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11-11-2009, 04:35 PM

Why can't I just say......

Why can't I just say yes or no?

I am alone on Christmas Day(not the only one I know & not for the first time) as OH is working......anyway my daughter & partner have asked me to go up to theirs in Cambridge. Now I have 4 Dogs & they would have to go into Kennels, my Daughters Partner has said he will come down to me on Christmas Eve take the dogs into the Kennels & then take me back to Cambridge for Christmas and do then pick dogs up with me a few days later etc.................BUT all I can think of is their expense/hassle just for Christmas.

Nice to know they care

I am a nightmare!
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11-11-2009, 04:43 PM

Re: Why can't I just say......

No you aint, . . you're being sensible, It's nice of them to ask you over but it's your xmas too.
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11-11-2009, 05:26 PM

Re: Why can't I just say......

You should do what you want to do, in your position I think I would rather be with the dogs!

I would imagine that kennels would charge more over the Christmas period wouldn't they?
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11-11-2009, 05:34 PM

Re: Why can't I just say......

I've had this problem as well Sweep, and I agree with Nero.

I always went down to my son's house in Norfolk for Christmas, and had to kennel my dogs, cattery my cat, get someone in to feed rabbit and guinea pigs - by the time I had sorted it all out, spent loads of money, driven down (like a 5 hour drive), spent Christmas doing things I really didn't want to do, driven back hoping against hope it didn't snow around here, believe me, Christmas (never a favourite time for me) was an absolute misery.

So about three years ago, I phoned my son and had a long and honest chat with him. I explained how I felt, and he understood. He and my d-i-l were just worried that I would feel left out and would be sad spending Christmas on my own (!!!). Since then I have stayed at home over Christmas and thoroughly enjoyed myself. A friend comes round on Christmas Day and we have our meal together, plus a few drinks. There is no hassle, no nerves, and, best of all, no massive costs! Downside is that I don't get to see the grandchildren opening pressies, etc, but now we have the webcam, so even that is not a problem! This year I may be on my own, but I'm still going to enjoy it, and I'm still relieved at not having to go anywhere.

As far as I was concerned, the right thing to do was to "Just Say No"!
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11-11-2009, 05:44 PM

Re: Why can't I just say......

This is all part of what you could be dramatic and call 'the tyrrany of the modern stressmas/christmas'
It was all well and good when we were children and family for christmas meant people going from one end of the village to the other, or sometimes even one end of the street to the other. It's crazy now - people plan for weeks then travel for hours and hours, pack into houses which aren't big enough, stay for days rather than a couple of hours ... and everybody seems to think that the very worst thing in the whole world is to be alone at christmas. In a way, if you live a solitary life anyway, and are comfortable with it, it's a good day to be alone. No suprise visitirs, no shopping, no housework (unless you really want to!), you can treat yourself to something special to eat or drink if you wish, there's usually something decent on TV
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11-11-2009, 06:08 PM

Re: Why can't I just say......

I had two Christmas' alone when my son and daughter went to their in laws and although I never told them this, I was quite content. Of course I wanted them to know I missed family but we deal with it and when you have lived alone for awhile, I think it is easier.
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11-11-2009, 06:39 PM

Re: Why can't I just say......

Take the dogs with you easier said than done I know. I don't even go on holidays any more cos I don't like the idea of putting Rocky in kennels :/
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11-11-2009, 06:43 PM

Re: Why can't I just say......

I am FRid I am quite brutal in these situations just say no!
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11-11-2009, 07:13 PM

Re: Why can't I just say......

Originally Posted by dinahsmum ->
This is all part of what you could be dramatic and call 'the tyrrany of the modern stressmas/christmas'
It was all well and good when we were children and family for christmas meant people going from one end of the village to the other, or sometimes even one end of the street to the other. It's crazy now - people plan for weeks then travel for hours and hours, pack into houses which aren't big enough, stay for days rather than a couple of hours ... and everybody seems to think that the very worst thing in the whole world is to be alone at christmas. In a way, if you live a solitary life anyway, and are comfortable with it, it's a good day to be alone. No suprise visitirs, no shopping, no housework (unless you really want to!), you can treat yourself to something special to eat or drink if you wish, there's usually something decent on TV
It is blissful - I love it However, I do know that some people hate being on their own, so I cannot speak for them. I have always been quite a solitary person from childhood - as long as I had some animals around me!
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11-11-2009, 07:17 PM

Re: Why can't I just say......

Originally Posted by buzzie ->
I had two Christmas' alone when my son and daughter went to their in laws and although I never told them this, I was quite content. Of course I wanted them to know I missed family but we deal with it and when you have lived alone for awhile, I think it is easier.
I think sometimes Joan we have to be cruel to be kind. As I said in my post, when I was honest with my son, it turned out that he just wanted to be re-assured that I was not going to be sat weeping all over my solitary turkey leg on Christmas Day!
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