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19-05-2016, 10:55 AM

Re: War with russia

We spend more on 'Defense' than anything else, as do the Americans. The Military, Industrial Complex is the most powerful influence on Western politics. There are currently discussions here about the renewal of Trident, which will cost us trillions of pounds when we are in politically enforced Austerity.

Our government has to justify the reduction on spending on welfare, infrastructure and the selling off of our assets, including our greatest treasure the NHS. What better excuse could there be for all that than the threat of a war with Russia?

What need has Putin for starting a war? His country is improving financially, unlike ours and the US and they have all the essential minerals and land they need. As for Ukraine, it's the part he didn't annex that is the problem, with a corrupt Fascist government trying to join the EU. Why would he make war to get himself more problems? He may be as corrupt as they come but, let's face it, so are most of our politicians and he, at least, has improved live for his people tremendously since he came to power, which is a lot more than any of ours can say.
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19-05-2016, 11:11 AM

Re: War with russia


I think that it would be more accurate to refer to the Ukrainian Government as a bunch of corrupt Ex Communists rather than corrupt Fascists.
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19-05-2016, 12:02 PM

Re: War with russia

I still think of the Ukraine, and Belorussia for that matter, as being part of Russia, although other eastern European countries like Poland not so. Perhaps just the way things have been during my earlier lifetime.

The EU seems to me to have an expansionist programme, taking over countries in Europe one by one. I can see that Russia would see that as a threat, just as I see it as a threat to my own country.

We, at least, have the option of extricating ourselves from that corrupt organisation, and I sincerely hope we do, but poor east European countries presumably have no wish to leave as it is to their undoubted financial benefit to remain in, so the expansion continues in that direction.

It does none of us any good for American expansionism to send their forces to those countries either. More reasons for Russia to become worried.

If there is ever to be a 'third world war', and if that should escalate to a nuclear exchange, it will be our fault rather than Russia's.
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22-05-2016, 10:05 AM

Re: War with russia

I cant see Putin wanting a full scale war in Europe.
this is typical warmongering from the Military.
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22-05-2016, 11:19 AM

Re: War with russia

Originally Posted by Purdy ->
I cant see Putin wanting a full scale war in Europe.
this is typical warmongering from the Military.
I agree. Perhaps due to a particular referendum coming up soon.
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23-05-2016, 07:27 AM

Re: War with russia

Originally Posted by Primus1 ->
According to the ex deputy commander of NATO , the west could be at war with Russia by next year, Putin,s forces will sieze territory in the Ukraine, then invade Latvia and other Balkan states, as Latvia is a member of NATO this would bring the west and east into direct conflict,
let's just hope he's wrong, the alternative doesn't bear thinking about
Only if Trump is elected.
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23-05-2016, 08:17 AM

Re: War with russia

Quote from The Spectator:

Predicting what might happen in a Donald Trump presidency is easy. Day 1: A fabulous, really great inaugural, the best ever, with amazing entertainment by fabulous, top people. Day 2: War with Iran. Day 3: War with North Korea. Day 4: Mexico builds a wall to keep out Americans.
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23-05-2016, 08:17 AM

Re: War with russia

I doubt very much that Russia is looking to wage war but Putin has always had the goal for reclaiming the old Soviet Satellites which provide a buffer between Russia and the West. Although he doesn't want to wage war its my opinion that he thinks he can outwit the West By stealth and duplicity. Much as he has done in Crimea, Eastern Ukraine, South Osettia and almost did in Georgia.
As for the spending more on defence it is untrue. The biggest cost to the exchequer in the UK is Pensions 20% followed by Health 18% and Welfare 15%. Defence spend is a mere 6%
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23-05-2016, 08:30 AM

Re: War with russia

Im ready, got my Bow, Poleaxe, and Morning Star.
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23-05-2016, 08:45 AM

Re: War with russia

We should form a sort of Dad's Army Nom. We should be able to hold 'em off. Bags the role of Capt Mainwaring, Ive got the build for it.
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