left-over veggie, thinking I will treat HWMO to Bubble and Squeak for breakfast with a Poached Egg, but you know how it is, each morning, we usually end up just having cereal followed by toast and marmalade, and before I know it, yet another day has gone by and I still haven’t used up the left-over veg sitting forlornly in a dish in my fridge.

Well, I was determined not to waste any of this cooked veg, so, when I had made the mince for the Cottage Pie this evening, and got the bag of red potatoes out of the cupboard to do the topping, I was thinking of which of the veg I could add to the mashed potato topping as per normal, when I suddenly thought...why not a Bubble and Squeak topping! it really appealed to me. I know we all usually add something to our mashed potato at one time or another, but this version after I worked it out, would include the whole lot of my left-over veggie.Yeah! (not just 5-aday, more like 10-aday!) Would have been 11 if I had used a sliced beef tomato to decorate the top as I usually do, but thought maybe not this time.

Anyway, it is ready for baking now, I’m feeling rather pleased and smug for not wasting any left-over veggie. I

I did look online for a video of bubble and squeak cottage/shepherds pie for your entertainment, but unfortunately, no luck! I could only find a photo, where the chef used diced beef instead of minced beef, but it’s as near as I could get. It’s the topping that counts.

I did the mince as per normal and transferred it to a 1.1/2ltr casserole dish.
Put the potatoes on to boil for 20 minutes. Strained and mashed them. Then, using my large mixing bowl, I then mashed every veggie that was mashable, and chopped and diced finely any veggie that was choppable and diceable!

Once I had added everything together, A generous tablespoon (or even two) of butter, black pepper, salt, two tablespoons of warm milk, and my Bubble and Squeak topping was ready.

Next, I heated a tablespoon of vegetable oil in a small frying pan over a medium heat, added a finely diced onion and cooked them for 5 minutes, before mixing them too into the mash. Done!

1kg Potatoes (Reds, Maris Piper or a good allrounder best)

Whatever veg you fancy adding to your mashed potato.

Generous knob (or two) of Butter

1 or 2 tablespoons of milk

1 finely diced onion

30g grated cheddar cheese

Salt and black pepper to taste.


Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4/Fan 160C

Sprinkle the prepared Cottage Pie with the Cheddar Cheese and Bake for 25-30 minutes. (I always do my Cottage/Shepherds Pie in my temperemental oven for 45 minutes to get the nice golden top that I like0.

(in the photo, they have used diced beef, it looks like an ordinary topping but it is a bubble and squeak topping, honest!)

Looking forward to demolishing it between us tonight.

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21-09-2019, 02:48 PM

Re: Bubble & Squeak Cottage/Shepherds Pie

Looks delicious however I question this left over veg idea. Between us and the dogs there is never even a lick left in the dishes . So foreign concept to me. If we want bubble and squeak I have to cook fresh for it.
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21-09-2019, 03:23 PM

Re: Bubble & Squeak Cottage/Shepherds Pie

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Looks delicious however I question this left over veg idea. Between us and the dogs there is never even a lick left in the dishes . So foreign concept to me. If we want bubble and squeak I have to cook fresh for it.
I know exactly what you mean Julie.
When the gorillas were living here, there was NEVER any food left on plates. I had to always make sure each one had exactly the same amount, no-one was allowed to have extra as they were so greedy!! one would end up with 6 potatoes, one would have only four, the one with six would be laughing, the one with four would be whinging, God, I remember those days of trauma,
I solved it all by ALWAYS plating their meals for them rather than risk them helping themselves and causing chaos at the table with one having his plate piled high and another with nothing.

Oh Joy, there are just the two of us now, with plenty left over to do next days meal if necessary.
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21-09-2019, 03:33 PM

Re: Bubble & Squeak Cottage/Shepherds Pie

Originally Posted by shropshiregirl ->
Hi everyone, Sorry if this sounds a bit bloggy, Just prepared dinner for tonight and thought would share with you the dish that is now sitting covered with foil in the fridge, ready to be popped in the oven at 6 pm.

HWMO absolutely loves his Cottage/Shepherd’s pie. He would have it for dinner every night if he could. .

Earlier I was looking in the fridge at the dish of leftover vegetables that I had sitting there on the shelf since Thursday - Roast potatoes (6), Mashed potatoes, (I always do too much), Swede, Carrots, Peas, Sweetcorn, Green Beans, Garden Peas and Cauliflower.
Don’t know whether it’s the same with you, but I always have good intentions with left-over veggie, thinking I will treat HWMO to Bubble and Squeak for breakfast with a Poached Egg, but you know how it is, each morning, we usually end up just having cereal followed by toast and marmalade, and before I know it, yet another day has gone by and I still haven’t used up the left-over veg sitting forlornly in a dish in my fridge.

