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08-05-2018, 01:56 PM

Another Anti-Corbyn MP Quits

They just keep leaving don't they?

Today it is Labour MP Heidi Alexander who has had enough of Old Compo Corbyn.

"Alexander was one of the first to quit the shadow cabinet in 2016 in the wake of the referendum. At the time, she told Corbyn that ‘a change of leadership is essential’, in the hope that Labour’s moderates could oust their leader"

How many more Looney MPs have to quit before the Looney party realises that CORBYN MUST GO !

The ever growing list of Looney Leavers:

Heidi Alexander - Labour MP Lewisham East

Patrick Heneghan - Election Chief

Steve Howell - Deputy director of communications and strategy

Jayne Fisher - Head of stakeholder engagement

Matt Zarb-Cousin - Media spokesman

Mike Hatchett - Economic policy chief

Simon Fletcher - Director of campaigns and planning

Neale Coleman - Head of policy

Anneliese Midgley - Deputy chief of staff

Shaz Salem - Party Campaigner

Sarah Champion - Forced out for bravely standing up to highlight the issue of Pakistani men raping white girls

Jared O’Mara - resigned after the unearthing of his history of homophobic and sexist comments on online forums.

John Woodcock MP suspended by Labour after sexual harassment claim

All that is left of the party is a Rogues Gallery of undesirables.

Looney Labour - Unfit To Govern

Jezbollah Corbyn - Unelectable
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08-05-2018, 02:24 PM

Re: Another Anti-Corbyn MP Quits

You really fear him don't you ?
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08-05-2018, 02:38 PM

Re: Another Anti-Corbyn MP Quits

Originally Posted by Bruv ->
You really fear him don't you ?

General Election Lost By Corbyn

Conservatives - 318 seats
Loonies - 262 seats

Jezbollah Corbyn:

Managed to p1ss off the young electorate by duping them into false promises of eradicated student debt and free tuition fees.

Has a history of supporting the IRA

Calls Hamas & Hezbollah friends

Appoints convicted election fraudster to office

Gives plum office job to his son

Has a shadow cabinet of utter numpties and reprobates.

Has seen swathes of Labour MP's and officials walk out on him.

And this is the would be No 10 contender you believe people fear ?!!!!

Wake up and smell the coffee mate because Looney Labour won't be in No 10 for years upon years and all because of Marxist Corbyn and his militant Momentum thugs.

There is about as much to fear from Old Compo as a stick of candy floss.

"Jeremy Corbyn is not the phenomenon that he and his supporters believe. He is just the head of a relatively small cult composed of ragtag socialist and Marxist agitators, single-issue obsessives, muck stirrers, wishful thinkers and compulsive demonstrators.

Let's be generous and say they amount to half a million or so.

Admittedly they make a lot of noise and fill a lot of space on social media but there are more than 40 million voters in England and Wales.

Most wouldn't dream of going on a protest march. They would never be seen arguing at a political committee meeting and the biggest revolution they are likely to engage in is having rice instead of spuds occasionally."

"But ordinary people living anonymous lives vote from time to time and although Mr Corbyn enjoyed a brief wave of popularity it looks as if the public have worked out that he's only an empty can of musty old ideas who is living a dream that is not their dream."
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08-05-2018, 03:14 PM

Re: Another Anti-Corbyn MP Quits

People have joked about the Labour Party being, in effect, two political parties. It seems that may be coming to pass.

We could end up with a moderate Labour Party, that could form a viable opposition, and a communist anti-Semitic Loony Party that people make jokes about.

With Compo and the Abbopottamus, the latter would at least provide entertainment value.
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08-05-2018, 03:20 PM

Re: Another Anti-Corbyn MP Quits

Unlike the present Government that kowtows to it's business supporters and has nothing but contempt for the electorate.
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08-05-2018, 04:40 PM

Re: Another Anti-Corbyn MP Quits

Why not rename yourself Obsessive rather than Realist ?

Better to take a closer look at the sitting government and it's ministers and their aims and accomplishments so far, and then work out if they are following the ideals you personally uphold, they are certainly not mine.................I will take a chance on a very long term idealist leader rather than the self serving present incumbents, and strangly enough your rantings make me more certain every time.
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08-05-2018, 04:42 PM

Re: Another Anti-Corbyn MP Quits

Gosh I actually agree with JBR! A new Labour Party, sounds good!
How come Heidi Alexander quit today if she left in 2016? Or did I read the op wrongly?
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08-05-2018, 05:12 PM

Re: Another Anti-Corbyn MP Quits

Originally Posted by Bruv ->
I will take a chance on a very long term idealist leader rather than the self serving present incumbents.
Corbyn isn't a long term idealist. He's a total fraud. A man who is prepared to say and do anything to get to No 10 no matter how ridiculous or patently unachievable that is.
He would set himself on the throne and thereby become the next self-serving despot except that his Marxist tendencies and repeated fraternising with terrorists would pretty much see this country completely ruined.

Thankfully there are many millions of good and decent voters in the country who, whilst not being overly happy with the current government, nevertheless absolutely recognise the fraud and "clear and present" danger that Jezbollah Corbyn & Co represent to the UK.
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08-05-2018, 06:13 PM

Re: Another Anti-Corbyn MP Quits

Originally Posted by TessA ->
Gosh I actually agree with JBR! A new Labour Party, sounds good!
How come Heidi Alexander quit today if she left in 2016? Or did I read the op wrongly?
Well don't sound so surprised.

I do talk a lot of sense sometimes.

In fact, unless you're a communist or a remainiac, ALL of the time!
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08-05-2018, 06:23 PM

Re: Another Anti-Corbyn MP Quits

Originally Posted by Realist ->
Corbyn isn't a long term idealist. He's a total fraud. A man who is prepared to say and do anything to get to No 10 no matter how ridiculous or patently unachievable that is.
He would set himself on the throne and thereby become the next self-serving despot except that his Marxist tendencies and repeated fraternising with terrorists would pretty much see this country completely ruined.

Thankfully there are many millions of good and decent voters in the country who, whilst not being overly happy with the current government, nevertheless absolutely recognise the fraud and "clear and present" danger that Jezbollah Corbyn & Co represent to the UK.

Yes, once the present Labour party splits asunder, as I suggested, we would return to the situation of two main parties, probably both genuinely electable.

The communist/marxist dregs of what is now the Loony party would shrink to very small numbers when more people realise what they are like, and traditional Labour voters would, once again, have a more sensible option.

The New Loony Party could become the new Monster Raving Loony Party!
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