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04-03-2014, 10:46 PM


Another debateable topic:

A daily painkiller is a way of life for many with chronic back pain - but a course of acupuncture often works better.
Tested in a group of 1,162 people suffering from back pain for an average of eight years, these people received either 10 sessions of acupuncture twice a week, or "sham" acupuncture, where the needles were not properly inserted, or conventional therapy with painkillers, physical therapy and exercise.
After 6 months, 48 per cent of those in the acupuncture group reported dramatic reductions in pain compared with on 27 per cent of those receiving conventional care. Interestingly, 44 per cent of those given the "sham" treatment also reported pain reduction, suggesting the importance of the mind-body connection when it comes to pain".

Personally, I find the placebo effect on people very interesting.
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04-03-2014, 11:17 PM

Re: Painkillers

I think that also a lot of back pain just gets better as inflammation etc decreases and that may happen even if nothing is done.
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04-03-2014, 11:31 PM

Re: Painkillers

Originally Posted by Anita ->
I think that also a lot of back pain just gets better as inflammation etc decreases and that may happen even if nothing is done.

Yes Anita, I suppose it will depend on the cause of the pain too. I have heard very good reports on acupuncture before though.

(p.s. welcome to the forum).
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04-03-2014, 11:52 PM

Re: Painkillers

Thanks Mups, I have had acupuncture many years ago and I felt that it helped quite a lot, a friend has had it for help with the menopause too.

The placebo effect is very interesting though and well recognised. Pain is a hard to define thing and also is more acute when a person is stressed, if they feel they are being treated for the pain they may be less stressed so the pain really is lessened.
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05-03-2014, 12:19 AM

Re: Painkillers

I tried acupuncture for my burning feet syndrome but to no effect. Probably different for different people.
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05-03-2014, 03:33 AM

Re: Painkillers

I have severe nerve damage which causes burning pins and needles in the hands and feet, also a degenerative back condition.
I have tried acupuncture which had no affect for me.
I haven't slept at all tonight......
I find my portable tens machine helps with back and neck pain for a short time. Unable to take more than one painkiller.
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05-03-2014, 08:52 AM

Re: Painkillers

I haven't got a bad back but I think if I had I would go for the acupuncture and not the pain killers. I don't take them for headaches so would be reluctant to put them in my stomach daily.
Hope they can find something to help soon for all in pain.
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05-03-2014, 10:43 AM

Re: Painkillers

Sorry to hear you had a rotten night Patsy, I understand a bit as I have a collapsed disk which causes nerve pain which goes down my arms. I don't think acupuncture is a quick solution to that kind of pain. It's a matter of trying different things or combinations of things. The stronger painkillers are hard to take, what I try to do is take one co-codamol, they are called zapain now,the 30mg codeine one with one ordinary paracetamol so you are getting the full amount of paracetamol with less codeine. The co-codamol comes in different doses but when the pain is bad I need at least one 30mg. I can't tolerate Tramadol and def won't take them, but when I have a flare up I manage with heated wheat bags and the painkillers for night time.
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05-03-2014, 10:53 AM

Re: Painkillers

Originally Posted by Anita ->
Sorry to hear you had a rotten night Patsy, I understand a bit as I have a collapsed disk which causes nerve pain which goes down my arms. I don't think acupuncture is a quick solution to that kind of pain. It's a matter of trying different things or combinations of things. The stronger painkillers are hard to take, what I try to do is take one co-codamol, they are called zapain now,the 30mg codeine one with one ordinary paracetamol so you are getting the full amount of paracetamol with less codeine. The co-codamol comes in different doses but when the pain is bad I need at least one 30mg. I can't tolerate Tramadol and def won't take them, but when I have a flare up I manage with heated wheat bags and the painkillers for night time.

Anita darlin' - I've had lots of surgery over the past 10 years - joint replacements for arthritic hip and knee joints. Doctors gave me Oromorph whilst in hospital for pain relief and two 100ml bottles on discharge plus a box of 100 Zapain too. If I'm in pain I try the Zapain first but if that doesn't work, will com bine the Zapain with Oromorph too - after a day or two the pain subsides and I then cease alll medication until the next flare up.
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05-03-2014, 11:29 AM

Re: Painkillers

Sounds like you have got it under control UJ, it's usually a matter of trying to find what works best. I find Zapain the easiest to tolerate even with the 30mg tablets, but some people can take Tramadol with no problems.
It's strange how sometimes there is no pain and sometimes it's really bad.
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