Well, I was determined not to waste any of this cooked veg, so, when I had made the mince for the Cottage Pie this evening, and got the bag of red potatoes out of the cupboard to do the topping, I was thinking of which of the veg I could add to the mashed potato topping as per normal, when I suddenly thought...why not a Bubble and Squeak topping! it really appealed to me. I know we all usually add something to our mashed potato at one time or another, but this version after I worked it out, would include the whole lot of my left-over veggie.Yeah! (not just 5-aday, more like 10-aday!) Would have been 11 if I had used a sliced beef tomato to decorate the top as I usually do, but thought maybe not this time.

Anyway, it is ready for baking now, I’m feeling rather pleased and smug for not wasting any left-over veggie. I

I did look online for a video of bubble and squeak cottage/shepherds pie for your entertainment, but unfortunately, no luck! I could only find a photo, where the chef used diced beef instead of minced beef, but it’s as near as I could get. It’s the topping that counts.

I did the mince as per normal and transferred it to a 1.1/2ltr casserole dish.
Put the potatoes on to boil for 20 minutes. Strained and mashed them. Then, using my large mixing bowl, I then mashed every veggie that was mashable, and chopped and diced finely any veggie that was choppable and diceable!

Once I had added everything together, A generous tablespoon (or even two) of butter, black pepper, salt, two tablespoons of warm milk, and my Bubble and Squeak topping was ready.

Next, I heated a tablespoon of vegetable oil in a small frying pan over a medium heat, added a finely diced onion and cooked them for 5 minutes, before mixing them too into the mash. Done!

1kg Potatoes (Reds, Maris Piper or a good allrounder best)

Whatever veg you fancy adding to your mashed potato.

Generous knob (or two) of Butter

1 or 2 tablespoons of milk

1 finely diced onion

30g grated cheddar cheese

Salt and black pepper to taste.


Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4/Fan 160C

Sprinkle the prepared Cottage Pie with the Cheddar Cheese and Bake for 25-30 minutes. (I always do my Cottage/Shepherds Pie in my temperemental oven for 45 minutes to get the nice golden top that I like0.

(in the photo, they have used diced beef, it looks like an ordinary topping but it is a bubble and squeak topping, honest!)

Looking forward to demolishing it between us tonight.
I think that will be absolutely delicious. Any meat dish topped with grated mature cheddar gets my vote every time. Cheddar cheese has 3% iron so when added to the red meat yields plenty of iron for a 76yr old such as me, because the older we become the less iron we tend to absorb :thumbup:
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21-09-2019, 03:35 PM

Re: Bubble & Squeak Cottage/Shepherds Pie

Originally Posted by Julie1962 ->
Looks delicious however I question this left over veg idea. Between us and the dogs there is never even a lick left in the dishes . So foreign concept to me. If we want bubble and squeak I have to cook fresh for it.
What we do is cook an excess to start with and that leaves us plenty for B & S next day .. nice with iron rich black pudding
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21-09-2019, 06:19 PM

Re: Bubble & Squeak Cottage/Shepherds Pie

That recipe sounds delicious. Let us know what it was like.

Laughing at Julie (no veg left)!

I might try something like that one day.
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21-09-2019, 10:43 PM

Re: Bubble & Squeak Cottage/Shepherds Pie

Sounds delicious, Shropshiregirl. I do like experimenting in the kitchen.
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21-09-2019, 11:45 PM

Re: Bubble & Squeak Cottage/Shepherds Pie

Personally i do not agree with all this experimentation of traditional dishes. Leave them be.
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22-09-2019, 09:34 AM

Re: Bubble & Squeak Cottage/Shepherds Pie

Traditional dishes only became that because people tweaked national dishes in many cases. Shroppie might be onto the next tradition !
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22-09-2019, 12:31 PM

Re: Bubble & Squeak Cottage/Shepherds Pie

Originally Posted by LongDriver ->
I think that will be absolutely delicious. Any meat dish topped with grated mature cheddar gets my vote every time. Cheddar cheese has 3% iron so when added to the red meat yields plenty of iron for a 76yr old such as me, because the older we become the less iron we tend to absorb :thumbup:
Thanks LongDriver, I too love my grated extra mature cheddar cheese on cottage/shepherds pies. I did once try as Gordon Ramsay does, and put Parmesan Cheese over the top, but nah, couldn't taste it, so it was back to good old Cheddar.

My latest favourite using cheddar cheese is with chicken breasts.

I just wrap some streaky bacon rashers around the breasts, brown them first in a little oil in a pan on a medium heat for 5 minutes each side, transfer to a casserole dish. (preheated oven 180C/350F/Gas 4/Fan 160) bake for 25 mins, take out of oven, sprinkle the chicken breasts generously with Cheddar Cheese, pop back into the oven for a further 20 minutes. They taste absolutely delicious!
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