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27-07-2021, 06:22 AM

Re: It’s vaccine time baby… Part 2

Originally Posted by Bruce ->
I think some of those SE Asian countries coloured green on that map would be surprised to hear that they were third world.

Australia's vaccine roll out is definitely third world with the Federal Government having stuffed it up right from the start.

The country is awash with AstraZeneca which no one wants. Or rather that was true until this latest outbreak where half the population is under lockdown and eight people have died.

Suddenly the demand for vaccinations has gone up and even young people are seeking the AZ shot.

Personally I think it is a disgrace that some over 60s were holding out for the Pfizer shot which would have deprived a younger person of it. I hope they have rethought that attitude, actually i am sure they have rethought that attitude, the fear of death certainly concentrates the mind.

Pfizer does not arrive in this country in any quantity until September and October.

Thanks for sharing Bruce. That’s interesting.
I know I shouldn’t say this but it’s somewhat comforting to note that an inept vaccination program isn’t restricted to my part of the world… I think overall, most governments were caught with their pants down.
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27-07-2021, 08:27 AM

Re: It’s vaccine time baby… Part 2

France, it has been slow, common Knowledge...

We even had prescriptions for the regular Flu Jab last October.
It said as facts... then you can now go and have the Flu Jab at your local Pharmacy...No they had no idea as they had no vaccines. Went to Chef Boutonne and asked in their two Pharmacies..Same..have none.
Went to Ruffec and same..No Vaccine here..
but let me take your Name and Telephone No. and if we get a delivery we shall contact you...
Nobody could have the Basic yearly Vaccine here..still do not know to this day why they could not get any stocks...
We have now recently both had our 2nd Covid 19 Vaccine Jabs...
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