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26-07-2021, 06:02 PM

Re: Me, me, me.

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
She sounds like a lady who is not happy with her life Art & you must have looked like a kind lady she could talk to. If she ever does it again tell her the police have been informed that she is a stalker and will be waiting to arrest her at the next stop, when you get off!
Twink, You are funny!!

Actually, The Lockdowns must’ve been hell for her!
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26-07-2021, 06:24 PM

Re: Me, me, me.

Originally Posted by Dextrous63 ->
I'm happy to let anyone offload to me, providing I've got the time and inclination to listen. No man is an island etc etc
Some of us are fairly extensive peninsulas though, so to speak.

The best bit about Lockdowns was not being allowed to sit next to people on public transport - couple that with my ever-present headphones and I never, ever had to talk to anyone. Even the masks were a bonus because they made it difficult to talk anyway.

Bluetooth headphones are even good at stopping a current conversation, as all I need to do is look distracted, say I must take this incoming call, touch the controls on the side of the earpiece and walk off slightly pretending to have a phone conversation with someone.

I don't mind the "nice day we're having" kind of conversations, but I have no interest in listening to a long monologue about a total stranger's life, medical problems or troubles. I have enough problems of my own.
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27-07-2021, 02:43 PM

Re: Me, me, me.

This morning I met a woman, bearing this thread in mind, we exchanged polite neighbourly words and I prepared to move off. She suddenly said to me
"Have you been having issues with a mop?"

I replied that I hadn't, and made to excuse myself

"Oh but I see a mop" she said "I'm a medium, and you have good energy...the 21st June is significant to you, and something happened at Christmas...not this Christmas gone, but another Christmas...maybe still to come"

Again I smiled and said "I'm sorry, I don't know anything about that - I have to go now, see you again"

"Wait a moment" she said "You have issues with your arms like you have to flex them all the time"

(Only when I have to push someone out of the way, lady!!)

"No, I have no problems with my arms" I said, getting a bit irritated now

"You don't have faith in spiritualists do you....I can sense you keep people at a distance"

"Listen" I said "I have no idea about any of that, but I really need to go now, bye"

"Think about what I said..." she called after me "Think about it!"

Aye right, so....there you go. me, me, me. Except it wasn't ME talking about myself, it was some odd woman in the street!
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27-07-2021, 02:56 PM

Re: Me, me, me.

Originally Posted by Pixie Knuckles ->
something happened at Christmas...not this Christmas gone, but another Christmas...maybe still to come"
Come on, Pixie, you must admit it's uncanny how she managed to be so precise.
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27-07-2021, 03:01 PM

Re: Me, me, me.

Originally Posted by Harbal ->
Come on, Pixie, you must admit it's uncanny how she managed to be so precise.
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27-07-2021, 03:05 PM

Re: Me, me, me.

Originally Posted by Pixie Knuckles ->
This morning I met a woman, bearing this thread in mind, we exchanged polite neighbourly words and I prepared to move off. She suddenly said to me
"Have you been having issues with a mop?"

I replied that I hadn't, and made to excuse myself

"Oh but I see a mop" she said "I'm a medium, and you have good energy...the 21st June is significant to you, and something happened at Christmas...not this Christmas gone, but another Christmas...maybe still to come"

Again I smiled and said "I'm sorry, I don't know anything about that - I have to go now, see you again"

"Wait a moment" she said "You have issues with your arms like you have to flex them all the time"

(Only when I have to push someone out of the way, lady!!)

"No, I have no problems with my arms" I said, getting a bit irritated now

"You don't have faith in spiritualists do you....I can sense you keep people at a distance"

"Listen" I said "I have no idea about any of that, but I really need to go now, bye"

"Think about what I said..." she called after me "Think about it!"

Aye right, so....there you go. me, me, me. Except it wasn't ME talking about myself, it was some odd woman in the street!
Pixie i think I have worked out what this lady was saying....
1) You should only mop the floor on 21st June, when your energy is high!
2) Never risk using a mop at Christmas!

Sounds like the spirits are on your side!
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27-07-2021, 03:22 PM

Re: Me, me, me.

Originally Posted by Twink55 ->
Pixie i think I have worked out what this lady was saying....
1) You should only mop the floor on 21st June, when your energy is high!
2) Never risk using a mop at Christmas!

Sounds like the spirits are on your side!
Aye Twink....maybe you are right, gosh you aren't a medium too are you?!
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